How to start your own strategy?

Many investors searching for the key to the constant earnings look through many sites and forums, reading thoroughly different strategies by different people, different groups and informative resources. Of course all of them are good in their own way, they have their integrity, though practically in each of them investor comes across lots of referral links and ad messages and in 80% with absolutely insane, non-actual action plan that can not only help in getting the profit, though even do some harm!

Hardly ever one may find the variants suitable for two different people, spread by let`s say one week time. Only one week and such a strategy is like a spoilt medicine that becomes illegal… and there`s only one way out here. to have your OWN strategy…

Actually, every investor has his strategy, even if he hasn`t though about it. IAE, but everyone acts in accordance with some worked out rules which are the best and the most successful. Undoubtedly, not many people attach such a meaning, scientific approach to this process. All these boring comprehension get people down and many investors invest just for the sake of joke.

Though, believe it, everything is not so bad. The fact I am writing this material doesn`t mean that it will be very dull and boring, and its principles will only be attached for experienced investors, old ones, wearing glasses. Well

Everything may be rather simple and funny. One has just think of his actions. So, for instance, what are you guiding with, not investing to program with a high percent? Right… you are afraid that if they are paying high percent, they will immediately stop their work. Right you are… Sometimes, the other way round, you deposit to t his program, not the one, giving let`s say 0.1% daily… that`s because it seems not much to you, though you understand that such program will pay you for years, no matter ponzi it is or not… this moment you maybe just hope to receive two payouts at once and find yourself in profit before the program closes.

Everything is quite simple. If you listen to you aims and striving you will easily make up the strategy that would strike your internal aims. I.e., you will just do what you like, though making some for it… BUT WHY? You may ask. The thing is that success is more probable when you work CONSTANTLY. Yes, tactics should be changed sometimes, though one should be self-possessed at the same time.

Otherwise you may suffer the same fate with the fisherman, changing the place for fishing all the time, in such a way changing the place where the fish has just moved. You just have to calculate and start acting. Yes, if you invest just for the sake of a joke, you cannot even listen to the thoughts, without being bothered by the analysis.

You won`t need that, cause your move doesn`t provide for the checking two steps ahead, but if you invest regularly, during let`s say one month you just need the plan of the chess campaign.

Earlier we have already demonstrated how one can set the main direction of the strategy reasoning from the simple common sense. Whether it`s the impetuous achievement or slower one, though reliable – it depends on you only. In both cases, the aim is the profit. It`s just not the less important is your calmness and balance. What`s the sense in HYIP, if it doesn`t bring you anything but troubles and bad feelings.

We are through with the first point – the direction. Now think how much long strategy you are planning to choose. How deep it is going to be? There are two aspects here. One is purely theoretical. This is what I adore – talks, analysis and theory, which is I think the basics to everything. The second – practical, here we are talking about the names and namely about what income you will get.

Physically you may calculate your strategy for the half of year in case you invest to programs more than 30%. It`s nonsense. For yourself you may tell like that: ``I only invest to programs, paying more than 30% within half of a year, such an amount no matter what may happen``. Here is the really working strategy… that`s why if your intentions mean only short term mentioning the programs, investments ``on the move``, you should resort to the variant with exact programs, if not – with the theory and percents.

Any strategy should be written. It can be tested on small deposits. Most often the most important constituent part is not taken into account in HYIP strategies – risk degree. If it exceeds the limits possible, investor may lose everything. And then you won`t catch up with. That`s why best of all is to strive for having this factor recovered by stability.

So, making up the strategy on the high yield programs, you can recover risk, investing LARGE amount to programs with low income, though stable ones. You can activate doubler or gamble with a pyramid, though on the other hand you may start serious work with the referrals, or something like that.

So, these factors will become the key ones, when making your own strategy. And then everything is usually. You choose programs, excluding risk, invest into them, and make test verification. Then you estimate the potential and results – draw a lesson.

Of course our discussion of the strategies is not over yet. We are going to discuss them more than once, every time in different aspects, alternating the theory with the practice. Hope you could make yourself read up to this very place, and draw the important lessons and valuable ideas. Well.

10 principles for the common sense investor

1. Put Your Money To Work
Investing is about putting money to work in effective ways to make more money. The most effective way to put your money to work over the long term is in well-run, profitable companies. Companies that are good stewards of your money, will help you create a level of wealth that you couldn’t generate by merely saving your money.

2. Investing is not a Game
Many people mistakenly think of investing in the same way they think of sports or gambling: as a game. Watch CNBC for a day and you’ll see what we mean. The ups the downs, the highs the lows. The stock market, over the short-term, can provide entertainment value and adrenaline rush.

But investing is not a game. Your goal is to make more money, and it turns out that over the long-term, there are intelligent and rational strategies for growing your money. The reason you make money should actually make sense! Remember: don’t treat investing as a game of chance. Understanding why your investment makes you money is the key to being a common sense investor.

3. Risk is relative
It is not uncommon for financial advisers to give very bad advice. One of the most common pieces of bad advice is the view that saving your money in something like a CD is less risky than investing it in stock equities. Why is this not true (most of the time)? Because history tells us that risk is relative. Over a 15 year period of time it is clearly more risky to leave money in a CD than in good stock. While your balance won’t erode, the purchasing power of your money could due to inflation and taxes. Over periods of time that are greater than three years, the common sense investor understands that, ceteris paribus, the best place for money is in stocks.

4. Invest in Good Companies, Avoid Bad Companies
The common sense investor entrusts his money in companies that put money to good use. Good companies will use money in effective ways to produce more wealth. One of the best ways to identify good companies is to look at their Return on Equity, which is essentially a measure of how well they create profits using shareholder investments.

5. Don’t Pay Too Much For a Good Thing
Even if you’ve found a good company, don’t invest in the company unless it’s being sold at a reasonable price. Ideally, try to find good companies that are selling at a discount. Often times, you will have to go against the flow and buy into companies that are out of favor for one reason or another (often irrational) with investing professionals. Normally, a company is priced too high if it’s Price To Earnings ratio is higher than its Return on Equity.

6. Fear the Following of Fads
Following the crowd can be disastrous for the common sense investor. More often than not, it results in paying way more than a company is worth. If the price of a company is dictated by short-term exuberance rather than long-term rationality, it should be avoided.

In fact, the common sense investor can take advantage of the fact that in the short term, stock market exuberance is often irrational. If the boys on Wall Street are too extreme in a sell-off for a good company, you should be ready to buy.

7. Time is on Your Side: the power of compounding interest
Give your money as much time to grow as possible. If your money doubled every five years, then five thousand dollars would turn into 0,000 in thirty years. Over 10 years, it would only turn into ,000. Big difference.

It seems like magic, but it’s not. The earlier you put your money to work, the longer it works for you, and the more wealth you generate. It makes a lot of sense if you think about it. Wealth is generated via production. The longer your money works in good companies, the more time it has to produce further profit; profit which you get to share. The cool thing is that you can put all of your profit back to work, and effectively have more money generating more profit. This process can keep iterating so long as you don’t withdraw your money.

8. Some Debt is Good Debt, But Most Debt is Bad
Why pay off a debt that is accruing a 5% tax-deductible interest when you could be generating 12% interest by investing your money instead? Many people make the mistake of trying to pay down their home mortgage early, but this is often unadvisable for several reasons. First of all, the money you pay towards your mortgage is not liquid and gets tied up in your home until you sell. Second, mortgage is often tax-deductible. You can’t take advantage of this tax break if you avoid the interest.

Having said that, most debt should be avoided. Never sustain credit card debt and try to avoid all debt that will be used to purchase items that depreciate (e.g. cars, clothes, toys). Debt can be emotionally and psychologically difficult to sustain so only carry good debt if it doesn’t affect you aversely.

9. Keep It Simple
Always, always, always understand your investments. Understand the company’s business model: how they make money. If the business model seems odd (read: Enron) or complicated or unfocused, avoid the company, even if it means that you have to avoid the temptation of following the crowd.

Companies make money by producing products and services that people or businesses want and need. Make sure you understand what products and services your company are producing and developing for profit.

10. Employ Disciplined Principles
Invest regularly and intentionally. Force yourself to put your money to work, but don’t just throw your money at any investment. Choose your investments wisely. Don’t chase after fads. Fight your emotions. If you feel like selling (the market is doing badly), you should probably consider buying and if you feel like buying (the market is doing well), you should probably consider selling.

Shock Secrets of Successful HYIP Investment. Do You Use It?

What is your goal? To earn money quickly, get additional income without work. HYIP market can realizes your dreams or makes you bankrupt. Where is limit? Listen to me and you will know how to be rich.

As successful HYIP investor you should know golden rules of sure investing. These rules are very significant and I want you to know them at your finger tips before you actually start your investing way.

Think Long-Term: Never ever think or plan to get rich within a short period of time. It is not reality. Usually good HYIP will never pay quite your principal and interest in less than 6 months.

Do not Quit: Winners do not quit and quitters do not win. It is a law of our life. The next step you take could be the winning step but if you quit, you'll never know how much you are loosing. Just keep investing and learning better ways to better your situation in life.

Be Prepared to Loose: In everything you do in life there are always times when losses occur. Life is all about ups and downs. Use losses or failures as a stepping stone towards greater success and also as an experience to make better investment plans, ameliorate on your strategies.

Diversify: Never put all your eggs into one basket. This is very important rule in HYIP investing. Invest in more than 5-7 programs to create multiple streams of investment income for yourself.

Research and research again: Always conduct your own research too. Always keep your ears on the ground, join HYIP forums, read the FAQs and Terms, read emails sent by the programs you join, check monitoring sites as and write their support if there are issues you are not clear on in their terms or FAQs. Ping their domain to define their IP addresses and use an IP search tool or software to determine their location. Do not forget to do a whois search to define if what the programs say in their �oeAbout Us” is the same as it is in the search. When you get this information, compare it with what they say about themselves. Also, NEVER sign up a program that is hosted on a free hosting service or sites that use the same scripts. Never reply to any email asking for a confirmation of your username and password.

Protect yourself, your e-currency account(s) and your investments: This is another very important point to note. Avoid using your real names when dealing with programs you are not sure of except when it has to do with receiving your money via wire-transfer where you have to give your full details to the program to enable transfer of funds to your account. Also use different passwords for your e-currency accounts, your email address(es) and your investment programs. This will prevent fraudulent programs from trying to use the same password you used to join them to open your e-currency account(s). NOTE: If you are using e-gold, make sure you apply the security features as explained by e-gold to protect your account.

Avoid Greed: Do not let the human factor of greed take over your investment decisions. The scammers use the human factor of greed to lure you into investing your money with them. From my personal experience, I lost a lot of money due to the fact that I allowed the emotion of greed to do my investing for me. Scammers offer very high and unrealistic interest rates within a very short time. When this happens, you will know immediately that this will not last but the emotion of greed will always tell you to give it a try and this is where your downfall and failures will begin. These scammers might pay you the first time just to encourage you to invest more and when you do, they disappear.

Please take note of these important rules above and you will enjoy investing in HYIP investment programs.

Things To Do Before Investing Into A High Yield Investment Program

We have compiled a short list of some of the things you can do before investing into a program to make sure you get the most for your money:

#1 - Search all HYIP forums for the name of the HYIP. Check for people spamming about the program, as this usually is a sign of a short lived scam. Look for people's opinions. Often those who have been investing in HYIPs for some time are the ones with the best insite. Most importantly, look for complaints of people who have not been paid.

#2 - Do a search on google. Copy small parts (1-2 sentences) of the text from both the hompage and the page with information on how they make their returns. Paste it into the google search bar with quotes around it, and see if anything comes up. A good amount of the time, google will return results that are an exact match, usually a professional traders website. Also, do the same thing with any images of people that are shown to look as though they are the admin of the program. Simply get the name of the file that the image is uploaded as by viewing the properties of it. Then paste this into the google image search. You will be amazed that a lot of the time you will see that the image is a direct copy from another site. This proves that the admin is lying.

#3 - Email the admin. Ask some good questions such as, where are you located, how long have you been around, and how do you make your returns. The common answers you will receive are United States, 2 Years, and Forex trading. Usually if these are the answers the admin is lying to you. about 75% of all new HYIPs claim that they have been paying members offline for over a year. 99.9999% of the time this is a lie. If an investing firm is able to deal with members offline for 2 years, there usually is no need to go online with their business.

#4 - Look at the main HYIP rating sites. If it looks like a program has been cheating the ratings by voting for themselves, or it looks like they may have hired a paid voter, then stay away. You can usually tell if a program is cheating by trying to look at what else each member has voted for. Also check the voters IP, maybe the cheaters were not careful and didn't use a proxy

All in all, if you follow these 4 steps you will likely be saving yourself a descent amount of money in the long run. HYIPs are extremely risky, and these steps alone do not guarantee success. They only improve your chances of walking away with profits.

source : articlesnatch

The Miracle of Compound Interest

Albert Einstein was once asked what he thought was the most powerful force in the universe. He answered: Compound Interest! Now, I would have thought that Albert Einstein would have considered things other than money. But, when you take another look at it, he may be right. At least, he may have suggested the thing that most of us would like to have.

For the few reading this that have no idea what compound interest is, let me explain briefly. Let's say you deposit a certain amount in a savings account (bad idea) and you leave it there for a while.

On day one you deposit 0 and the bankis paying you 4% compounded daily. On the second day your balance in the account will be 4. On day two your balance will be 8.16. Day 3 will yield 2.48 and so it goes. Until on day 18 your money have doubled to an account balance of 2.58.

Doubling one's money in just 18 days and not having done a thing to accomplish that is an amazing feat if you ask me. In fact I might agree with Mr. Einstein to a degree. I am sure that compound interest might be a force that I want working in my life. It has all the possibility of making one's life that of what we dream.

What If?

So, I was thinking to myself what if there was an internet based business that revolved around this principle of compound interest on the internet? That might be one of the easiest ways to earn money. In fact, the easiest. You put money in and it multiplies for you like a bunch of little bunnies. I don't know about you, but, I'd go for that!

When I was young I used to hear of compound interest accounts a great deal more than I do today. I suppose bankers have just become more greedy or the wild fluctuation of interest rates over the last 2 or 3 decades have made it more difficult for banks to pay a rate that keeps up with inflation, recession and all the other financial pressures you can imagine operating in the world today. Although have long been familiar with the concept it just wasn't something I felt I could do.

My mind kept telling me to get involved with such a paying plan one would have to have a great amount to deposit in an account. Then where would I find such a thing? Having been working on the internet for a couple of years I had yet to come across such a thing. But then, I did.

In plain words there are such things on the internet and I have found some that require only to start an account. What really bothers me about such things is that I have a very difficult time telling folks about it because they don't believe me.

Everyone says, 'њoh yeah, I know about compound interest.'ќ But then, those same people will look at

the interest I am being paid and they immediately start telling me I'm being scammed and suckered. Having done my due diligence I have found that the chance of that is fairly small. So, what if I was being suckered? Is there anything I could do to minimize my position? I wondered. And at once it was apparent to me. I decided to treat my investment as I would a night at the craps table. I would only invest what I was prepared to lose. So, let's say we play it that way.

Let's say we have nothing to lose without thinking about jumping off a tall building. I could wait for my money to double and then take my original money out leaving only the interest earning interest. And that is how I play it. One of the programs that I am involved in pays an incredible rate of up to 25% per month compounded daily.

Let me show you some calculated results using that over one year would result in a total balance of ,551.92. At that time I would withdraw my and cast the remaining interest back in to doing what it was doing before. At the end of the second year my accrued amount would be an incredible 7,206.39 and the third year would put me into the millions. An unbelievable ,869,730. Wow, like winning the lottery and how much did I risk? Only That was my complete exposure to the program. Never mind that some of the programs are run by some of the biggest banks in the world. You hear their names everyday on CNN or FOX. The miracle of compound interest. It exists out there folks. It works because some entity like a bank is lending that money out at a horrific rate or is investing in futures and doing so by borrowing the money from you and I to do so. What are they making on our money? Probably 40 to 70%.

It is worth it for them to pay us to put the money out there for them to use. The trouble with all this is us , I mean you and I. Well, maybe not me. Do we fear making a mistake so much that we cannot bear to lose an amount that will not change our life if we do. Because if we choose to take the risk on a small amount we might end up having life-changing results. The only mistake in life is believing our fear of making one. A.C. Benson said, One's mind has a way of making itself up in the background, and it suddenly becomes clear what one means to do.

This is what anyone that truly wants to succeed to the Nth degree needs to think about. Risk and reward and the miracle of compound interest.

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3 Methods to Lower Your Risk with High Yield Investments

I have been investing in HYIPs for a while now and I have become quite successful at it. Today, I would like to share a part of my strategy with you.

High Yield Investments

represent high returns and also a high degree of risk. The good news is that, through using a carefully planned strategy, you can lower the risk to your HYIPs (High Yield Investment Program). I'm going to explain 3 methods which I use to lower the risk on my investments and also increase my profits substantially.

The first thing you should do is before investing in any programme is research it - just like every other investment. Some of the things you should look for are the programs reputation, track record of timely payments and admin communication with members.

The reason why research and due diligence will lower risk to your investments is that they will help you avoid scams. HYIP scripts are easily to get a hold of and this makes it easier for con artists to operate. By doing a little research and due diligence, you are much less likely to invest in a program that will fold in 2 days.

The second technique that you should employ is to build a safe, diversified portfolio and to extract your own money as quickly as possible. This will limit risk to your capital because if one programme closes, you will still have the others to fall back on.

Choose programs with varying risk ratings. For example, do not invest solely in 40% per month ROI programs. Vary your investments to include lower risk 10% and 20% programs.

When investing, my aim is to extract my money as quickly as possible. This is because I want to be able to invest using the profit i made from the programme to protect my own capital. For example, a typical investment could be $100 then, after 30 days, I would extract my own money and re-invest the profits so that i am making risk free money using "other people's money".

The Third method will explode your earnings. To explode your profits from your investments, you will need to make use of referral systems. This is when you recommend someone to the programme and you receive commission for it. This usually creates residual income for you which mean you can invest more of "other people's money" to make even more cash.

However, please do not promote programs to others which do not look trustworthy. This is immoral and should not be encouraged.

Hopefully these three tips will help you to increase your profits with High Yield Investments. More information can be found on our website and blog in our Author's resource box.

The High Yield Investing Dominoe Effect

With the recent changes in Nova-lights (Pegasus, Stargame and TMA) (More info at ), there is sure to be major problems across the entire hyip arena. HYIPs that rely on other programs to make a return, are going to be hit hard. These are the HYIP pools. They invest in other program to earn a return for their members. Some pools are publicly known, while other pool programs claim to do trading while they actually rely on the larger programs like Nova-lights.

We truely believe that atleast 70% of all HYIPs are relying in some way off of Novalights. With the new rules that Nova-Lights has put in place which will cut payouts to under 0.5% per day and lock the principle in for 1 year, we are speculating that there is going to be a major collapse in the number of paying HYIPs. We suggest most people wait a couple weeks for the dust to settle before making any major investment decisions.

This has basically been a trend that we wrote an article about months ago. Its the "Peak and Valley Trend". For a period of several months (The Peak) there is a major program which seems unstopable. This program is usually over invested in, and relied upon by many smaller less known HYIPs. Then this major program either collapses, or changes its payout structure. This causes the Valley, where nearly 50% of all smaller programs collapse and a shockwave is spread thoughout the entire HYIP arena. We believe that we have just entered "The Valley" period. How long will this period last. Could be 2 weeks or could be as long as several months. It will all depend on whether or not a major program emerges that can gain investors trust.

To sum things up, after studying nearly 3 years of internet HYIP's we have seen this trend over and over again. We recommend that you as an investor stay conservative until a program that you can truely trust has emerged.

Internet Investments: Easy Profits or Easy Losts?

High Yield Investment Program.
A High Yield Investment Program, or HYIP, is a often type of pyramid scheme normally offered via the Internet. HYIPs typically accept deposits as low as $1 while promising astoundingly high returns.

Online HYIP schemes rarely last for the long term. Overwhelming number of cases suggest that HYIPs are Ponzi schemes, in which new investors provide the cash to pay a profit to existing investors, which they typically then withdraw. This approach allows the scam to continue as long as new investors are found and/or old investors leave their money in the scheme, known as compounding (because even higher profits are promised).

The introduction of e-currencies has made it possible for HYIPs to operate on the internet and cross international boundaries, and to accept large numbers of small investments. HYIPs usually accept deposits by either e-currency, like e-gold, e-bullion and INTGold, or use specialist third party payment processors like AlertPay, SolidTrustPay, CEPTrust, TriStarMoneyChangers and StormPay. HYIPs typically offer a significant incentive commission (for example, 9% of invested funds) for members to attract and refer new investors.

Most HYIPs disclose little or no detail about the underlying management, location, or other aspects of how money is to be invested (often because money is not actually invested), and relatively little information (other than asserting that they do various types of trading on various stock and other exchanges) on how they actually generate the returns they purport. They are sometimes presented with some form of an emotional appeal, appeals for faith, and promises that they will help investors achieve financial freedom.

Arguably, the largest HYIP scam that has existed on the internet was PIPS (People in Profit System or Pure Investors. The investment scheme was started by Bryan Marsden in early 2004, (according to the Wayback Machine record of and spanned more than 20 countries. PIPS was investigated by Bank Negara Malaysia in 2005 which resulted in Marsden and his wife being charged in a Malaysian court with 97 counts of money laundering involving more than RM77 million - US$20 million - (copy of New Straits Times article dated 11 Oct 2006). Even after these charges were brought forth many of Marsden's followers/investors continued to support him and believe they would see their money some day. This behavior and denial could be seen and still is seen on hyip forums such as Talkgold Forum and others.

Interest rates
HYIPs typically claim to offer interest rates of 1% or more per day on invested funds; some claim to offer much higher daily rates exceeding 200% a day. Allegedly, the highest-return HYIP on record has offered 1,100% ROI in one day. Claims of astronomical returns without large capital outlay or background information are indicative of a Ponzi-structured HYIP program.

As a comparison with a typical 1% per day claim, Warren Buffett, one of the world's most successful investors, made around 30% per year during his most successful period; that is on average, less than 0.1% per day. As the claimed returns of 1% per day are extremely unlikely to be produced legitimately, all HYIPs are therefore likely to be Ponzi schemes, and so most investors will in due course lose their money.

HYIP games.
As a result of online forums and monitoring sites which have made HYIP investors more aware of their nature, a different sort of "honest" HYIP began springing up in the early months of 2006. Basically, the HYIP owner calls his or her program a "ponzi-structured game" where one should "not invest money one cannot afford to lose", and where there is "never a guarantee of earnings or refunds". They promise to pay out up to (for example) 95% of deposits, the rest going to hosting or other fees and the owner's profit.

In such "games", the first participants ("investors") may make a good profit and are encouraged to refer other people to the program because of referral commission, the fact that they have already made back their principal and are playing with profit, and that the more people who deposit money, the more money can be paid out to participants. In theory, strategies can be developed to maximize profit using these games (but, of course, since this is a zero-sum game, such strategies work by taking advantage of ignorance or errors by others). Some forum users may gain a reputation whereby others will trust their word that they have been able to withdraw their profits, encouraging others to invest in the hopes that more will invest after them and that they can therefore make a profit. As these games are by definition Ponzi schemes, it is inevitable that the vast majority of investors who are not at the top of the pyramid will lose their money.

These "games" might be considered as lotteries. However, the odds of winning cannot be determined, as one cannot know whether one is playing early enough to win money (that is, whether a sufficient number of new participants will follow). Thus, these activities are unlike a lottery or other forms of gambling, where a player has an equal chance of winning no matter when a ticket is bought, or where the odds of the game are known.

HYIP monitors.
HYIP monitors, or HYIP listing/rating sites, are websites that list and/or promote HYIPs for referral commissions. The monitor charges each HYIP a listing fee which is usually then invested into that program, although there exist free listings and occasionally monitors which invest their own money. The monitor then labels the HYIP as "Paying" or "Not paying/Scam" depending on whether interest is received within the terms specified by the program. Monitors also allow other HYIP investors to rate and comment on the programs, based on factors such as promptness of payouts and responsiveness of the HYIP administrator. Programs with higher ratings achieve higher rankings on the monitor sites, which coupled with a "Paying" status may entice more investors who rely on the monitor.

In most cases, HYIPs only pay monitor sites to keep their "Paying" status visible, but do not pay other investors. As HYIP monitors are not affiliated with the HYIPs themselves, they are unable to prevent investors from being scammed; they neither help to recover lost funds nor track down the scammers. Promoting or perpetuating Ponzi schemes is a criminal offense punishable by jail terms or fines in most countries. That the monitor sites place disclaimers saying that they "do not promote the programs advertised on their website" does not absolve them from criminal liability.

In order to generate a "paying" status early (so that future visitors will see it) and maintain it for the longest possible time, newly opened HYIPs list their site quickly as well as constantly pay monitors their interest on time. Added to the fact that many monitors invest the listing "fee", and that a commission is received on each deposit made by people who visit the HYIP via the monitor, they are the most likely to profit when a program runs out of funds.

HYIP owners can manipulate monitors and forums, by paying people to comment positively or by using a range of IP addresses or proxy servers in different locations so that "paying" votes appear to come from around the world. This allows the HYIP to rise up the rankings more quickly than others, giving investors a false sense of security. Additionally, even if they know it will scam in the future, some investors will also rate new HYIPs positively until the HYIP stops paying, because they want more people to invest after them in the hopes that the program will last longer. Future scammers can also build up a good reputation on forums for a large payoff once most forum members trust them.
For example

After registration user account on hyip - you get 'referral link' - the link by which you can invite other users to take part in business for additional percents.

Do you Want to Know Dissimilarity Between a Hyip and a Ponzi?

$8289.68 is a reality in month without work. I made it in this month without HUGE efforts. In this article I will tell you difference between a ponzi and a HYIP.

All you know that you can made money from investing into HYIP. Online HYIPs rarely provide information to their investors of what is done with their money. This makes it easy for fraudulent programs to succeed. Dishonest organizers can set up a website to look like the other HYIPs available on the net, wait for investors to place their money in their hand and then stop the activity and walk away with the cash.

What exactly is a ponzi scheme

Ponzi schemes or pyramid schemes has nothing to do with investments, business or sales. Simply because they do not trade your money or they do not sell you anything. The fact is that a ponzi scheme uses the money of new investors to pay out old investors. Some ponzi schemes are surviving a few weeks and some of them even a few months. But this is for sure they all go die after some time. Why? Because mathematically it is impossible to find new investors. Or sometimes the legal authorities find out the ponzi scheme and close it.

A true Ponzi scheme usually promotes what appears to be a real investment opportunity which investors may contribute to without actually being an affiliate, distributor etc. A pyramid scheme, on the other hand, usually requires that participants make a payment for the right to recruit other people into the scheme, at which point they will receive money.

There are a number of ways to spot a Ponzi scheme from a genuine HYIP opportunity. You can find many hyips on Firstly, be wary of schemes that offer a high daily percentage return. If a site offers you 40% a day on your investment, you should question where the funds will come from to make that level of payment. Secondly, although HYIPs often pay you for referring others to their schemes, these payments are often low. If you are offered 10% per referral it is worth considering if that may be because referrals are the only way for the system to keep going. Lastly, look closely at the site and its design and functionality. If you spot a lot of content that looks as though it has been simply copied from another website, or if the design and layout is particularly amateurish, it could well be that the organizers know that it will not be needed for long as the system is only a short term thing to make them money.

Be wary of anything that sounds too good to be true. It probably is if it sounds like it might be. Anyone that promises a guaranteed return in any amount of time is probably not legitimate. There is no such thing as a guaranteed return when it comes to investing money. And on any return there is no guaranteed amount that can be returned. So either promise is someone out to scam you. Common sense goes a long way when it comes to investing money anywhere.

Phishing Alert from

Dear PanaMoney Client,

Some phishing websites appeared in Internet which by substituting our domain address and redirecting you to our company's website steal your personal data.

Our company has only one address: Please, make sure you see it exactly in your Internet browser address line when entering our website.

Sincerely yours,

Manuel Franz,
Head of Technical Department,
PanaMoney Technologies, Inc.

How to Spot a Bad HYIP

As with any investment that you may make, HYIPs have an element of risk involved. In most cases this risk comes from the fact that there are no guaranteed profits and although you have experienced investors investing on your behalf, there may be a crash in the stock or product where your money is invested. Unfortunately this is not the only risk involved with HYIPs. There are a few dishonest people out there who have set up HYIPs in order to fraudulently acquire investors’ money and who have no intention of allocating the profits out. Instead, they wait until the funds have grown to the extent they want them to and then they close the site and disappear with other peoples’ money. Nobody wants this to happen to them so I am going to make you aware of a couple of things to look for when choosing the HYIP site you are going to invest your money in.

Ensure that you do not unwittingly join a game site. These often charge you money to become a member but they are not HYIP programs and as such should be immediately discounted if it is a HYIP you are looking for.

Most HYIPs, genuine or otherwise, offer good returns on your investment in a relatively short term. However, if you see a HYIP offering unrealistically high returns, such as 100% a day, then you should be wary. If something seems too good to be true, remember it probably is.

When you have invested and made a profit you will find that most HYIPs pay them into their own accounts and tell you that the money is there to be collected. While this is generally not a sign of a fraudulent site it is always worth investigating how you can withdraw the funds before you invest. Some sites make it incredibly difficult to get at your money and this is not a good sign for the reliability of the investment.

Is It Possible To Make A Living From HYIPs?

This is probably one of the most asked questions we get. "Is it possible to Make a living off of HYIPs?" The answer to this question is both "Yes," and "NO". Let us explain.

"YES" people can make a living off of HYIP investing. If they have the skill the drive, and the ability to recover from major losses. In theory, it is possible and often times probable to make a good living ($20,000-$50,000) per year in the HYIP arena. The problem is however, that in order to do this, the investor needs to take a major risk. Without the financial backing in case of bad investment decisions, many individuals do not and should not even consider making HYIP investing a career. This brings us to why this question can also be answered "NO".

"NO" people can not make a living off of HYIPs unless they are extremely skilled, and are already in a good financial situation. This can be said however for stock market and bond market investing as well. If you have half a million $'s then sure, you can live off of the earnings you make in the stock and bond markets, or turn to the more risky HYIPs to earn even higher returns.

The point of this article is to show that usually if you are looking to make a living on HYIPs, then you probably won't (and should not) be able to do it without risking a very large portion of your assets. On the other hand, those people who have a great deal of money and are not looking to make a living since they have more then enough funds to live off of, are the people who can make a living off of HYIPs. If you are desparate and looking for quick cash, then you should not be investing large sums of money in this arena, however if you are wealthy and looking to increase your wealth and have fun, the HYIP arena may be right for you.

In conclusion, those looking to make a living in this arena are those that probably won't, while those people who are not looking to make a living in HYIPs are usually the ones who do, but don't need to.

source : articlesnatch

The Secret Of Hacking An HYIP Program

HYIP can be a excellent way to experience success in investment. HYIP, also known as a high yield investment program, can be quite risky as the whole HYIP market. But at the same time if you use it right it can be quite profitable. So let me show you how you can hack this type of program.

The one way to get out of risk is to expand your investment into a number of HYIPs regularly. And besides that, you cannot afford to keep any interest in your investment accounts for compounding. Removing them to your e-gold account is a wise thing to do. You can easily browse HYIPs from HYIP rank and monitor sites to get an idea about their authenticity. Some of these sites even sends catalogs of HYIPs with all the relevant comments, the payment standing on each HYIP and of course the rating. You must remember, that your investment and the consequent profit aren't guaranteed at all in case of HYIPs. There is every possibility that you can even lose the principal amount, so be prepared.

source : articlesnatch

Take a note on some of the 'must do' things regarding High Yielding Investment Programs. Be dead sure of not having all your money into an undersized HYIP program. No matter how promising they may look at the outset, don't get lured away. If you are ready to invest a large sum of money then do make sure to enquire whether the company offers any capital security against it.

Invest your capital into as many programs as you can. It makes more sense to do the above than settling down with two to three small HYIP programs with huge sums. Remember, you need to focus on the plan and not the programs for that matter. As for smaller programs make it a point not to reinvest extra money before you have been paid back. Moreover, with HYIP programs it is advisable to plough back smaller profits from time to time.

High Yielding Investment Programs can provide you with anything between 0.7 and 5% per day to say the least. And as for the longevity of a typical HYIP, it generally does not go beyond one year. HYIP forums come along with rating systems. Programs that have short investment-durations should be preferred. Additionally, the programs that pay back the invested sum must be chosen. You will have to keep bad programs out of our way. Try to investigate through the sites before you plunge into any kind of investment. The fact of the matter is that you will have to steer clear of "too good to be true" offers.

This steps help you to avoid hyip losses. Now I earn more than $4000 thousand a month using my favourite golden rules.

HYIP: Playing It Right

Mention anything that could lead to High Yield Investment Programs and people will listen. There are good HYIP's and there are bad. Anything that is good has always attracted the wrong people.

HYIP's has been around for so long coming in different names and guises but no matter what, it has not failed to attract customers. The good thing about HYIP is that it can offer good returns for investments sometimes as good as 250% in one month. The bad news is, it has its sorry share of scammers.

HYIP is probably one of the most exciting things happening online for people who are looking for ways to earn a good return for their money. Today, HYIP speculators can earn substantial profits for their investments. A HYIP may invest in properties, in stocks and in other HYIP. As these are good investments and people are flocking to it some HYIP programs are online to prey on potential investors.

HYIP programs are getting more participants by the day and every so often another HYIP program is launched. Many investors have succeeded earning fortunes virtually overnight.

Just like any other venture, especially when these have very high returns, HYIP also involves high risks, Although for people who have done their homework and played it right, a HYIP can be extremely lucrative.

If you have participated in any high yield investment programs before, you will know that programs of this nature have its own large share of scammers and you know what it means to take caution. Even when HYIP is recommended to you by a friend who have visibly earned from the venture, even when respected people in the business and in the community have profited, there is still substantial reason to be cautious and to make very good back ground research. It is a part of a scammer's strategy to make some people win to attract more. This is similar to dropping baits to be able to fish more. More often than not, it is the good unsuspecting guy that suffers. This is why when parting with your money, serious research is needed. No one has to feel pressured to invest as long as there is still that nagging discomfort that warns you to hold back.

Good or bad, here are some pointers to get some certainty on your investment:

- Any investing is a risk. Winning and losing is a part of the game. This is why many good investors will tell you to invest first the money that is not a part of your active income. Fight first against to urge of investing a fortune even when you are certain you could win. That could come and happen anytime. There is no rush and definitely there should be no pressure. Remember HYIP investing is like gambling. While there is good fun in winning big the first time, many people who felt so certain have also made devastating losses.

- Choose HYIP programs that has been conducting successful programs for months not those that have been conducting for more than two years and definitely not those who have been there for only two weeks no matter the returns on investments that it advertises. Then conduct a shortlist.

- Do not put too much egg in the same basket. Diversify.

- Keep on monitoring the programs that you joined. If one of the programs that you joined has been down 4 times during the month, pull out your investment.

source : articlesnatch

How Long Should You Stick With A High Yield Investing Program?

Most people ask us when we feel is the right time for them to stop compounding/reinvesting and take their money out of a program. This is a tough answer to give. It all depends on the program that is invested in and the rate of return. Usually we recommend the following for the below 3 categories:

Type #1 HYIP - Low stable payers (Pays between 2-7% per week, 8-28% per month). This type of program is probably one of the safer types around. More likely than types 2 and 3, these are actually investing funds in Stocks, Forex, or other stable programs. This means that they will most likely be around for quite some time. Even if they do end up as a ponzi, their lifespan will be much longer then types 2 and 3. We recommend that you Invest a sum of money and then compound half of your returns until you get back your principle. Once you have recovered your principle continue to compound/reinvest but this time at a rate of 60-70% of your returns. If the program sticks around, you should be able to profit quite a bit. Once you receive 250% return we recommend that you stop compounding and look for another program.

Type #2 HYIP - Mid range paying moderately secure program (Pays 8-16% per week, 32-64% per month). This type of program is probably the most popular among investors. They feel secure since the payouts are not too high, but also feel like they are going to quickly make a return on their investments. Many of these programs actually invest in other programs, forex, stocks, etc, however many are just ponzi's. We have found that most of Type 2 HYIP's are a mixture of both ponzi and investment program. They more then likely invest members funds in a variety of ways, but most of the time find it impossible to pay out such high returns with the revenue they are making. This forces them to become part ponzi and use some of the new members funds to pay off old members. In the case of the Type 2 HYIPs, we recommend you compound/reinvest only 20% of your returns until you get your principle back, then once you get your principle back you simply stop reinvesting and just let the program run it's course.

Type #3 HYIP - High paying, relatively insecure programs (Pays Over 17% per week and over 65% per month). These are usually the programs which are more then likely daily payers. For example 3%, 5%, 10% per day or even more are offered. 99.9% of the time these are atleast part ponzi, and will most likely end within 3 months. These programs begin with the admin knowing that he will have to run a part ponzi program to succeed. It is nearly impossible to earn such high returns in a short period of time like most of these programs claim. The higher the daily return the less likely the program will last. If you dare to gamble your money in such programs, we recommend that you only invest one time and do not reinvest or compound your earnings. The lifespans of Type 3 programs are usually extremely short and those who invest right when the program opens are the ones who will walk away happy.

All in all these are just some of our opinions. Performance may vary. Stick to these guidelines and investigate HYIP's before investing in them.

source : articlesnatch


[scam warning] The IT security vendor community warned consumers and corporate web surfers today about the fact that internet criminals are likely to double their efforts during Christmas.

A five-point plan was released by to help users avoid scams, which includes ensuring protection of all the systems with the most recent patches.User should also be aware of e-cards which could have links to malicious sites; of special offers, which could tempt users to disclosing their credit card details; attachments and video content, which could serve as a way of infecting machines with malware by stealth, said Websense.

At the same time network security vendor Trend Micro, warned of another e-crime tactic used at Christmas time, which is sending messages as if from popular courier companies with a malware attachment that can look as an invoice form. Another way of tempting consumers could be sending them emails telling them to open and print a receipt, which at first thought could seem like an email from their e-commerce provider, but actually is a malware, said Trend.

Finally, IBM`s X-Force security research team warned companies to be cautious about allowing unauthorized USB devices to connect to their corporate network. Moreover the firm said that past researches have shown that some of the toys distributed at this time could also be loaded with malware."

by EcommerceJournal

Scams, Risks And Extraordinary Profits!

One of the best ways to double your money is by using high yield investment. These investments always come with a risk, but the potential to rake in a lot of profit is there as well. High yield type investments have always been a well known and widely used method of investing, even though such a high risk is always involved. If you are familiar with this method, then you pretty much know what to expect.

There are many ways you can successfully use high yield investment. With all the possible investments around the world, the possibilities are endless. While many pose serious risks with little signs of income; others have high risks with a lot of signs for income. These companies with high revenue are the ones that you should go after when choosing your investment for hi yield.

Scams are another thing that you have to watch out for. Anytime a lot of money could be a possibility, there is always going to be scams as well. These scams are run by fraudsters that are trying to take your money, by getting you to invest in something that doesn't really exist. These scams should be avoided at all cost; under no circumstances do you want to get involved with these fraudsters.

Choosing the proper investment is entirely up to you. Any type of high yield investment should be approached using caution. If you do the proper research and obtain the proper information, you will have a much better understanding. The more you understand your investment, the better the chance you have for hi yields.

Take for instance the diamond market. Diamonds are a really good high yield investment, simply because of the value. The value of a diamond has always been high, and research has shown that value to increase over time. If you are thinking of investing in the diamond market, you would still want to research everything and see where the different company's are standing.

As long as you approach with caution and understand that you may lose what you invest, you will probably be fine. If you approach a high yield investment thinking that you are going to triple your money with no losses, you will probably walk away with a bad experience. Understanding and realizing is part of the game, it will help you to be the best investor that you can be. As you know, the investing market can be very cruel; but it can also be very rewarding.

The last news from the admin of Tradelite

The last news from the admin of Tradelite:
“We will be doing a full internal security audit on our system during the next few days and if there was a breach you will receive a full refund.
Due to the anxiety some of our investors feel, stemming from their recently breached accounts and canceled contracts; our Technical advisor Nick, will be doing a systems check, and a full security audit. This will be done in the next few days. Please wait for the systems-audit,- analysis. If there was any kind of breach to our security, we will refund those accounts that had funds withdrawn.”

Read HYIPs agreements and keep your eyes open.

Every investor should know that agreement – is the most important document, regulating relationships between him and a program. Nothing in the whole world can affect the essence of these relationships more than the terms, approved in the official and public agreement or “terms of use”.

Because of superficial attitude towards this important document in particular, investors often get into not very good situations. And if they don’t (fortunately), they certainly pay no attention to the key, moments, given in this document that even the most notorious SCAM possesses one.
Actually – no! We went too far here. If a program has no terms at all, it’s not a program actually. It’s an ordinary fraud, whose creators haven’t even found time to make up any more or less good document. All in vain. We are not going to invest into programs like that.
So, what shall we start with? Above all, pay attention to the document’s form of presentation.

First of all, the document should be written from the first or the second person. That is, “we” or “our company”, at a pinch – “you” or “investor”. We don’t recommend you to deal with programs, having the document made up the way Edgar Po wrote, or the document looking like a small anecdote of three sentences. Don’t laugh, it happens.

Second, the document should be drawn properly. Paragraphs and subparagraphs should be set off in bold, one paragraph of information should be opposite every term. The most important moments are set off in semi-bold. The place agreement is located is also of great importance. If it is on the main page – that’s good. If – in the main menu – not bad as well.

And if there’s a link somewhere at the bottom of the page and is written in 3 point type – you’d better prick up your ears. The good form and good sign is the link to corresponding documents in the registration fields. (e.g.:

But these are all outward things. Now, concerning the contents. First of all, one should make it clear, answers to what questions you are looking forward to find in the document given. Most of all you should be interested in your own money. That’s why show interest in what is going to happen with it and what you are entitled to do. The very important moment here is whether it’s possible to withdraw your principal funds from your account. There can be 4 variants of terms.

First – you can take your money within a certain period of time (e.g.:, second – you can take your money as soon as certain conditions complete (very seldom), third – your principal funds are paid out along with interests, fourth – nothing is mentioned, concerning your principal funds, or… you can’t withdraw them.

The first two variants seem to create no questions. And the third one is extremely interesting. Very often the program says: 5% daily. You invest and get 5% promised daily, during the term mentioned. However, in the upshot if you make estimate calculations, you’ll find yourself in rather surprising situation.

You’ll see that instead of $12.5 wishful, you get $7.5… despite the fact you receive 5% sharp of your deposit daily. The explanation is simple: “Principal is included in return”. Is it a ruse? Yes it is! But, everything is given in the terms of use. Of course, the dishonorable programs can hold it back, but honest ones claim this situation in public.

What do we have? We have a simple move. With this percent, you get… just about 1% (!) daily… the rest amount is your own deposit! Well then, is it worth saying that you are paid 5% daily? And very often the percent can even be 7% or more. Sounds good, but whether it’s the same good in practice?

Especially, the term is changed from 30 days to 60 (of course, having high percents it’s better to cut the term, for instance 25% within a week) and so on. And quite often these things are described in the terms of use. So, let’s look for any information to take your hard-earned money back.

Some programs make excessive use of the heaps of multiple figures and high-flown names. Don’t be scared - look closer. Most probably the program states, it doesn’t participate in anything and anywhere, that it’s not registered, or things like that. It’s clear for lots of us, though they publish it so that to attach reliability.

Study all these close though skip it, all this is written for appearance. And if there’s something really important and useful, (registration for example), believe me, it will be written in bold and on the main page. Things really important are usually capitalized in the agreements. Programs don’t want to be charged with the consequences of hasty decisions of some not very clever investors… read this especially attentively.

It’s also important to look what are the guarantees, provided by company. Companies often forget of their responsibilities, though they are not less important than your intentions to invest money to a program. In vain. Program should undertake not to disclose your personal information, your e-mail address, place of residence, especially if mentioning this data is required in the registration data. It should guarantee that it work would be aimed at returning your investment amount and site functioning support.

Further on we advice you to search for “puzzles”, often met in legal papers. Disclaimer – is not an exception. Pay attention to the interest and terms of referral payouts. For example, it can be mentioned that you don’t have right to receive referral fees if customer has the IP address, similar to you one, or things like that.

That’s why it makes no sense to sign up everyone from your PC. By the way, you can also be obliged to do something, for example, to deposit some extra funds. Can you imagine this? But still it’s possible. So, you’d better read and get a grasp of reading.

It’s important to look at the wordings. If it’s said: “you can take all your principal funds anytime you like without any administrative fee taken”, this is one thing; but if it’s said: “you have the opportunity to withdraw your principal funds” – completely another. Or, you can come across with the term like that: “after 90 days of work, your funds will be transferred back to your account”.

It’s not mentioned here, whether they are going to be transferred back with a single payment. Most likely they are going to be transferred back along with interests’ payments, which is not so profitable, as we have already mentioned.

And there’s only one way out of these tangled moments – e-mailing the admins. Mailing again and again. Asking to clear up word for word in details, what they meant to say. Your money is probably worth taking good care of. Why taking risk with the guys, making up the agreement for the purpose of having it, not regulating at all? This is a regulating document and we say it once again – it’s practically the most important.

Believe it or not, though even here on-line, in this dimension agreement is a very important detail. Despite the fact agreement is not even a slip of paper, it has no signatures, though you can always rely upon it in disputable situations, when you try to prove something to somebody.

That’s why we strongly recommend you to read the agreements and all the papers, laid out on the site attentively. They are all different and it will never be useless. Besides, some part of information you can find in F.A.Q., though we’ll talk about it another time.

Lella Prior

Beware: HYIP monitoring services.

It is not a secret and it is often repeated here and there that there is no unique and universal strategy to provide any investor with a patient and assured work without any loss and with a constant increasing profit. Strategies very as investors vary, and every person with the least experience of investing in HYIP will agree that there should be a single individual strategy for every single investor, and all successful examples should be adopted individually.

A universal advice doesn`t exist. But there is a common ground for all strategies and methods to be based on, there are some common points that are regarded by all investors as cornerstones for building up a successful strategy. One of those cornerstones will be discussed in the current article. As you have probably guessed, we will discuss monitoring services.

Everybody understands that successful investing in HYIP consists of a few elements, and choosing the right project in appropriate moment is one of those elements, and undoubtedly a pledge of a future success. The next important element is watching the work of the program you have chosen to be ready to change your strategy, increase your deposit or even take your money off. Monitoring services are of a much use for both stages described above.

But it is evident that there are no absolutely reliable source of information. It may sound strange and absurd, but monitoring services may often mislead you, and they often may be no less dangerous as forums, that meet you with false posts of cheerleaders, paid for attracting new victims.

There are monitoring sites that lie on purpose and there are monitoring sites that lie because the quality of their work is poor. Which of them are more harmful and more guilty? It seems to me, there is no difference, because the result is the same – people obtain misleading advice, bringing them to losses and disappointment.

Sometimes you don’t need an special knowledge or experience to tell those who lie from those who give you a proper perspective. You just need to visit the site of the program that has already closed or the one that is reported as scam. Many of those programs have a dozen or even more monitoring banners on their site.

Why do I give you such advice? Because just a glance at this page will tell you much about monitoring services that these banners belong to. It has occurred and it still occurs that rating banners of this or that monitoring give a Paying status to a program closed a week ago! And you may see and compare results on your own!

What does it mean? It means something that it is important for you to take into consideration each time you want to check out program’s status. The information given to you may be irrelevant. That is why it is necessary to check out as many monitoring services as possible, and, of course, check out forums to prove or to disprove information that you have already found.

Why does it happen that monitoring services gives users incorrect information? Why during all summer this year forums were full of accusations addressed to monitoring services, and these negative comments were no less numerous than accusations addressed to scam and non-paying programs?

Because many investors suspected or made sure of dishonesty of definite monitoring services, blaming them for supporting evident scams. Of course, unless monitoring sites are run by people, and unless people may be bribed, the chances of it exist. And these were not mere words, such accusations were supported by evidences!

And these were not only investors accusing monitoring of telling lie to people. A lot of administrators were discontent with their work, stating that monitoring services often give irrelevant information thus spoiling the reputation of a good program, and thus spreading panics among investors.

All of us know what it may mean. Just a small untested information or rumor may be enough to make investors panic, think out all possible red flags and scam signs and accuse the program of all possible and impossible sins. Such situation may be extremely harmful even for the most successful and a stable program.

There were a few examples when administrators rejected from adding their program to any catalogue on monitoring sites and explained it as a measure necessary to protect the program from harmful monitoring practice, which can affect successful program`s activity. We may understand such point of view, but this is not a proper way out of the situation. Everybody should avoid extremes in this sphere.

It is evident that monitoring services are necessary for normal functioning of any program, otherwise users won’t trust it. As well as monitoring services will stop existing without programs. So, these two integral parts of HYIP sphere should coexist in harmony to reach the key purpose of this activity – to make money and let people earn, and of course, investors should be the main point of orientation of this alliance.

Brett Sherpan

Compounding vs. Non-compounding.

In this article I discuss two possible opportunities of high yield investment programs in the Internet and their advantages as well as disadvantages. I hope that the article helps readers to decide what program is more suitable for them. What high yield program is the best and prosperous is the most important issue of this article.

As mentioned already, there are two forms of high interest projects in the Internet: compounding and non-compounding. Investors use compounding for generating new interests from previous investments. In other words, it is the ability of current investment value to generate new earnings which can be reinvested.

Moreover, investors have an opportunity to make a new investment using the paid out interests without their own money must be used for this project. For example, the process of only 10$ initial capital lasts a very long time until these $10 are again back (1% per day within 100 days) to open a further high yield investment program. However, if the investor invested his money in five such programs, he can get return on investment only within 20 days. Non-compounding programs are ideal for the people who are ready to invest serious money.

Investors have an opportunity to invest their money and the interests become the first investment (principal capital) automatically which is added daily, weekly or monthly. Thus a compound interest effect develops. A compound investment costs little work because investors check their accounts only in fixed time intervals and note the increased account balance. It is advisable to save money also with little initial investments. It is a great high yield investment opportunity for investors who do not have large initial capital for investment.

Certainly, it is not easy to understand without a good example. For example, you invested $1,000 into a particular HYIP that pays 30% monthly interest (in other words, 1% per day). The shares rise 30% during the first month. Your investment is now worth $1,300. In the second month, the shares appreciate another 30%. Therefore, your $1,300 grows to $1,690. In the third month, the shares rises 30%, your capital will be $2,197.

If you check the rate of growth monthly, the growth rate increases regularly, namely in the first month growth is $300, in the second month is $390, and in the third month is $507 etc. You understand now that the numbers can start to get very big as your previous earnings start to provide returns. In fact, $1,000 invested at 30% monthly for one year would grow to nearly $23,300.00 (and that is without adding any money to the investment).

Non-compounding is another prosperous investment opportunity in HYIP. It is programs which pay out daily, weekly or monthly. They are suitable for the persons who would like to have money for life regularly because it is possible to get return on investment on the indicated E-gold account (or another E-currency) daily and weekly as well as monthly.

We see that both programs can be very “fruitful” for a business involved in a real investment opportunity. Moreover, compounding and non-compounding are able to produce extremely good result. However, investors should be careful on how to use compounding and non-compounding in HYIPs because both investment opportunities have high risk and can fail any time.

There is no doubt that one of the greatest problems in HYIP is that it is impossible to predict the life span of a particular HYIP. Thus, it is important to take a mechanism to make your investment safe. One way of doing this and reduce enormous risk in high yield investment projects is to properly use different compounding options.

For this there are also investment programs which have the factors of compounding and non-compounding. It is possible to get return on investment in the Member Area and save some money on the account. These programs are very practical for those who would like to decide daily what to do.

Also the own investment strategy is simpler and more sure if investors can obtain the initial deposited capital faster so that they can invest in further HYIPs without high risk (in other words, without their own capital funds).

I can prove the advantages on the example. So you invested $1,000 into a particular HYIP that pays 30% monthly interest. As said above, with 100% compounding there is a great possibility that $1,000 invested at 30% monthly for one year would grow to nearly $23,300.00. But what would happen if the HYIP fails in 6 months? You lose all your hard earned money very quickly. For that reason, it is important to use compounding and non-compounding together in HYIPs.

It is always recommended to get your original spend back as fast as possible, in other words set the compounding option to 0% until you return back your initial investment, then after, you can compound your shares while withdrawing 50% of your profit by setting the compounding option to 50% . Why 50%, can you ask me? Certainly, this is not a strict rule; it is the recommendations based on some experienced HYIP investors. But you have to be careful with this.

The best advantage of such programs is that investors save their money on the account during the first month (compounding) and next month they get interests (non-compounding method). In this way investors get their invested capital back, besides investment yields grow more slowly further. If such a program fails once, investors will lose nothing and yields will paid out too.

Nicole Berger

HYIP psychology.

Various sciences have more or less relation to various spheres of human activity, providing help. At any rate, this is what they exist for. :) In each separate case it appears to be true. Once we deal with a human (human-to-human relations), then the knowledge of the force that directs our opponent (or partner) is useful for investment, because information allows ruling the world, not to mention investments.

Of course, when we speak about psychology and human interrelations, and mean HYIP, we mind HYIP administrator, investor, and, probably, `mass investor` (i.e. psychology of all investors in general). That’s because the audience of the program includes crowds of investors, rather than one person, and these crowds act according to some patterns. This is what we are going to analyze in our article.

Let’s start from afar. Almost every administrator of the program used to be an investor. Maybe this was the start of his `revenge path`, maybe he understood how to earn. Generally, those who organize the programs (I mean pyramids and other shady constructions) most often know what it means to be investor.

Another important issue is as follows: this is the investor who decided whether to invest or not. Unfortunately, it happens very seldom when investor has the possibility to withdraw his money. If you reinvested, you may only wait until you receive your interests. However, the fact of investing is important, because the program itself is made for you. This is the focus. You should mind it.

All these important issues influence the construction of relations between investor and administrator, where administrator does his best to make investor create a deposit. Be it honest or dishonest administrator, it doesn’t matter. He should known investor’s psychology to motivate him and achieve a positive result. Investor should know the psychology of other investors to foresee if they invest in this or that program or not. Ad, at last, you need to know the psychology of a scammer.

Why do we say that it is important to know all these psychological issue instead of just making investments? Just because the success of the most successful program depends upon the level of its popularity. I.e. upon the number of the users in the net. If you guess the right variant you probably win. I don’t mention the programs where psychology knowledge will prevent you from being cheated.

Well, what else can we say about it to our dear investors? Of course, there’s no such science as `HYIP psychology`, but HYIP investors are investors, so the algorithm of their actions is clear enough to foresee it.;)

Investors are scared by bright colors. Despite the idea the bright and beautiful sites attract investors’ attention, the real situation is quite different. Such sites little by little disappear, and if you see such offer, stay far from it – most probably, nobody invests in it. Beware the opposite side as well.

Some administrators try to create a `stylish` site with the help of usual methods – they place beautiful, stylish buttons, post the images of businessmen etc. however, if you push one or two buttons, you see that the program is cheap, and the design was most probably taken from the site of free templates, or maybe purchased, but doesn’t have anything in it as well. On the other site, free or purchased template with worthy content is much more appreciated.

By the way, let’s speak about values. Administrators adroitly use various methods to calm down their investors. They do it via their network, sending lots of mails, reporting about their problems every hour and about how they resolve them. Don’t pay attention to it.

The programs divide into those that have a standard support service, that have active, and those that live without feedback. The first type sends newsletters (informational), and don’t reply mails, the second type does both things, and the third type neither send mails nor replies yours. What can we think of they if they start doing it? That they want to reach some purpose, and these purpose are most probably dirty.

One of the popular methods is `coming back after having problems`. This is a method, actually. And it was used for a long time. It seems that if the program is back, it is sure to be online for a long time and you may securely invest in it. This often appears to be a wrong opinion, and then the program disappears, appears and again disappears in some days or hours after coming back. Be afraid of such turns.

Of course, we have just drawn a sphere for you, where investor may find definite ways to define algorithms. And these few examples cannot be a full guideline and they are not complete. But they will probably allow you thinking a bit and find some use for you.

David Lowery

Diversification is best way?

This precious word is listed as number one almost in all investment strategies and recommendations. Distributing one’s funds among various programs is really a good tool for security provision. But is it really so? Is diversification really reliable and universal as to deserve so much attention and NECESSARY implementation?

Of course, diversification advice recommending it as the primary method of providing security is based upon a wealth of experience and various mistakes. So we are sure that diversification is really a pledge of your success. But we also may say for sure that it may bring a lot of trouble if you use it wrong.

Diversification as it is understood at HYIP market means that you invest your funds in many projects at once, thus “spreading” the threat of losing your money. If you have $100 you invest it to different 10 projects giving $10 each instead of investing the whole sum into 1 project.

Unfortunately, this oracle has one drawback. It is as follows: you increase your risks while diversifying your funds. If you invest into 10 projects you make your risk 10 times higher. Of course, this shouldn’t be treated as a pure math, you cannot just multiple. But here is an important succession here, which cannot be neglected.

If you hope that just spreading your funds will decrease risks, you are mistaken. Risk won’t be decreased, it will grow, because a few programs from these ten you invested in will SURELY become scam, as 10 program are not a program. But this risk will be DIFFERENT.

And this is the sense of diversification method. When you invest into a few programs, you do not lose THE WHOLE sum. And this is the pledge of diversification and “perfect” investment strategy. Having secured your rear, you may move forward, even if one of those you gave your funds to falls down.

But you should remember about interests. And this point is important for proving our opinion that diversification is just another problem solution and it should be understood while implementing it.

While diversifying your funds, you not only keep them safe from unnecessary problems, providing yourself a chance even in case some of those programs are SCAM at the same time, you spread your profit as well, and having lost $10 of $100, you would receive only $0.9 (is you receive 1% daily). Accordingly, to compensate $10 you lost you should not only refund your initial deposit but also add $10, which is more difficult under such circumstances.

Accordingly, you receive the rest of your funds even after loss, but thus you don’t receive universality, and we are sure that investors should mind it. Thus, investing $100 in a good program once you may hit the mark and receive a good profit. But do not let diversification rule drive you limitlessly. As you see, this is not the best alternative. We hope, you understand it as well.

In each separate case one may use an unusual diversification method, and the first line offering diversification in any advice doesn’t necessary mean that this is your clue. Even if this solution has been dictated by experience.

You’d better drive your efforts to the search of the only one, and restrict you in your diversification. Otherwise you may push yourself to the limits (investing into one program, or, on the contrary, when you cannot control funds coverage), and risk will be determined by an individual risk of your each separate deposit. Be clever.

David Lowery

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