Any investor wishes to make money in HYIP. Finding a successful high yield investment program is not enough to maximise your high yield investments. Certainly it is not easy to maximise your return on investment from best HYIP. The main point of this article is the strategies how to find “fruitful” and prosperous HYIP and to maximise your interests from this HYIP.
Before we start to discuss the strategies, we should find an answer to the question what is best HYIP. Well, it is difficult to answer because there are various possibilities. For some investors the “fruitful” HYIP is HYIP with huge daily interest, for other HYIPers the “fruitful” HYIP is HYIP with instantly withdraw. Undoubtedly, all these investors are right.
I guess than each investor wishes the “fruitful” HYIP which is online for a long time, not just several weeks or a few months. Moreover, each investor wishes that “fruitful” HYIPs must have fast support. Some HYIPs reply to your questions within 1-2 days and, of course, it is too long! I am a potential investor and I need to get an answer immediately!
Certainly, you can find many answers in FAQ section of a great number of HYIP web sites but sometimes you need information which you can not find there. If HYIP has phone support so it is very good, you can always phone them and get answers to your questions.
According to many experienced online investors, one of the most important things for the “fruitful” HYIP is fast withdraws. No one wants to wait 1 or 2 days till they receive payment. Certainly, everyone wants to get money within few hours. “Fruitful” HYIPs have to pay fast.
All investors agree with me that HYIP security is significant in online investments. Of course, the “fruitful” and prosperous HYIP must have the server protection to guarantee that users’ accounts are safe and secure. Real “fruitful” HYIPs spend a lot of money for hosting and advertising as well as Ddos protection and security.
If HYIP has Prolexic Ddos protection it is a really good sign of seriousness of this high yield investment program because according to online security data, Prolexic Ddos protection costs more than $2000 per month.
Daily interests are the subject of many hot discussions on online HYIP forums because investors have very different opinions. Some people prefer 10-20% daily and other like 1-2% daily. Undoubtedly, the prosperous HYIP invests money into Forex trading and to other contemporary industries. So if HYIP earn money in Forex they can not offer 10-20%. It is impossible and each investor knows that. Talking about “fruitful” and prosperous HYIPs, the examples can be like Europe Trade Ltd.
Now the time is to discuss ways how to maximize your HYIP. After having found the “fruitful” and prosperous HYIP, the key to having successful investments is to build a safe, diversified portfolio and to extract your own money as quickly as possible. This will limit risk to your capital because if one programme closes, you will still have the others to fall back on.
Before investing in any programme, you should do a little research on it. I mean you should remember the main features of prosperous HYIP, namely daily interests of no more than 2-3%, excellent support, high qualified web site design of the HYIP company and best users’ account protection.
Besides, HYIP scripts are easily to get a hold of and this makes it easier for fraudsters and scammers to operate. One of the things to look for is the programme’s reputation if they are paying consistently.
When the investor makes any online investment, his aim is to extract his money as quickly as possible. This is because the investor wants to be able to invest using the profit he made from the high yield investment programme to protect his own capital. For example, a typical investment could be $100 then, after 30 days, the investor would extract his own money and re-invest the profits so that he is making risk that he uses “other people’s money”.
Another meaningful thing is that the investor will need to make use of referral systems to explode his profits from his investments. This is when the investor recommends someone to the programme and receives commission for it. This usually creates residual income for the investor which means him the opportunity to invest more of “other people’s money” to make even more cash.
However, each has to think about moral side of HYIP investment and does not promote high yield investment programs to others which do not look trustworthy. This is immoral and should not be encouraged. If you do not think so, please read my article “The Morals of HYIP Investments” and probably you will understand that it is possible to earn money with good consciousness.
Nicole Berger
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- kentaro17
- Im Real HYIP Player Who invest with own Money, Please dont Trust HYIP MOnitor They all are Paid Poster only...Follow me Lets make Money Online
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Golden rules of HYIPer
Rule1: Prepare to Lose
Be prepared to lose and only invest money you can afford to lose. Always invest in HYIP to earn extra income for other purposes such as setting up a business.
Rule2: Zero Emotion
Don’t let your emotion do your investing. Don’t be Greedy!! Don’t be afraid!! PLAN PLAN PLAN!! Stick to your PLAN!!
Rule3: Diversify
Diversify your money into 10 to 20 programs. What to diversify into? It will depends on what type of investor you are. Usually only 70% or more of your investments will fail before you even get back your 100% of your money. However, your remaining investments will pull through long enough to coverup for the loss.
Rule4: Get Capital ASAP
Always take out your capital as soon as possible before you do any compounding or reinvesting. If you are Mr Hell, then you might ignore this rule.
Rule5: Grow Wisely
After you have got back your capital, begin to compound. 100%,75%,50% or 25%….its your choice. Higher compounding rate if your program is doing well. 0% compounding if your program is dying.
Rule6: Research
You must always do you own research before you enter into any program. Read the forums, read the monitoring sites.
Ask yourself these questions:
- who are the administrators?
- are they responsive?
- where are they from?
- which monitoring site are monitoring them?
- what are the comments given by the public?
- how did they get their income?
- how long have they being operating?
- what documents do they have?
Rule7: Sceptical
Always be sceptical loser before you enter any program. When you are a sceptical person, you will do 10 times more research than an idiot who joins a program blindly.
Rule8: Watch for Warning Signs
When you are involved in a program, watch out for the warning signs!
If your program is failing, don’t bother crying over it. Look elsewhere for a better investment.
HYIP scam/problem (dont invest here)
Best strategies to maximise your HYIP.
Labels: HYIP Info
Compounding in SafeAtom
As you can see from your member’s area in SafeAtom it offers you three possible options of compounding: 0%, 50% or 100%. I will not tell you about 0% compounding as it’s set up by default and using this option you will get 2% for 150 days with principal back at the end of your investment term. So in this case you will get 400% (300% + your principal back).
So let’s look at the possible options to invest in SafeAtom excluding 0% compounding:
1) 0% compounding for 50 days, 100% compounding for 100 days: Investment back in 50 days, withdrawing 50 days only + at the end of program: $1000 gives you $6244 (624%).
2) 50% compounding for 150 days: Investment back in 70 days, withdrawing every day of 150 days: $1000 gives you $6943 (694%).
3) 50% compounding for 70 days, 100% compounding for 80 days: Investment back in 70 days, withdrawing 70 days only + at the end of program: $1000 gives you $9750 (975%).
4) 100% compounding for 150 days: Investment back at the end of the term, no withdrawing before the end: $1000 gives you $17500 (1750%).
In my opinion, the most preferable plan is #3. This way you will get your principal back in just 70 days which is a very reasonable time for SafeAtom (already 5 months online). Even if the program will not pay you the compounding money at the end you will get your principal back anyway. And in addition, you have a great opportunity to get 975% on your investment instead of 400% with 0% compounding. With 100% compounding you will earn more of course but this option is the most risky in my opinion.
source : money-news-online
Labels: HYIP Info
Hyip sites security (SSL)
Many programs in the marketing haste, reach truly virtuosity. Some install one security facilities, others – another. AntiDDOS, AntiSPAM and the wntire heaps of other computer terms sound usual for investors already, they are often unknown to the wide circle of investors. Among the rest, SSL (secure socket layer) is used most often, it even exists on some cards of programs on some monitorings. And id the words referral and min/max is clear for many people, in this article we are going to talk about SSL and what it gives to investors.
We`ll say frankly. Investing to programs, whose sites are SSL secured are more preferable than those having no such connection type. Now we`ll tell you in a few words, what SSL is and you will understand why.
Every time when you enter any site of a program, there`s an information exchange between your computer and server. Your computer sends a request (when you enter address in the field of the browser), and server sends the response. Everything is rather simple. Typical communication. And everything would be great if this communication would not be easily tapped. HOW? You may ask… very simply, very simply for the professional hacker, though every willing person is actually not able to tap anything he wants, though this is rather widespread, there`s even a special term for that - ``sniffer``.
As the e-commerce developed (online investment, whatever you may call it), there arouse a question of keeping the data transmitted. That`s because, if earlier you could be stolen the e-mail address, you enter in the browser field, then now you can be stolen… right. The number of your credit card, PIN, password, anything. Of course these data can be encrypted now, though they are more easily to be hacked than SSL.
SSL – is a special connection between your computer and server that goes not usually, when computer sends information, and server gives it back, the connection is encrypted. This protocol was designed by the Netscape company as well as the protocol that provides protection of the data between service protocols (such as HTTP, NNTP, FTP etc.) and transport protocols (TCP/IP).
Thanks to SSL all the messages you exchange with the server, where the site of the program is located, are encrypted. By the way, if you wish to check, whether the site of your program supports SSL you can even do it via Whois, usually this information is mentioned there. And of course, HTTPS – that`s exactly the SSL protected protocol.
Now, we`ll tell you some theory, so that you would remember forever what it's all about the SSL. First about the keys. There are public and private keys. Private keys are stored by the owners of the site – public ones are spread in public accordingly. So, encrypting usually goes like that: when you enter a site and your computer, requesting the information from the site, gets it in the form of encrypted private key.
When you first visit the site you usually get the message from the browser saying that you enter the secured area and you are offered to accept the certificate (``Certificate authority (CA)``)… here is the public key, spread by HYIP. If you enter the settings of your browser, you will see the keys received, the keys spread by the so-called Authority. By default your browser trusts particularly this group of Authority.
Geo Trust – is one of them. Now more often one may see the sign of Geo Trust on the pages of most HYIP. It says: Secured BY… and of you click this sign, you will see what key is the site equipped. By the way, one may see the following button: Secured BY RapidSSL… which means that site is secured by the 128 bit`s certificate of this company. The number of bits is the ``length`` of the key and the more bits there are, the more reliable key is. For instance, it`s not so hard to decrypt the 40 bit`s key.
The proof of ``communicating`` with the server in an encrypted way is for instance the following message from your browser: Security Warning: You have requested an encrypted page. The web site has identifies itself correctly, and information you see or enter on this page can’t easily be read by third party.
Why easily? That`s because, as a matter of fact, SSL key can be decrypted. Though very powerful engines are needed for that, not everyone has them, and they are rather expensive. Especially it depends what you are hunting for…
As you can see, SSL – is a very positive characteristic of a program. That`s why if there are two programs you can`t choose from and the only difference is SSL, think twice, whether you want to feel yourself quieter?
source : hyipnews
Labels: HYIP Info
SafeAtom Review
Let’s take a closer look at SafeAtom and describe all the features available :
1) Overall impression about the design of SafeAtom website is good. The layout is strict and neat without any flashy images. Although in my opinion any HYIP site that claims to have real business to sustain payouts should have similar design. There is even a real postal address on the main page though I can’t verify if SafeAtom LLC is really located there.
2) $1 minimum deposit will attract many small investors who will be promoting SafeAtom for comparatively high 10% referral bonus. Also I like the $20 bonus which will be of interest to many smaller investors that are thinking of depositing more. This way the program has great perspectives for stable further growth.
3) SafeAtom has been accepting deposits for 5 weeks already. I think 35 days is not a long term for such low ROI sites especially when you consider that it will be advertised heavily by the investors. Remember that SafeAtom pays every day so you will be in profit already after 51 days (it’s less than two months!). Moreover, if for any reason you would like to withdraw your principal say after 30 days you will still be in profit (60% + 50% principal back). I consider this option as very flexible and low risk of course provided that the site is still online and paying after a month.
4) The security of SafeAtom is top-notch. They are using high protection level against DDOS-attacks, SSL-protected channel where all investors’ data is encrypted and also according to their claims their server provides 100% uptime. The domain is registered for 3 years which is also telling us about their intentions to stay online for a long time.
5) The script they are using on SafeAtom website is original and customized. At least I can say I’ve never seen anything similar before. The main features: the possibility to deposit not only in USD but also in Euro (if you use LR), changing compounding rate (0%, 50% or 100%), weekly profit chart (see your profit for a week) and support ticket system built-in in your account where you can get the prompt and fast answer from support. All in all the script is quite good and secure and looks professionally made.
6) Finally I like their FAQ page. It’s not a “copy-paste” template of questions and answers but original investors’ questions to SafeAtom admin. And the main question that has been answered is how they actually make money: “We gain profit from the investments into the companies that in any event relate to nuclear power engineering. They are essentially the companies that are engaged in construction and maintenance of nuclear power stations. The experts working in our company have a unique experience that allows speculating in shares of the major companies on the stock market. The secret of our success is very simple. It is necessary to buy shares and to sell them in proper time. Perhaps, it seems simply. But in truth it is necessary to be well informed about all events that regularly occur in the sphere of the nuclear power engineering.”
source : money-news-online
Labels: HYIP Info
Elixtrade STEALS TradeElite WEBSITE
Elixtrade Finance Corp. claimed their company registered in file #478617 since May 17, 2005 in the Public Registry of Panama and operating since 2005, when it was first established as a private company by two former JPMorgan derivatives traders. Registered in file :)
Elixtrade Finance Corp. Century Plaza Office Tower,
20th Floor, Office Nr.7.
Panama City
Telephone: + (00) 507-202-1419
FAX: + (00) 507-996-3177
Customer Service:
Telephone: + (00) 507-202-1589
This company is using data of Tradelite to mislead its visitors. Elixtrade copy tradelite's contact numbers, corporate address and even information from Trade Elite's website. Elixtrade plan is very similar to tradelite too.
Also, all testimonials post stolen from tradelite
Actually I not belive this program. Just a total copy of Tradelite's website - don't trust them. You may be say : that most HYIPs scam, cheat etc. Yes right but this one has obviously stolen data from other HYIP, this is a very bad signal.
source : hyipnews
Labels: HYIP Info
what is ddos attack?
DEFINITION - On the Internet, a distributed denial-of-service (DDoS) attack is one in which a multitude of compromised systems attack a single target, thereby causing denial of service for users of the targeted system. The flood of incoming messages to the target system essentially forces it to shut down, thereby denying service to the system to legitimate users.
A hacker (or, if you prefer, cracker) begins a DDoS attack by exploiting a vulnerability in one computer system and making it the DDoS "master." It is from the master system that the intruder identifies and communicates with other systems that can be compromised. The intruder loads cracking tools available on the Internet on multiple -- sometimes thousands of -- compromised systems. With a single command, the intruder instructs the controlled machines to launch one of many flood attacks against a specified target. The inundation of packets to the target causes a denial of service.
While the press tends to focus on the target of DDoS attacks as the victim, in reality there are many victims in a DDoS attack -- the final target and as well the systems controlled by the intruder.
source :
Labels: HYIP Info
bristolcapitalgroup info (Wed, Aug 27, 2008)
Monthly Trading Report Publication.
Dear BristolCapitalGroup client,
August Trading Report has been published.
To understand the report you must have some basic understanding of trading on FOREX.
This is why we encourage our investors to study \\\"BCG blog\\\" section of our website.
You will be able to find wealth of information which will help you understand FOREX in general and this report in particular.
You can find link to the list of trading reports in upper menu of our website.
Sincerely, BCG team
Labels: HYIP Info
AmistaFund Review
Let’s analyze the main features of AmistaFund in great detail to see why I think this program is extremely good for investing.
1) AmistaFund is accepting a wide variety of e-currencies including LibertyReserve (dollars and euros), PerfectMoney (dollars and euros), Pecunix, AlterGold and V-Money. I always consider this option as an additional advantage when joining any investment program. The more options the investors have the more investments they will actually deposit in a program and the more successful and long-lasting the program will be. It’s that simple and the administration of AmistaFund realizes this perfectly well.
2) AmistaFund offers quite attractive plans and many investors will be tempted to spend the money in this high-quality program to get up to 150% on their investment in just 15 days. You should know that such rates can’t be sustainable for a long time but I’m sure AmistaFund will last for at least a couple of months and that will be more than enough for the majority of investors to be in profit. And mind that you don’t have to do anything after investing as you will be paid straight to your e-currency account after 5, 10 or 15 days respectively according to the investment plan you chose.
3) The security of AmistaFund website is top-notch. When entering the site you have an option to switch to protected SSL option so you can be sure all your data and transactions made in AmistaFund will be safe and secure. The site is hosted on a DDoS-protected dedicated server which is very important for maintaining online activity and providing a high uptime level for its customers. The fact that AmistaFund program makes direct payouts and operates without a complicated script also gives us hope that it will not fall victim to another hacker’s attack that happens quite often nowadays.
4) I know that it doesn’t matter much but the site’s domain for AmistaFund is registered for three years instead of the usual one year. That adds credibility to the program together with the fact that its identity is assured up to $10,000 by Comodo seal. There are some testimonials available on AmistaFund website as well. All evidence that the program is intended to stay online for some time.
5) The design and layout of AmistaFund site is obviously created by well-established designers. It’s really catchy and looks professional which will also be a determining factor for many investors that pay attention to site’s design as well. The site is very well structured and all the info is presented in a short and clearly manner which is also important for good understanding of AmistaFund's terms of service.
6) Finally, advertising. AmistaFund has a significant advertising budget that has obviously allowed it to be advertised on many famous investment monitors and forums. This factor will surely contribute to the coming success that AmistaFund definitely deserves. And I’m sure we will see good growth for this program very shortly.
So as you can see my personal opinion about AmistaFund is quite positive and I’m glad I found such a quality and promising program and presented it to you. I hope this program will bring you some decent profits in the long run. I made deposits in all three plans yesterday so I can update you on my blog in 4 days already after I receive the first payout from AmistaFund. I’m sure this will happen because AmistaFund is surely destined for success and I hope that after reading this review you understood what I meant.
resource : money-news-online
Labels: HYIP Info
The Stoic Info (08/26/2008)
23 Aug 2008
public holyday in the United Kingdom
Dear investors!
On Monday, August the 25-th there is public holyday in the United Kingdom of Bank Holyday. Due to this occasion it is not a business day for our company having office in London. On this day according to legislation the daily interest payment will not be accounted. Happy holydays to you.
Labels: HYIP Info
ACTrade (Advanced Currency Trade Inc.)
About ACTrade
ACTrade (Advanced Currency Trade Inc.) is derived from a private real Forex trading and and Currency trading club. The club was established in 2005. It was made up of more than twenty experienced.
Forex and Currency traders who have been in those markets for about ten years. The goal of launching this online investment program is to collect more capital from online investors and establish a mutually beneficial long-term trading relationship with out members and earn large money.
We make a majority of investments in the Forex trading and Currency trading due to the best opportunity for higher returns and diversifications. Now we offer you a simple, convenient, affordable and flexible method of investing in emerging markets through our unique online investment platform. With our globally integrated operations and business strategies, our disciplined and established investment process, and the knowledge and expertise of our investment managers, we are able to provide you with innovative investment solutions and give you the maximum return.
The main concepts at the core of us are:
1) Offering the most competitive profit, transparent and simple execution to the worldwide investors.
2) Transparency in everything we do, from the way we present our company to potential members to our method of execution.
3) At ACTrade we have no telemarketeers, we believe that investors who are serious about opening an account will enjoy this investment opportunities and services which are designed to meet your financial goals . Basically we respect people's intelligence and right to privacy. The added value to this concept is that it is a cost effective way of running a business.
Ultimately, development is our passion and our goal is to exceed your expectations. We work closely with each of our customers to drive everyone to succeed together, and work to ensure that each individual involved at ACTrade feel positive about their investment, thus all of us have similar benefits to achieve investment success.
Get your money working round the world
In today's global marketplace, investment opportunities are endless. You might move, but your finances shouldn't have to. You need a safe place to grow my wealth. At ACTrade, what we offer is not only the interesting & profitable investment opportunities, but also effective and safe place where you keep your money. No matter where you are, your membership will be our top value. We hope we can bring your financial plans to life across any latitude.
Plan Investment Profit Duration Principle
Bronze Elite $1-$50,000 3% daily 60 Days Not Returned
Silver Standard $50-$50,000 2% daily 60 Days Returned after Duration
Gold Advanced $500-$50,000 20% weekly 8 Weeks Returned after Duration
We take online investment security seriously and provide for a myriad of reliable security methods to guarantee the security at All investment process is protected via a secure connection so that the data sent to us can only be read by us. All of the data entered on the protection pages is encrypted using the 256 bit SSL (Secure Socket Layer) protocol. You can see that SSL is activated if you find a closed padlock in your browser status bar. You can also find the page is protected if the URL displayed in the address bar begins with https://.
Your password is stored on our server in an encrypted format, which even ACTrade may not decrypt.
We guarantee that every transaction you make with ACTrade will be completely safe.
Forum :
Just click here if you wanna join this amazing
Labels: HYIP Scam
Fundslife Info (Sun, Aug 24, 2008 at 10:50 PM)
Bonus Celebrate 1 Year Funds Life
Celebrate 1 year Funds Life program running, we already sent some bonus to all member signup into Funds Life. Many thank you doing business with us.
Special plan available celebrate 1 year Funds Life for small investor, all profit in forex market this weeks will give to member.
This plan available only one time and will closed after 7 days (1 weeks), maximum just $5000. VIP investor cannot join this plan.
Normal plan still available and paid.
See detail in special plan table.
Funds Life
Labels: HYIP Info
Amista Fund Inc.
Amista Fund Inc. gives you an opportunity to receive a stable profit from successful stock trading. We are proud to provide premium service to its investors and we hope to continue to exceed our customers' expectations by providing the best service. Providing quality customer service is the foundation of Amista Fund Inc. We value our customers and we strive to provide you with the best customer service in the industry. We work hard to make our customers happy, and have been consistently recognized by industry watchers for our efforts. We take pride in our ability to please our customers and always do our best to do what is right for them.
Amista Fund Inc. is here to help you achieve your goal of total financial freedom by offering its services to absolutely any individual in any country of the world. By joining Amista Fund Inc., you're joining a reliable and 100% secure program ever!
Our mission is to give access to services that most have no knowledge of, but when accessed and appreciated to the full, can profoundly change lives for the better. We strive to facilitate the process of being privy to a very high level of secret and guarded information, wealth building strategies and opportunities that are accessed through membership. If you need a suitable and long-standing program, looking for promising and profitable investment opportunities, you will find the ideal partner here.
Investment Plan:
110% after 5 days.Min:$5- Max: $10 000.
125% after 10 days.Min:$5- Max: $10 000.
150% after 15 days.Min:$5- Max: $10 000.
Antiddos-Server,Dedicated server.
Primary contacts:
164-2138, Jose A. Arango Avenue
Panama City, Panama
Forum :
Just click here if you wanna join this amazing program:
Labels: HYIP Scam
Tradelite Finance Crop
Tradelite Finance Corp. registered in file #478913 since March 13, 2005 in the Public Registry of Panama is an offshore investment company operating since 2005, when it was first established as a private company by two former JPMorgan derivatives traders. The decision to expand the operations online was taken during the Annual General Meeting of the shareholders in June 2007 which became reality only a few months later.
Our specialty is Intraday Trading on the Derivatives and the Foreign Exchange markets which account for more than 50% of the trades. We also often trade in FRAs and SWAPs for speculation on interest rates fluctuations. Another portion of the assets is allocated to high-quality Initial Public Offerings of companies with strong business momentum and short-term capital appreciation potential.
All assets are managed by professional traders, with a lot of experience in these markets. For your information, we have uploaded a sample of our trading records (available inside your Tradelite account). Moreover, during the years we have developed our own professional trading platform in which we have incorporated an advanced "Value-At-Risk" trading strategy to ensure that at any given moment, no more than 5% of your investment is exposed to market risk.
The Government of Panama does not tax income produced from sources outside the country. Other factors have also played a part, including the absence of any currency restrictions, the free international movement of capital and convenient taxation law focused on the offshore businesses. Long recognized as a commercial hub, Panama has developed into a banking and foreign exchange center.
Investment Contract 20D
This type of contract is targeted at short-term investors who seek small returns and maintain liquidity at the same time. Funds are mostly traded on the Foreign Exchange Market using Intraday Trading.
Minimum Investment:
$/€ 50
Maximum Investment:
$/€ 2500
Contract Duration:
20 calendar days
Total Investment Return:
118% (including principal)
Contract Cancellation:
Allowed at any time (10% fee)
Investment Contract 40D
These contracts are often chosen by investors seeking above than average returns, but don't want long-term commitments. Returns derive from trades on both the Derivatives and the Foreign Exchange Markets.
Minimum Investment:
$/€ 50
Maximum Investment:
$/€ 5000
Contract Duration:
40 calendar days
Total Investment Return:
147% (including principal)
Contract Cancellation:
Allowed at any time (10% fee)
Investment Contract 60D
Contracts 60D are targeted at investors seeking high capital growth and are willing to make long-term commitments. The majority of assets are invested in Derivatives Contracts, with a portion invested in high-quality Initial Public Offerings with strong business momentum.
Minimum Investment:
$/€ 50
Maximum Investment:
$/€ 10000
Contract Duration:
60 calendar days
Total Investment Return:
194% (including principal)
Contract Cancellation:
Allowed at any time (10% fee)
Tradelite Finance Corp.
Century Plaza Office Tower
20th Floor, Office Nr.7
Panama City
Republic of Panama
T: + (00) 507-202-1589
F: + (00) 507-996-3177
Forum :
Monitor :
Just click here if you wanna join this amazing program:
Labels: HYIP Scam
Elite Money
We are the group of professional traders and financiers which deals with highly remunerative operations in financial markets. EliteMoney consists of 15 variable investment programs which differ according to sums, terms and profitability. Reflecting our title, we, its managers and administrators, choose the object for investment, taking into consideration every trifle. Sometimes we spend a lot of time to find the suitable object, but our main aim is composure of our investors and it can be reached only in such a way.
Main investment areas:
• Futures operations: during the last some years we have been taken active part in market trades of southwestern Asia, which financial markets grow by lips and bounds because of high prices on energy resources and liberalization of commerce.
• Stocks of source companies, in the first place oil ones, but when valuation, we take into account quantity of proved sources but not filling stations amount. It makes us be confident in future if source prices increase
• Currency underestimation, e.g. Chinese yuan, etc.
Our Team
Our team consists of experienced investment advisors, skilled market analysts, professional traders and legal experts. Highly trained and educated, each member of our team possesses extensive practical experience in the investment and trading industry. The strong sense of unity within our team has always played an important role in accomplishment of our successful investment performance. The rapid realization of our goals is a testament to the benefits of working with a dedicated, experienced and professional team from the very start of our operation.
Investment security
Our company approaches the issue of investment security very strictly. No less than 50% of clients' investments are invested into the most secure assets with the lowest risk. Of course, it doesn't let us offer plans with with interest rates about 20-25% a day, but security issues are the most important for us.
Investment Plan:
1.5%-2.5% daily for 60 days
2%-3% daily for 120 days
10%-17% weekly for 12 weeks
14%-20% weekly for 24 weeks
60% monthly for 6 months
All plans 100% principal back
Black Lotus DDOS Level 2 Protection,Dedicated server
E-gold, Liberty Reserve,V-Money,Pecunix
Our office address in Dominica: P.O.Box 1369, Roseau, 00151 Dominica.
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The Stoic

Traditionally it was considered that it is better to keep money in an American or in a European bank with a high credit rating. At the present time the situation has changed and former profits don’t seem to be so undisputed anymore.
First of all, concerns on low interest rates that are paid on deposit. Thus, for example, what concerns the deposits in US dollars is that they rarely exceed the 4.5% per annum. “But high reliability and guaranties of money safety remain” as a private investor would say. And he would be right in some way. At the same time one should not forget that in the case of bankruptcy of any bank the compensation to the depositor, as a rule, would amount to 20,000 US dollars. Is it much or a little? Every person answers this question differently: everything depends on the amount of funds deposited by him.
Is there a possibility of saving private assets which would exceed a bank deposit concerning its reliability and profitability? Yes. One of these options is a guaranteed hedge fund.
The majority of guaranteed hedge funds are established according to one principle: funds invested by the depositor are divided into 2 parts. The first part is used for acquiring an invested capital repayment guarantee; the second part is an investment for acquiring income. Differences between guaranteed hedge funds can be noticed only by how and where the second part is being invested.
As you can see, these funds have distinct advantages in comparison to a bank deposit, because they guarantee the 100% safety of invested assets, and they give a significantly bigger income than a bank deposit. But guaranteed hedge funds have also their disadvantages. These funds allow a limited number of investors, and also the minimum amount for the entry into the fund must be approximately $10 million.
But in November 2007 Stoic Capital Management Inc. created the first guaranteed hedge fund. The Stoic, opened for an unlimited number of investors and giving the opportunity to enter it not only to small but also to major investors.
Investment Plan Invested Amount (USD) Daily Profit Period *
Start 10 - 999 1.4% - 1.8% 190 days
Classic 1000 - 4999 1.7% - 2.2% 190 days
Premium 5000 - 19999 2.0% - 2.4% 190 days
VIP More than 20000 2.2% - 2.8% 190 days
Advantages of investing in The Stoic:
- With high potential profitability you have full guarantee of assets from Merrill Lynch, Credit Suisse, and UBS.
- You will have assets distribution on numerous markets. Apart from ordinary shares we invest in monetary market instruments (treasury bills, deposit certificates etc.), and also derivative securities (futures, options, warrant certificates etc.).
- $10 millions own capital.
- Daily payments of profits to investors.
- 24/7/365 customer support.
- Effective referral program.
We are a friendly modern company, as we follow high principles of ethic and professionalism in our relations with the clients, partners and society.
Our support service works 24 X 5. If you have a question, you may write an e-mail or use our Live Chat at any time and receive your answer immediately.
If the support service in which you have addressed does not answer, please be patient, as soon as the operator receives your question you will receive a prompt answer. You will not wait long for the answer to your question.
Address: 306 Victoria House, Victoria, Mahe, Seychelles
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Labels: Best
The Stoic Capital Interview
Hello Mr. Kerry,
Thank you for agreeing to spend time with us and provide some answers to the questions, which as you know, our users have prepared earlier at our forum. Could you please introduce yourself to our investors.
The Stoic:
Hello Alex, my name is Neil Kerry, I am one of company's financial managers. I am happy to spend time with you and I see this as another excellent opportunity to communicate with investors, who already entrusted us their funds and are already enjoying the benefits for many months, as well as with those, who might be considering to join our program in the future.
Before we start, I wanted to say this: "Talk to a professional and you will realize how little you know about the subject, which you thought you knew". This was my conclusion after talking with you about investments in general. I wanted to thank you personally for that extra education on the subject and I probably will summarize all the new things I've learned separately, but we have a goal to meet here, so let us move on to the questions.
Our first question is:
Who are the people responsible for company management?
The Stoic:
Alex, you knew half the answers and your questions were all, but right on the matter.
To answer the question, Stoic management team is a group of fund management professionals with at least 7 years of experience on average, each in their specific type of investments. Our management team members have officially assigned to them internal subordination positions, which were required to be provided to local business authorities, but overall, this venture is truly a group effort.
When exactly was the company registered officially and why offshore?
The Stoic:
Our funds management experience goes many years back, but official registration date of The Stoic is February 20th, 2008, in the Republic of Seychelles. Our company is operating in full compliance with local and international laws. In our opinion, registration in an offshore zone, is the only viable option for well performing funds and fund managers, who want to concentrate on the actual investment job, instead of dealing with various audits that usually take place as soon as company's performance stands out from the "crowd".
Does your company registration includes license to operate as an investment fund and if so, is it available to the public for viewing?
The Stoic:
Yes, it does and we have uploaded the electronic versions of several company documents on our website.
How can investors contact management team?
The Stoic:
Unless there are some exceptional circumstances, for instance, when very significant investments are involved or there is some business proposition, all contacts are handled via our well trained website support team. Investors have to realize that as much as wish to, with currently about six thousand of members, it will be impossible to provide adequate support to everyone. This was also the reason we established the website and registered company as an independent entity, on the first place. With that said, our investors should be rest assured that management team is fully aware about all the issues that our program users have, at all times. This is because in addition to real time forwarding of company related issues by our website support team, we have regularly scheduled briefings on which the rest of inquiries from investors are outlined to the management and then thoroughly discussed.
Are there any company earning reports available to view?
The Stoic:
Yes and No.
First of all, there is a full transparency in the fact that our users are seeing their share of earnings right within their accounts, but I should also state that Stoic is a core structure of a multi-divisional, multi-fund entity and it's overall summary earnings are held as company's proprietary information. At the same time, the investors should know that our company is in full compliance with all local laws, as far as various reporting and filing requirements go. Every single monetary transaction of the fund, is independently filed, (therefore is publicly available), by our fund divisions, as well as by participating contracted businesses.
Let me get this straight, there are independent funds inside Stoic fund?
The Stoic:
Exactly. Simply put, Stoic is managing several officially independent funds, which are filing earning reports whenever required. For this reason, providing the reports individually, will not reflect overall company financial standing and performance, therefore may be misleading.
Offered by Stoic earnings potential is quite high, or as you put it earlier, it really "stands out". This must mean that there is a risk. Are there any risk management plans in place and what are they?
The Stoic:
For as much as I feel confident in Stoic performance for many years to come, statement that there is no risk, would be a blindfolded one. Various risks are a part of every day life for all of us. One may feel safe walking on a curbed sidewalk, but there is always some risk of being hit by a car of reckless driver coming from an adjacent busy street.
To answer the question, I can say that in addition to some pre-existent safe backup deposits, our investment strategy is actually built from grounds up, on a solid zero-loss/zerro-gain hedged base. In other words, while we will deliver per offered plans for as long as our investment strategy is working and is protected as an intellectual property, we feel that the chance of losses is nearly non existent. I know you have another relevant question about hedging strategy, so perhaps I will talk more about the base of our investment strategy while commenting on that other question.
Let us get right to that question, while we are on the subject. The question which one of HYIP.COM users have asked in its exact wording was: "Which financial products (or markets) are they investing in and how exactly do they hedge?" Can you comment?
The Stoic:
Good general description of the term �hedge fund� can be found at, but I certainly can comment on the key elements of our own hedging strategy, since the question has been put forward.
By definition, ideal hedging cancels out the risk on any specific investment, by compensating what we call, �the artificial investment losses�, due to the market movement as a whole, which in turn, is the result of regular market's trading activity. The generic example of hedging would be to buy shares of promising company X, while making carefully calculated short sale of sector shares, to which this company belongs. In the event if company X's share price goes down due to the overselling of all it's sector shares, no losses will occur because of previously taken hedging short sale position, which will automatically produce compensating gains. The key element of Stoic hedging strategy lies in experience-based ability of our fund managers to define proper set of traded commodities to be used for offsetting possible losses of our main investments. The exact commodities (or markets) we are working with, I would prefer to not reveal for the reasons related to intellectual property rights protection.
This was a mouthful, Neil. Definitely, made me spend extra time on Wiki, but I think we can leave it from here on, for further discussion by the investment community at our forums, as well as on other resources, which may choose to publish this interview. I wanted to once again thank you for your time and I wish you success and good times ahead.
The Stoic:
It has been a pleasure and I thank you for the interview invitation. You have one of the best built investment community resources, with it's well balanced monitoring, educational and advertisement capacities. I wish you and all HYIP.COM users all the best.
Labels: Interview
RamicapGroup (RMCG)
About Us
Nowdays,it's not a daydream of earning steady-going yield on the internet.Compared to stock and other high yield investment opportunities,forex is more stable capital income gotten and professional knowledge needed.Ramicapgroup is a group of professional traders and market analysts.We are here through our website to provide reasonable returns for all members who participate in us.
What we offer
All members in our group have many years experience in forex trading market and capital management area. Now we have ability to achieve stable yiled and we can offer our clients long term profit.So firstly,we supply our members with reasonable and stable investment yield.We offer 2.5% daily profit for 120 days.In addition,we will give our clients the most secure online investment platform and excellent online customer service.
About Forex Market
OREX Market (Foreign Exchange Market) is an inter-bank market of exchanging one currency to another, which was formed in 1971, when international trade switched from fixed rate of exchange to floating one. This is a totality of transactions of foreign exchange market agents on the exchange of specified sums of one country's monetary unit to the currency of other country according to coordinated rate for a fixed date. When exchanging, rate of one currency relatively to the other is very simply defined: by a demand and supply - exchange, which both sides agree for.
Investment Opportunity
As we said before,we offer Stable and Reasonable investment plan: 2.5% daily return for 120 days. In order to give our members continuous profit,we will pay 7 days every week and which is different from trading market. The minimal deposit is only 5 USD and fast payment system will do a good job on our platform.
Which E-currencies We Accept
Recently,we only accept Libertyreserve & AlterGold as our main deposit and payment methods. In following days,we will add other e-currencies according our needs.
Referral Program
Open an account at RamicapGroup and you will be able to participate in our referral program. We will pay you 5% of your referrer's deposit. To take part in our referral program,it is not necessary to have a deposit. You will only have to register with us and give your personal referral link to investors attracted by you.
24/7 Fast and Friendly Support
Powerful Protection against DDoS Attacks
256-bit Strong Encryption SSL
Professional Script and Artdesign
Experienced traders and Analysts Group
The Most Secure Investment Platform
Steady & Reasonable Investment Return
We Pay 7days Per-Week and FastPayouts
Referral-Commission for Visitors Too
Excellent Online Customer Service
Want to contact us with other ways? You can choose follow methods freely.
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» YIM: ramicapgroup(
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FundsLife are a private investment program run by a strong team of Professional Forex and Stock Market, generating wealth for a progressive community of investors and enterprises. Let us take care of the financial world outside.
Our professional expertise allow us to offer you secure returns on investments. We use various strategies in Forex market and stock. Diversification in trading is its most important part which minimizes the risks and generates larger profits. FundsLife is a key to prosperity and financial stability.
We offer a wide range of products and services, powerful tools and research to help you achieve your goals. Open an account today and you'll be on your way to growing your investments. Our mission is to provide our investors with a great opportunity for their funds by investing as prudently as possible in various arenas to gain a high rates in return.
FundsLife offers fixed profit below :
Funds Daily Profit 15 Days
Plan Spent Amount (US$) Daily Profit (%)
Profit 3.5% $15 - $1,000 3.50
Profit 4.5% $1,001 - $5,000 4.50
Profit 5.5% $5,001 - $10,000 5.50
Profit 6.5% $10,001 - $20,000 6.50
Profit 9.5% $20,001 - $50,000 9.50
* Profit Start from 3.5% - 9.5% Daily for 15 days.
* Principal deposit will back after 15 days matured.
* All transactions are handled via e-bullion ecurrency and LR.
* Minimum spend start from $15 and maximum $50000 per daily transaction.
* You may make an additional spend as many times as you like.
* Payments made to FundsLife account daily and you can withdraw anytime to ecurrencies you have.
Use our referral program and earn 5% of referral deposits.
FundsLife based office in Quebec, Canada. Phone: +1-425-998-2808
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Just click here if you wanna join this amazing program:
Labels: HYIP Scam
About SafeAtom
Nuclear power is a type of nuclear technology involving the controlled use of nuclear fission to release energy for work including propulsion, heat, and the generation of electricity. Nuclear energy is produced by a controlled nuclear chain reaction and creates heat — which is used to boil water, produce steam, and drive a steam turbine. The turbine can be used for mechanical work and also to generate electricity.
Although nuclear power generates many megawatts of power, the waste produced and risks often make it a controversial choice. As a result, different nations have very different attitudes towards nuclear power; some, such as France, generate most of their electricity by nuclear power, while others, such as Italy, have decommissioned, or are planning to decommission, all of their nuclear power stations.
Many military and some civilian (such as some icebreaker) ships use nuclear marine propulsion, a form of nuclear propulsion.
International research is ongoing into different safety improvements such as passively safe plants, the use of nuclear fusion, and additional uses of produced heat such as the hydrogen production (in support of a hydrogen economy), for desalinating sea water, and for use in district heating systems.
The world's first nuclear power plant began to work in the USSRs Obninsk on June 27, 1954 to generate electricity for a power grid, and produced around 5 megawatts electric power. Before that time nuclear energy was mainly used in the military purposes. The launch of the first Nuclear Power Plant initiated a new direction in energetics, which gained general acceptance on the First Geneva Conference in August 1955. In 1957 EURATOM was launched alongside the European Economic Community (the latter is now the European Union). The same year also saw the launch of the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA).
The world's first commercial nuclear power station, Calder Hall in Sellafield, England was opened in 1956 with an initial capacity of 50 MW. The first commercial nuclear generator to become operational in the United States was the Shippingport Reactor (Pennsylvania, December, 1957).
The whole world was immersed into an epoch of nuclear power. Thousands of enterprises concerning in any case to construction and maintenance of nuclear power stations have appeared all over the world. As of 2004, nuclear power provided 6.5% of the world's energy and 15.7% of the world's electricity, with the U.S., France, and Japan together accounting for 57% of all nuclear generated electricity. As of 2007, the IAEA reported there are 439 nuclear power reactors in operation in the world, operating in 31 different countries.
The United States produces the most nuclear energy, with nuclear power providing 20% of the electricity it consumes, while France produces the highest percentage of its electrical energy from nuclear reactors—80% as of 2006. In the European Union as a whole, nuclear energy provides 30% of the electricity. Nuclear energy policy differs between European Union countries, and some, such as Austria and Ireland, have no active nuclear power stations. In comparison France has a large number of these plants, with 16 currently in use.
One of the founders of the company ‘Safe Atom’ István Kovács all his life have been dreaming to be engaged in problems of nuclear power. But man proposes God disposes. Because of a lack of money István Kovács had to give up the idea to enter the Institute for Nuclear Research and he has started speculating on a stock exchange.
Owing to self-education in the sphere of nuclear physics István Kovács has been able to receive handsome profits investing money in the various organizations engaged in nuclear power engineering.
At the moment there are more than 20 employees in the Safe Atom Company. They are mainly economists, but the founders of the company including István Kovács are physicists. The collaboration of experts has made it possible for company to be successfully engaged in investments in the sphere of nuclear power engineering for last decade.
Investment Plan :
2% daily for 150 calendar days, principal return.
Min:$1 - No Max.
BlockDos Protection,Unique script,Dedicated server.
Referral bonus 10%
Liberty Reserve,Perfect Money.
Rate 4 Stars
We invest in companies which:
- are engaged in production of nuclear fuel, Uranium-235
- provide transit and delivery of nuclear fuel to nuclear power stations
- project and participate in construction of nuclear power stations
- take nuclear power stations out of service
We don’t invest in the companies which are engaged in nuclear-waste disposal. In spite of the fact that these companies have considerable gain such business is riskiest. Many countries have very strict nuclear-waste disposal legislation. Therefore such companies’ activity very often provokes public indignation and as a result the companies cannot meet the treaty commitments of nuclear-waste disposal to their customers
Referral Program
You will earn much more if you use our referral program!
We pay:
- 10% from each deposit that is made by the person who you have involved into the Company SafeAtom.
You will be able to withdraw earned money at once! For participation in our partner program you don’t need to have your own deposit! Just place on your site one of our banners.
We take care of our investors!
8101 Sandy Spring Road suite 220 No.3403
City: Laurel
State: Maryland
Zip Code: 20707
We are willing to answer all your questions.
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Just click here if you wanna join this amazing program:
Labels: HYIP Scam
Fundslife Interview (08/21/2008)
kentar017: hi admin,i think your profit is high 3.5 per days, where you placing my money so you can make this high profit??
fundslife: as you know into main site, Funds Life mainly in forex market fundslife: just see into trading report proof history
fundslife: we can make profit 50%-80% weekly using our secret software
kentar017: yeah i ‘ve seen your report history, but forex market is highly risk, maybe you can tell how long your experience in forex market so you can make high profit like this..and your secret software is a great program..
fundslife: we have experience in forex market for 3 year, also we have using this secret software 1 years already and still gain profit, never loose
fundslife: we trust our software is strong, because 1 year already make profit without loosing
fundslife: our trading is automatic by robot, not by personal human
fundslife: so why we confidence with our secret software kentar017: ok i hope you can make profit for long time...then i just see in you website "fully ddos protection by goldpoll" whats that mean??
fundslife: our server now have anti DDOS protection, so no hacker or flooder can attack our server fundslife: last month our server under DDOS attack by hacker
fundslife: so we put some protection for shield our site
kentar017: let me know wheres company ddos protection using by your web?
fundslife: you could ask admin of we using they protection or not
kentar017: goldpoll is familliar by monitoring HYIP web, so they prepare ddos protection too??
fundslife: yes
fundslife: they have DDOS protection product, better from
kentar017: i think its better choices..
fundslife: yes
kentar017: i was read your FAQ and find this statement "FundsLife guaranteed 100% principal not lose. Someday if FundsLife program disaster, your profit will be stop and your principal deposit will back within 30 days since offers program stopping, new program will be launching for recovery disaster. " can u explain it??
fundslife: that is guaranteed if someday our trading in forex market failed
kentar017: you really have backup funds??
fundslife: sure
kentar017: how much you have backup fund??
fundslife: $750,000 at this time
kentar017: and growing for the next days??
kentar017: hello are you still there??
fundslife: growing weekly
kentar017: depend your weekly profit i guess
fundslife: absolutly right
kentar017: more question about your company, Where exactly was the company registered officially??
fundslife: yes, our based office registered in
kentar017: since when?
fundslife: since Sep. 2007 our office registered in
kentar017: Does your company registration includes license to operate as an investment fund?
fundslife: absolutely right, but our law not permited for public viewing the certificate license
kentar017: ok the last maybe you have some message for many investor in my country?? fundslife: just can say, many thank you trust our program. We hope could give the best for investor and still make profit together in market.
kentar017: ok thank you for your time..
kentar017: hope fundslife can be longlife program
fundslife: you welcome, thank you
fundslife: have nice day
Labels: Interview
Unique, legal, safe online investing
General Information
Investment project has been created by the group of traders and analysts, specialized in the sphere of stocks, bonds, alternative products, currencies, futures, real estate. All the members of our team are professionals. They are constantly working on implementing unique technologies and trading schemes that allow working successfully on the market of virtual investments in a highly successful and profitable way.
The profit we offer is quite real! The interests we pay to our investors are first of all thanks to using low-risk strategies when trading. Our analysts are doing their best to make successful forecasts and our traders work nearly 24 hours a day for making more stable profit both for us and our investors.
We are also working on alternative markets. Like real estate market – obviously one of the most stable and profitable nowadays.
Besides, we use aggressive tactics and compensate it with less risky and more stable profitable operations hence the profit we get is stable.
It is worth to be mentioned - for the last 6 months, the amount of funds managed by the project has reached enormous rate and which is most important the growth is constant and stable. Large and constant income of financial flows should be followed with increasing the level of security of the financials. Namely with the purpose of enabling maximum security the management of the project took the decision to give all the financial flows of the project under management of the company Stocks and Diamonds Co. From now on, the funds of the project are controlled and managed by the the company Stocks and Diamonds Co.
That will ensure far more confidence for our investors, secure their deposits to the utmost, and let the project put all the efforts upon achieving the maximum business profitability within the terms, given on the site of
Investment Plans
When making profit we can offer some of the strategies that can be used.
• You may not risk, and start with the minimum investment to any of the programs. As soon as this program finishes, you can invest the money you earned to another more profitable program and so on.
• Another interesting strategy implies monthly investing to program. In such a way you increase your income every month twice, three, four and even more times. Like the first strategy you may invest the money earned to the more profitable one as soon as it is over.
• You can achieve high profits within a short period of time by means of investing to 3 programs at once.
• If you already have serious savings and our program do not meet your demands, please get in touch with us and we'll be ready to help you.
We offer 3 investment plans at your choice. FIRST STEP, PROFIT RUN and WEATH JUMP!
Each of them is different from each other and can satisfy eveyone's needs. See the details of every program below:
from $150 to $750
1.60% daily.
Investment period of 30 days.
You can withdraw your principal at any moment.
from $750 to $5,000
1.80% daily.
Investment period of 60 days.
You can withdraw your principal at any moment.
from $5,000 to $100,000
2.00% daily.
Investment period of 120 days.
You can withdraw your principal at any moment.
What It Takes To Become a Millionaire
Do you know that it's possible to become a millionaire, investing just $1 a day? In such a way you can make a million in 56 years, but as a matter of fact it's not so hard to become a millionaire, as it may seem.
Lots of people make successful bargains annually. People having no special education, little experience on market trades become rich and achieve the targets, they couldn't even think about before, all is owing to market trading. Of course, many people lose their money, but isn't it better to try and burn your fingers than not to try at all? What are you dreaming about? Maybe you want to travel all around the world, wearing furs; maybe you wish to buy the house of your dreams, or just retire, being absolutely independent financially. All these dreams may come true with LargeSUM!
No matter, what are the reasons for you to be here - here are the 4 steps to help you to become a millionaire:
1. Make up your mind to become a millionaire.
Some people think that accumulating wealth is wrong. Before moving towards being a millionaire, make sure you are really accumulating wealth and believe in your inner force to do that.
2. Just imagine yourself enjoying an abundant lifestyle.
Every great fortune is born in someone's imagination. Imagine yourself living in the house of your dreams, enjoying ideal relationships with the friends of yours, contributing to the world with your unique talents and abilities. Imagine the fortune you can achieve and you will succeed. Believe it and get it.
3. Spend less than your earn.
But how? Pay yourself first. Take 10% of the top income of yours deposit the amount into your investment account. Convert all your credit cards except one to debit ones, in such a way you won't go into debt. From now on go on living with the rest.
4. Invest otherwise.
A dollar invested at 10 percent interest becomes a million in 56 years. In other words, anyone can become a millionaire by investing only a dollar a day - 30 bucks a month. If you want to become a millionaire faster, invest more money or find ways to make your money grow at higher rates of return.
For several years lots of homebusiness makers earned the initial capital along with us and some of them even became millionaires. We assist earning money not just to persons, knowing about investments and PCs, we help earning their first million to all the people and YOU as well.
To join our unprecedented campaign YOU need just to complete registration on our site, and, using LIBERTY RESERVE make the INITIAL investment.
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Just click here if you wanna join this amazing program:
Labels: HYIP Scam
HYIP Forums-Most Inportant Tool
In every decission making on investing in HYIPs you have to take help of a lot of tools.I think the most important among them is the use of forums.Its the most useful and the most updated source to HYIP information.They have almost all the necessary data that you need to analyse before making any investment in that particular HYIP.And forums are also very easy to use.
Now let me explain why forums are important.Firstly they are the meeting places of investors like you and me.Its an online community of like-minded people who share their thoughts and experiences.You got to learn a lot of things from them for FREE.Thus every investor should necessarily devote some time to forums so that you can know the present trends going on in the HYIP world.And you can even ask for help in making your decissions,because there are a lot of experienced investors who will be more than happy to help you!
Another good thing about forums is that they are updated most recently.The most active forums have the lates news(almost within a few couple of hours)!So this is especially beneficial in scam warnings.
Hyip forums have different topics under which discussions are carried out.These topics range from technical support to personal experience
talks.Once you learn forum posting you will get addicted to it.Thus its both fun with learning.
Forums should be a routine follow-up before and after making an investment.Before investment forums help you in determining the present status of the HYIP that you want to invest in.Just search through different threads on any particular HYIP and make an analysis about its worth.If not many people complain about that HYIp & it has many favourable comments then that makes a positive point in favour for that HYIP.However if most of the posts make complaints against,then thats a negative point.People should give a little more weightage to negative comments than positive ones because after all your money is at risk & you should not get it being scammed away!
Some of the good forums are like Gold-Horizons, Web Life e-Business Forum,etc.Neverthless to mention is the most popular and heavy traffic drawing forum which is almost a must for all investors.Many other forums may be found in HYIP monitoring websites.Forums are also a feature of many HYIPs itself but most of them are like customer support forums,so it is better advised not to believe/waste too much time in such forums.
But the negative part of forums is that many HYIP owner deploy fraud posters who are paid to post false positive feedback in order to promote their HYIP.Also there are HYIPs who employ people to post false negative comments against their rival counterpart HYIPs.So how do you believe which posts are authentic?Well the general rule is that if in a particular HYIP thread there are much more negative comments than positive ones then your decission should go against that HYIP.And you must also look into several other forums about that particular HYIP before coming to a conclusion.Another thing to notice is that any positive feedback should not be over-exaggerated.That would most probably be a fraud response!
Finally a thing to be noted is that If you are using any forum to get knowledge then please make your knowledge and experience also posted to help others.Be prompt in giving feedbacks because that may help save somebody's money!
Labels: step by step about hyip
Full Time Income
Its very possible to earn a full time income through HYIPs.But this is largely not recommended because-
HYIP returns are very unpredictable.If you lose all your money,you cannot get it back because it is difficult to trace the scammer.Even egold authorities cannot help you with that .If a case is filed in the court then legal proceedings usually take a long time for verdict & by that time your lawyer fees would have been more than the amount you claimed for!
Investing in HYIPs is like investing in gambling.You never know when you lose,thus there can never be peace of mind or job satisfaction.
And I think there is a little population who actually make full time earning through HYIPs(most of them are HYIP monitoring/HYIP related website owners and the rest few are those whom you see in forums as active senior posters)
Therefore I suggest that you keep HYIP investing as a part-time income source only
Labels: step by step about hyip
Recovery In Scam
Unfortunately there is no back-up if ever you get scammed.This is mainly because of the system flaw.Let me explain this in detail
Now supposing that you invest some amount in a HYIP and after sometime you suddenly discover that you have been scammed of your money.You would probably straightway make a complain to egold authorities about this stolen money and request either a pay back from the HYIP owners account or ask for the HYIP owner’s personal contact information from their records to enforce legal proceedings.But both in vain,egold can’t help you in either of these matters.
If you had made a large investment say a few thousand dollars) then you would probably file a case in court against the HYIP owner.But from where do you find the scammer,because he might have provided with all false contact information!Next,you have to wait for a long period(over a year) to get verdict from court.And by that time the lawyer fees would have been mor than the amount for which you claimed for!
So it is always best said-
“Don’t invest what you can’t afford to lose”
Labels: step by step about hyip
Getting Scammed
Unfortunately there is no way to assure that you won’t lose money when you join a HYIP.Basically don’t expect to get back your money,but you can definitely take your revenge by labeling the HYIP owner as a scammer and making an online(free) suit against him.You can also warn other innocent investors to be aware of that particular HYIP. If you find a HYIP site and wish to invest in,then you may follow the following steps-
Use Whois Lookup sites to find out the Web Owner details information such as IP address, Web hosting company name& address, name& registered address of the HYIP website or country of origin,etc.After you find these ,save the information for future use.
When you make payments to this HYIP then it is very important that you keep all confirmation emails containing information about amount of money deposited ,to whom you paid & on what date you paid. This is very important testimonial required whenever you want to file a case.
If you got deceived then The first things that you should do is to report about it throughout the internet.You may report it in sites such as,etc.Also make forum postings in as many forums as you can.Make sure you make a post in large forums like,,,etc.Be bold in your statements and give the actual details.I am sure people who read your report will definitely thank for your help.
Then report to egold authorities.Although they wont give back your money but still they may freeze the scammer’s egold account so that he cannot make any more transactions.Send complains to the web hosting company of the HYIP asking them strongly to suspend the hosting of that HYIP on charges of scamming.Try to give all your testimonials to convince the fact.
Finally make a fraud complaint to legal authorities.You can file a complaint at the official website of the Internet Fraud Complaint Center, administered by the US National Bureau of Investigation and the National White Collar Crime Center.Any body can file a complaint(nationality is not a bar) and its absolutely free of cost.Once they receive your complaint then they will immediately start investigations and take any necessary action as required.
Simultaneously also make complaints to other similar authorities such as,,
By following the above steps you may not get back money but ofcourse you will feel satisfied by taking revenge and prevent others from falling into their scam hands!
Labels: step by step about hyip
Concept Of Test Spend
Test spend is a wonderful concept that you must understand and practise while making any HYIP investments.So lets begin this discussion on understanding test spend:
What is Test Spend? Test spend can be explained as a small initial deposit made in a new HYIP to assertain its viability.
What is its importance? Test spend is a very useful method to determine whether any HYIP is good or not.Whenever you come across any new HYIP then the first deposit should be a test deposit to see how the HYIP is working and deduce a conclusion about it.Since a HYIP is new,you probably don't know whether it is a paying or a scam programme.So making a test spend can tell you the reality of the HYIP.If the HYIP is genuine then you will most probably get all the promised interests and customer service with the test spend.If all goes right then you can move further to making your real investment and reap the products.This step of making test spend assures that the programme is paying at the current time.
And if the HYIP is a scam then you will not get your returns.So don't make any further investments.Thus you are also prevented from being scammed of a larger amount(the larger amount you had initially planned to invest in this particular HYIP)
What to expect from a test spend? Basically if the HYIP is genuine then you must expect 100% customer support,total(& timely!) interest returns,and any other facilities that the particular HYIP may promise to its investors.
What things to monitor after making a test spend? It is very important to monitor all returns after a test spend.Look for the following:
-Is the HYIP giving back your interests?If so then is the payment made at right time?If the HYIP's payment system is automatic then you must be getting your returns without requesting for it.If the payment is manual,then once(or more times) request for your interest and see if the
payment is actually being made.Many times the payment is not made at all (in both automatic or manual methods).It is best to avoid further investing in it.In some cases the HYIP may declare that it is not able to make payments due to some genuinr problems and would soon resume payments.In such cases wait till the specified time and see if the payments have begun..Most of the cases such HYIPs make false claims about not being able to make payments due to some reason but still continue receiving investments and then scam away!So you must not invest more till you are fully sure that the HYIP has started paying regularly.
-Next thing to monitor is their customer care service.See if they make prompt replies to your querries.Also some HYIps offer free online chat with the website administrators.Try to use it and see if its working!
Where to use test spend? It is usually advised that you make test spends only on HYIPs in which you intend to make large investments(say more than 100$)
How much to test spend? The test spend should be always minimum.Thus invest only that much amount which can be accepted according to the particular HYIP's policies on minimum investment.
How much time to monitor? You should monitor atleast one week or more as per the situation and the particular HYIP's payment schedule
Labels: step by step about hyip
Due Deligence
First you should know that due deligence is different from due diligence.The later refers to a business term used for accessing the credibility of a client during sanctioning loans,etc.Due deligence applied in the sense of investing is however used to refer to certain techniques of self analysis made before actual investing.When you have made some research on your HYIP programme,make a little more effort in checking out these following points.And if you are intending to become a part-time earner,then you must learn to gain efficiency in these following-
Begin with the website name of the HYIP.Check if the domain name is free or a paid domain name.Free domains names(sub-domains) are like whereas paid domains are just the extension may also be something else like .net,.info,etc).HYIPs hosted at free hosting are pure scam.Aviod them at all costs.
Look for contact info of the HYIP administrator.If the contact email is a free email account such as,etc ,then resist yourselves from investing in such a HYIP.If a HYIP which cannot even afford to get a paid hosting/email, then how can it pay high interests to you!
See in the contact information if they give you a postal address/telephone number.if not,then may be the HYIP administrator does not want himself to be revealed to the public.Don’t trust him, the HYIP may not be very reliable.
Notice the websites design of the HYIP.If the design looks unique & professional,then it’s a good sign.If the site is built on similar looking common cheap template design with an indifferent faqs section,then probably the HYIP is not intended to last for a long time.A good HYIP should have a professional design with fast and well responsive customer care.
Read through all the text in their website.ther should not be much spelling errors.And they must not over-emphasize again & again over their high interest returns.
What is their interest return rate?Any HYIP which claims to pay more than 3% daily is probably a scam & will not last for a long time.Many HYIPs promise to pay high rates such as 10% daily for 30 days or 50% daily for 3 days,etc.They cannot possibly be genuine because it is not very possible to make so much profit from actual forex/trading in such little time!
Do they offer referral income?If so then this is a bad sign.Because giving referral money means asking investors to recruit others to their HYIP.If a HYIP is good then it will eventually gain reputation & people will invest in it without the help of referrers. Anyhow small referral money is usually given in many good HYIPs also.So a HYIP with no referral is a good sign.
Mark what is the minimum investment required.Many HYIPs have minimum investment as less as 1$,5$,10$ or so.Just ask yourself ,what kind of trading will any HYIP do with 1$ or 10$ from you! Actually they don’t trade at all.they are just ponzi schemes.Dont invest large amounts in them.A good HYIP should probably have a minimum investment of around 40$-60$.
Check out if the payments are daily,weekly or monthly.Daily payouts are best preferred because with every day of the programme’s existence,your chances to be in profit increase.
Many HYIPs offer investors with an internal account on their sites wherein the interest is deposited.Later on the amount is transferred to your online account(e-currency) on request.Others have no internal accounts and pay you directly to your egold account.The second is preferably better.
Check for whios information about the HYIP domain name.If you find irrelevant information such as random meaningless words or controversial contact information ,then it is better to avoid.The whois data shows domain name,registration date,expiration date,administrative contact,etc.If the HYIP says it has been in this HYIP industry for a long time,but domain name was registered a few months back only ,then its reliability is in doubt.You can use to see the whois information for free.
Respectable HYIPs never spam or let their users spam with their links.So if you came to know about a HYIP through a spam email then be careful!
Look up in the about us/faq section in the HYIP site.If it provides a similar set of information that you see in most other HYIP sites then,it has got an uncustomised cheap script.The HYIP may not be genuine.
Email the administrator of HYIP and ask him questions like “how can you make pay so high interests?” , ”Who are you and where do you stay?” , “Can you have a telephonic conversation with me sometime?”
If the webmaster dosent bother to reply,or replies in a very awkward & non-convincing manner then he is trying to hide away facts from you.He will never say that he is running a ponzi scheme,but you have to identify it! You amy also ask for previous business history to evaluate the ability of the HYIP owner to make the desired profits with your investment.
You will get experienced in all these aspects as you spend more time in this HYIP world! So never worry if you cant make a final conclusion from accessing the above factors, you woll gradually learn them with time
Labels: step by step about hyip
Choosing A HYIP
you may have got many HYIP programmes in which you would like to invest.But remember – never invest blindly.You must follow the following steps before you take any decision-
See if the HYIP is listed in any HYIP monitoring website.If so then what is the current status?If the status shows “not paying” or “problem” then straight stay away from it.You must also look for its feedback in forum of the respective monitoring site.Notice its rating, & the user votes will help you determine the standard of the HYIP.
Other large forums contain posts on many new and old HYIPs.Donate some time in researching through the posts made by members of that forum.This will give you many much needed information.Secondly you may also post you experiences of any previous HYIPs or even ask other members to help you in taking a decision.
Look into HYIP news data and stay away from those HYIPs which are declared/suspected scam.
Nevertheless to say, make a search on Google.You may use the following search terms-
HYIPname(the name of the HYIP which you want to research on),HYIPname paying, HYIPname scam,HYIPname problem,etc.
Labels: step by step about hyip