The users of Liberty Reserve continue receiving various types of phishing e-mails. Imagination of the phishers is so much developed that all the e–mails are different and look very creditable. The only thing that makes people doubt is the demand to click on links or to provide some secret information. The attack is so intensive that the system had to release a statement to keep its users away from the scammers:
Please note that Liberty Reserve DOES NOT send out e-mails. The only e-mails you may receive from Liberty Reserve would be your payment confirmations and sent message confirmations. Always remember that Liberty Reserve WILL NEVER ask you to click on any links, to validate your account, or to provide ANY information via e-mail. There is NO WAY to unblock or validate your account by clicking any links. If you have concern whether something came from Liberty Reserve or need any other assistance - please contact us via ticketing system (general support) or via live chat (8:00AM - 6:00PM M-F GMT-6).
Be careful and don’t provide your secret information, even if you use another payment system.
by EcommerceJournal
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- kentaro17
- Im Real HYIP Player Who invest with own Money, Please dont Trust HYIP MOnitor They all are Paid Poster only...Follow me Lets make Money Online
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Golden rules of HYIPer
Rule1: Prepare to Lose
Be prepared to lose and only invest money you can afford to lose. Always invest in HYIP to earn extra income for other purposes such as setting up a business.
Rule2: Zero Emotion
Don’t let your emotion do your investing. Don’t be Greedy!! Don’t be afraid!! PLAN PLAN PLAN!! Stick to your PLAN!!
Rule3: Diversify
Diversify your money into 10 to 20 programs. What to diversify into? It will depends on what type of investor you are. Usually only 70% or more of your investments will fail before you even get back your 100% of your money. However, your remaining investments will pull through long enough to coverup for the loss.
Rule4: Get Capital ASAP
Always take out your capital as soon as possible before you do any compounding or reinvesting. If you are Mr Hell, then you might ignore this rule.
Rule5: Grow Wisely
After you have got back your capital, begin to compound. 100%,75%,50% or 25%….its your choice. Higher compounding rate if your program is doing well. 0% compounding if your program is dying.
Rule6: Research
You must always do you own research before you enter into any program. Read the forums, read the monitoring sites.
Ask yourself these questions:
- who are the administrators?
- are they responsive?
- where are they from?
- which monitoring site are monitoring them?
- what are the comments given by the public?
- how did they get their income?
- how long have they being operating?
- what documents do they have?
Rule7: Sceptical
Always be sceptical loser before you enter any program. When you are a sceptical person, you will do 10 times more research than an idiot who joins a program blindly.
Rule8: Watch for Warning Signs
When you are involved in a program, watch out for the warning signs!
If your program is failing, don’t bother crying over it. Look elsewhere for a better investment.
HYIP scam/problem (dont invest here)
Labels: HYIP Info
Interview with the admin of VolcanoInvest
1. Please introduce yourself to my readers. What experience with online investment programs do you have?
Hello, I’m Rob, Admin of VolcanoInvest, Inc. More and more investors around the world are seeking alternative investment methods for earning good profit. Our financial team consists of five traders with 3 years experience. Their specialty - intraday trading on a FOREX market. The technical team consists of two engineers who support the VolcanoInvest site online. We trade the collected and personal funds to share our profit with all members.
2. Tell us more about the plans VolcanoInvest is offering to investors. What are the minimum and the maximum amounts to deposit? Is there some re-investment option available after a deposit expires?
Ok. Look at the Plans.
1) The Starter plan, minimum is $5 and the maximum is $50 for a single deposit, but you can make several deposits at one time. Rates: 105% after 1 day (including your principal).
2) The Standard plan, minimum is $10 and the maximum is $100 for a single deposit, but you can also make several deposits at the same time. Rates: 110% after 2 days (including your principal).
3) The Investor plan, minimum is $20 and the maximum is $200 again for a single deposit, but as before you can make several deposits at one time here too. Rates: 120% after 3 days (including your principal).
According our Terms - no payouts on Sunday. The Withdrawal button will be available after deposit plan expiration, payout request will be processed within 12 hours (usually faster). Also you can re-invest directly from your account balance, either a partial or full amount of the expired deposit. You can make an additional deposits (also with different e-currencies) as many times as you wish, but limit is 5 active deposits at one time. The maximum amount for all active deposits is limited to US$1000. All limits are set to prevent against hit’n'runner, hit’n'hunter practice.
E-currencies: E-gold (manually), LibertyReserve (automatically), V-money (automatically), AlterGold (automatically).
One level referral program. You can earn up to 3% on referral deposits.
After your investment expires you will have 3 options:
1) You can withdraw the full amount (your principal and your profit).
2) You can withdraw any amount you wish and re-invest the rest back to current deposit. Using this option you can really save money by excluding the payment processor fees.
3) You can re-invest the full amount (your principal and your profit).
3. Do you think such high rates will be sustainable in the long run? Why are there no payouts on Sunday available?
Yes, I think the rates are reasonable. Sunday is a weekend for us. A day off work.
4. Why did you set the maximum limit of $1,000? Do you think with this protection VolcanoInvest will run for a longer time?
I think yes. The maximum amount for all active deposits is limited to US$1000. All limits are set to prevent against the hit’n'hunter practice.
5. What payment processors do you accept and will you think about adding more payment options in the future?
We accept LibertyReserve, V-Money, AlterGold and e-gold. I plan to add PerfectMoney and maybe Pecunix soon.
6. What kind of script do you use? Is it customized and secure? It looks to me exactly like X-HYIP script I saw in other similar programs at the beginning of 2008. Can you tell me where you purchased this script?
Yes, this script was bought on eBay auction and seriously modified by the experienced programmers. Yes, this script is secured.
7. Do you have anti-DDoS protection implemented on VolcanoInvest site? Can you be sure that you will not suffer from future DdoS-attacks?
Yes, the VolcanoInvest site is under DDoS protection powered by BlackLotus Communication (BLCC). I plan to buy next protection level to increase protection level.
8. What advertising strategy are using to make VolcanoInvest known among potential investors and popular in the shortest time possible?
We use popular forums like MMG, TG, DTM and others. Of course the monitor sites. We also advertise via Get Paid to Read programs and via AutoSurf programs and more.
9. Your program is only a few days online. So how much time do you estimate VolcanoInvest will last?
I plan a long online life. In any case I will do the best I can.
10. What differentiates VolcanoInvest from similar short-term programs in your honest opinion?
The unique Withdrawal options, the open live statistics, fast support, fast payouts.
11. What would like to tell to my readers to encourage their participation in VolcanoInvest program?
I think, your readers can try with a small deposit to research VolcanoInvest site more carefully.
12. What is your opinion about my blog? In what way can it be of more help to online investors?
Very good site where people can get the plenty of information to help them make the right decisions. Good luck.”
As you can see from the interview with the admin of VolcanoInvest he actually tried to avoid answering my question about X-HYIP script. So I could only draw the conclusion that it’s really the same admin that ran Invest4FastProfit and other similar programs with this script in the first half of 2008. Well, the script has been modified of course and these modifications can be seen with the naked eye: for example, the stats are less detailed now and you can’t actually see the payout queue anymore. But is it such a bad thing that VolcanoInvest admin can be the same person who ran different programs in the past? Of course, not, there’s nothing wrong with it. All his previous programs ran longer than two weeks and I don’t think VolcanoInvest will be an exception. That’s why I can recommend VolcanoInvest to you even knowing that it’s coming from the same admin. It can be a great advantage because the admin is really a skillful person with a lot of experience that will help him avoid many bumps in the road to becoming a successful program in the future. Just treat VolcanoInvest as a game and don’t invest more than you can afford to lose! Then you will almost surely be a winner and make some profit.
source : money news online
Labels: Interview
Interview with the admin of MutualForexFund
1. Please introduce yourself to my readers. What position do you occupy in MutualForexFund?
It’s my pleasure to introduce MutualForexFund to your readers and tell you more about our business. My name is Warren Tulloch and I’m co-head of Mutual Forex Inc. Martin Fanning is Head of Mutual Forex Inc. and he has over 15 years experience in the equities market being responsible for developing investment strategies and overseeing investment manager and foreign exchange transactions. Rachel Vallano provides analytical support to our investment team, including the research, generation of ideas and attribution analysis. She also manages relationships with investors.
2. Please tell us more about your investment activities. Are the returns fully backed up by your investments?
Mutual Forex Inc. is a full service investment provider focused solely on the FOREX trading market. We believe that a Foreign Exchange Investment Fund should provide clients with every necessary and possible resource needed for success.
Running an online investment fund rather than conventional one provides us certain advantages against regular funds. Most important of them is that certain regulations which are normally applied to regular investment funds and strongly limits the way they can be managed are not applied to an investment fund which is operated strictly online. One of those regulations allows us to have short position when trading, which is strictly forbidden for offline investment funds. We are also able to collect investments from virtually anywhere in the world. The main purpose of existence of our mutual fund is to make it possible for everyone to be a part of the market and even make a living of it while having minimum trading experience.
3. Are the returns you offer to online investors guaranteed? What will happen if you are unable to pay the returns due to losses on the Forex market?
Members should understand that not investing their money is a risk in itself, because inflation will cause the purchasing power of their money to fall.
In FOREX Market there are winnings and losses too. They key is to deal with the losses. We use Margin Calls and Stop loss in our trades so if the charts don’t move as predicted the position will be closed automatically with a small loose for us. To fight back unsuspected situations in the FOREX market which could negatively influence our trading results we use various methods which also include a reserve fund, safe and also liquid. In case of a huge trading loss, we would use our reserve fund to pay our investors until we recover. Another method is to lower the return for a month or two until the situation goes back to normal.
4. Can you provide proof that you’re a registered entity? Can you provide the proof that MutualForexFund is really involved in Forex trading?
Mutual Forex Inc. is registered in file #033293 in the Republic of Seychelles since December 11, 2006. Our office is located on Suite 9, Ansuya Estate Revolution Ave, Victoria. We’ve chosen to incorporate our company in Republic of Seychelles for tax savings purpose. You can check a scanned version of our incorporation certificate here. We have open trading accounts with 3 Forex Brokers: FXOpen, Marketiva and Finexo. In the coming weeks we’ll prepare a due diligence map with our trading records so investors can evaluate our performance.
5. What are the investment plans MutualForexFund can offer to online investors? What is the purpose of the Manifesto plan?
MutualForexFund comes with 4 investing plans: three plans supported by Forex Trading and one plan, Manifesto that is supported by internal advertising budget.
STANDARD PLAN - # 1.7% fixed Daily interest / # Investment term : 150 Bdays / Principal returned after plan term ends. / # Total Return: 355% of your investment [255% (Profit) + 100% (Principal)]
PREMIUM PLAN - # 2% fixed Daily interest / # Investment term : 150 Bdays / # Principal returned after plan completion / # Total Return: 400% of your investment [300%(Profit) + 100% (Principal)]
VIP PLAN - # 2.5% fixed Daily interest / # Investment term : 150 Bdays / # Principal returned after plan completion / # Total Return: 475% of your investment [375% (Profit) + 100% (Principal)]
MANIFESTO PLAN - # 110% after 10 days / # Investment term : 10 days / # Profit and principal is paid when plan ends. / # Total Return:110% [10% (Profit) + 100% (Principal)]
Manifesto plan is a limited time offer and as I’ve said is supported by our advertising budget. Instead of buying expensive banner ads or traffic we decided is more productive to offer a high yield plan for the ones that want to try MutualForexFund. Investments in Manifesto Plan are capped at max $250 for each member.
6. Will you return the principal back to investors after the investment term matures? Is compounding allowed?
Yes the principal is returned in full to investors after the investment term matures. Members can also choose a compounding percent from their daily earnings. Compound Interest helps investors build wealth faster and increase their investment portfolio. On the other hand it help us achieving higher results by using the funds to generate profits for a longer period.
7. What payment processors do you accept? Why did you choose these payment processors and do you plan to add more payment options in the near future?
Currently we accept deposits using LibertyReserve, C-gold, SolidTrustPay, PerfectMoney and Pecunix. Main reason for choosing the payment processors was the forex broker acceptance. We need to transfer the funds from MutualForexFund accounts to Forex Brokers and then transfer back in order to pay the investors. Processing fees were another important aspect.
8. What script do you use to run MutualForexFund and why did you choose this script? Is it safe and secure to handle member’s money?
We use a licensed version of HYIPManager Script, modified to meet our requirements by its creator, Dennis Presto. He assured us the script is safe and reliable to use. Dennis is also in charge to maintain the program in good standing and perform security updates.
9. What hosting provider does MutualForexFund use? Do you have anti-DDoS protection implemented to defend your site from possible DdoS-attacks that are quite frequent now in the HYIP industry?
MutualForexFund is hosted on a dedicated server provided by is offering advanced, customised DDoS protected hosting using ClearPath technology.
10. What advertising strategy do you use to make MutualForexFund known among online investors?
We’re not going to spend a lot on huge advertising campaigns. That’s why in first place we have open the MANIFESTO plan preferring to offer to our investors better returns than spending money on advertising. Of course we promote MutualForexFund in the investors’ communities but we’d like to let word of mouth speak about us and our performance.
11. In your opinion what differentiates MutualForexFund from hundreds of scam programs that also claim to be trading on Forex market? What unique features does MutualForexFund have which others don’t?
As a company, Mutual Forex Inc. aims for full transparency and is ready to supply any current or potential investor with any information might require. Our Senior Trader, Martin Fanning have traded the Forex Markets for over 5 years for some of the largest financial institutions in the world and he has over 15 years experience in the equities markets.
There are some advantages of investing with MutualForexFund that I’d like to mention bellow:
- A consistent, disciplined approach to investing
- Direct access to your own designated Investment Manager Account
- Timely response to your questions
- Multiple payment processors accepted
- Lucrative affiliate program
- Offshore registered trading company
Among this we offer great and fast support, a dedicated team and quick payouts.
12. What are your plans for near future? Would would you like to say to the investors that are still hesitant to invest in MutulForexFund?
In the following weeks we should be busy spreading the word about MutualForexFund along the online investors’ communities and also tweak the system making sure is working as it should. We invested a substantial amount to make sure we have an environment which gives our investors the peace of mind. There are enhancements scheduled so stay tuned.
We also work on a new service for our members: Forex Signals. Investors that have FOREX trading knowledge and prefer to trade by themselves can buy Forex signals we use to generate profits. We are also going to provide further technical and non-technical information about our trading activities so that our business could be seen as even more transparent than it is now.
Investors that are hesitant to try us have a multitude of choices:
a) Bookmark our site and come back after few months a year or more. We will still be here providing services for our members.
b) Try out the Manifesto plan. The Manifesto plan is a 110% return after 10 days fast returns plan supported entirely by our advertising budget, being capped at min $20 and max $250 per deposit per user. If you’re afraid to invest your money for only 10 days time period then honestly high yield investments are not for you. Better deposit your money with a bank or invest in bonds, guaranteed by the gov.
c) Trade on your own using our FOREX Signals.
13. What is your honest opinion about my blog? How do you think it could help online investors to make reasonable decisions?
I’ve spend few hours reading your blog and I find it very informative for online investors. Providing reviews, interviews and daily news you provide all what an investor needs to choose the right investment program.”
Well, as you can see from the interview MutualForexFund is a serious and registered company with ambitious plans for the future and great team of supporters who can make this program one of the most serious players in the HYIP market soon.
source : money news online
Labels: Interview
Reasons why people choose to play HYIP’s
Hyip playing for newbies can be a little scary. If you are totally new to the hyip world, all the terminology can be confusing. But there are a lot of advantages to hyip playing compared to other ways of making extra money online.
Here are the top seven reasons why hyip has more advantages than other ways of online money making opportunities:
1. You can begin quickly – All you need to get going is to sign up for an online e-currency based payment processor. The process is pretty fast and simple and you can be ready to play in just a matter of one or two minutes after you deposit your initial capital into the hyip that you choose via the e-currency based payment processor that you have registered.
2. You can make small deposits early on – As a newbie, you can start slowly while you gain experience with as low as $5. This limits your risk while you give yourself time to learn and structure your plans and strategies as well as build confidence in your ability to win and to make profits.
3. You can do hyip playing as a part time source of income – If you have a day job, you can do your research and set up your game in the evenings, on weekends and even sneak in some time during lunch. This is very important to people who want to play as a way of generating a second or passive income stream in addition to their stable day job.
4. You play as much or as little as you want – You are always in control of how fast you play. You can take extra time to learn new techniques or methods or conduct research. And if something comes up and you do not have any time to devote to your hyip portfolio monitoring, you can withdraw most of your funds from hyips and take a break if you want.
5. Online hyip related community websites – You will have more news, updates as well as information that you can use than hyip players had six years ago. This is a huge advantage compared to other ways you can try to make money online where you have to struggle in the dark to find your way.
6. You can discuss with many experienced hyip players – For newbies, there are many experienced players you can ask to help you to understand or suggest which hyips you could join. But bear in mind, do not follow their suggestion blindly. Some of them suggesting you to join a particular hyip just because they want to earn referral commissions. However, you can still find this is a good way for you to save your research time or to keep you from making poor hyip decisions. And another good thing is they will not charge you anything for their advice.
7. You can make big profits – Your time is valuable. So if you are going to spend some of that time to make extra money, you should make sure that you have a good chance to make big profits. The hyip world can give you that. Hyip playing for newbies is fun and exciting. But you have to dedicate yourself to learning the right methods and to follow the right steps to get started.
Electronic hyip playing has brought the vast potential of this industry to anyone with an internet connection and a computer and some small initial capital. Do you know that anyone can learn how to play hyips and enjoy the success if they follow some basic guidelines.
The first point to make is that over 95% of players who try hyip playing lose their money and the reason is that they either get the wrong information and learning process or do not have the mindset for success. So, what do you have to do to be successful?
First let’s take a look at what advantages of playing hyip online gives you and here are just a few:
- Anyone can learn hyip playing and succeed – you do not need a PhD and you do not need a magic spell.
- You only need an internet connection and some initial capital.
- You can play for big profit opportunities every day.
- There is never recession, as one hyip falls, another must rise and vice versa.
- You can play in around 30 minutes a day or less.
- You can control your game by 5 hyips or more.
The other point to keep in mind with hyip playing is that while there are opportunities to play each day, you only want to play with only high odds hyips where the possibility for you to at least reach the break even are higher. And this means being patient and playing infrequently.
If you want to make money in the hyip world, play with the high odds hyips and they come around only every few weeks but remember you do not get rewarded for playing often, but you get rewarded for placing the right exit hyip point on the right hyip.
happy invest and dont forget always invest with confidence...
Labels: step by step about hyip
PanaMoney Technologies, Inc.
PanaMoney Technologies, Inc. has its principle place of business in Panama City, Panama where it is legally registered. Its business includes automated trading in Forex.PanaMoney Technologies, Inc. is a legally registered managed Forex trading company offering up to 2.8% daily for up to 180 days. Fully transparent: watch our Forex trading sessions real time and keep track of your transactions and company¡¯s profits.The minimum amount of withdrawal via e-currency is 1 USD.The minimum amount of withdrawal via bank transfer is 1000 USD. Documents of incorporation can be downloaded in the page of contact.
Address: PanaMoney Technologies, Inc. 50th Street, Global Plaza Tower, 19th Floor, Suite H Panama City, Panama
Whois info:dedicated server, domain expires in 2018. Comodo SSL,Blockdos protection.Live support.
just click here if you wanna join this amazing program :
Labels: New comer (Hot HYIP)
Miiinv Online Investment Program (MOIP)
Miiinv Online Investment Program (MOIP),We are able to pay our investors for as many years as they choose to remain with us. Our company employs several professional trader groups based in Europe and Asia and this enables us to invest into different Markets around the world. Short term and intraday trading orders are our speciality. We have set a very ambitious target - to become the best high yield project on the web that will make customers' funds work. We offer our expertise, knowledge and excellent service to everyone who strives towards a financial success.Our company's most valuable asset is relationship between Miinv Online Investment. and its customers. We believe that our cooperation must be based on trust, amicability, professionalism and openness.
Address: 305-307 Breck Road Everton , Liverpool, L5 6PU
Whois info:dedicated server, domain expires in 2010. Blockdos protection. Licensed script.
just click here if you wanna join this amazing program :
Labels: HYIP Scam
Now e-gold payment system close accounts in spite of all required documents. That is why a lot of our investors couldn't withdraw money using e-gold payment system. We made a decision to allow of withdrawal of e-gold deposits via Liberty Reserve payment system. In this case it's possible to change currencies at the rate 4 e-gold to 1 LR. At that moment all payments via e-gold are suspended. We apologize to all our investors. The withdrawal of means via e-gold will be available as soon as we can solve all problems concerning e-gold payment system.
Labels: HYIP Info
Greetings my friends, as you can see I started a new category where you can read my reviews about different money making program. Right now I want to recommend you a high yield investment program that I think it will be a success in the next year.
Mutual Forex Fund is a registered company under the name of Mutual Forex Inc and it was incorporated in the Republic of Seychelles. You can download their investment prospect or contact them by e-mail or mail at Mutual Forex Inc Suite 9, Ansuya Estate Revolution Ave, Victoria Republic of Seychelles. I must say that their certificate of incorporation present in their investment prospect attracted my attention and I decided to make a review about this promising program.
Mutual Forex Fund offers 3 investment plans and 1 Promo Plan as a limited time offer:
- Standard Plan with a ROI of 1.7% Daily For 150 Days, Minimum deposit: $ 10, Maximum deposit: $ 1000 and Principal returned at plan completion.
Premium Plan with a ROI of 2% Daily For 150 Days, Minimal deposit : $ 1,001, Maximum deposit : $ 2500 and Principal returned at plan completion.
VIP Plan with a ROI of 2.5% Daily For 150 Days, Minimal deposit : $ 2501, Maximum deposit : $ 5000 and Principal returned at plan completion.
Limited Time Offer Manifesto Plan with a ROI of 110% After 10 Days, Minimum investment $20 and Maximum investment of $200.
Another advantage of Mutual Forex Fund is that they accept different payment processors such as: SolidTrustPay, LibertyReserve, PerfectMoney and more. I`ve done a small research and it seems that Mutual Forex Fund is hosted on a Dedicated Server, this feature will make investors accounts more secure.
by Money-Magazine
Labels: HYIP Info
Recently a registered Panamanian company, PanaMoney Technologies, Inc., has introduced its services to public. PanaMoney offers its clients to open managed Forex accounts and invest in Forex. The company has developed its own unique trading system combining the advantages of automated Forex trading with all relevant math analysis calculations and trading strategies which had been tested by company’s professionals for many years.
But it is its transparency that makes this company cut above the rest. Once registered, every client gets an exclusive opportunity to watch PanaMoney Forex trading sessions in real time: price dynamics of every of the four currency pairs the company trades with and company’s gains and losses at the course of daily trades. At the end of the trading day the final outcome of the trading session can be found in Trading History, where all company’s profits for every trading day are open to its clients.
The company’s original features in managed Forex trading also include the possibility of the client to choose the currency pair to trade. As client’s profit depends on amount of his/her investment and the result of company’s trades, it is the client decision what currency pair the investment will be traded with allowing gaining more in one currency than in another. There is also an outstanding option for reinvesting or increasing the invested amount. It is the combining of current several investment plans into one. The company allows no compounding but the daily profits can be accumulated on the client’s account and invested into a new investment plan that can further be combined with the initial investment for bigger profits. These two features give investors freedom in making trading decisions and developing their own investment strategies.
PanaMoney’s website is as well unique in its professionalism, easy-to-use client interface and client-oriented approach. In particular, the company’s Customer Support and management can be contacted by e-mail, contact form on the website, live chat or by submitting tickets directly from the client’s account.
In this way, PanaMoney sets a new standard for managed Forex companies to open up their profits, show the course of trading to their investors and allow them to take investment decisions that can influence their gains.
by EcommerceJournal
Labels: HYIP Info