Centasia Development

Centasia Development is a leader in the construction, mineral extraction, and natural gas warehousing fields in the Central Asian republics. Providing both funding and management solutions for government contracts involving the exploitation and warehousing of the vast untapped resources of these territories, Centasia is a fast paced conglomerate in a leadership position in the region.
Invest with security and stability, as Centasia is now open to the public for additional funding sources. With your investment compiled into our construction and resource development capital pool, we will continue to help develop the Central Asia of the 21st Century!

5.88% daily for 21 days.$5 - $200
3.92% - 4.09% daily for 35 days.$100 - $10,000
21% - 22% weekly for 10 weeks.$100 - $10,000

Paid directly to e-currency.

Unique script,SSL,Dedicated server.

Referral bonus 6%-2%-1%

Liberty Reserve

Rate 4.5 Stars


Address:CENTASIA Development Vagonaja 24 474610 Astrakhanka Akmola Oblast Kazakhstan.

Whois info: dedicated server, domain expires in 2009.SSL,Official forum.Blockdos protection.

More Detail : http://centasiadevelopment.com


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