Concept Of Test Spend

Test spend is a wonderful concept that you must understand and practise while making any HYIP investments.So lets begin this discussion on understanding test spend:
What is Test Spend? Test spend can be explained as a small initial deposit made in a new HYIP to assertain its viability.
What is its importance? Test spend is a very useful method to determine whether any HYIP is good or not.Whenever you come across any new HYIP then the first deposit should be a test deposit to see how the HYIP is working and deduce a conclusion about it.Since a HYIP is new,you probably don't know whether it is a paying or a scam programme.So making a test spend can tell you the reality of the HYIP.If the HYIP is genuine then you will most probably get all the promised interests and customer service with the test spend.If all goes right then you can move further to making your real investment and reap the products.This step of making test spend assures that the programme is paying at the current time.
And if the HYIP is a scam then you will not get your returns.So don't make any further investments.Thus you are also prevented from being scammed of a larger amount(the larger amount you had initially planned to invest in this particular HYIP)
What to expect from a test spend? Basically if the HYIP is genuine then you must expect 100% customer support,total(& timely!) interest returns,and any other facilities that the particular HYIP may promise to its investors.
What things to monitor after making a test spend? It is very important to monitor all returns after a test spend.Look for the following:
-Is the HYIP giving back your interests?If so then is the payment made at right time?If the HYIP's payment system is automatic then you must be getting your returns without requesting for it.If the payment is manual,then once(or more times) request for your interest and see if the
payment is actually being made.Many times the payment is not made at all (in both automatic or manual methods).It is best to avoid further investing in it.In some cases the HYIP may declare that it is not able to make payments due to some genuinr problems and would soon resume payments.In such cases wait till the specified time and see if the payments have begun..Most of the cases such HYIPs make false claims about not being able to make payments due to some reason but still continue receiving investments and then scam away!So you must not invest more till you are fully sure that the HYIP has started paying regularly.
-Next thing to monitor is their customer care service.See if they make prompt replies to your querries.Also some HYIps offer free online chat with the website administrators.Try to use it and see if its working!
Where to use test spend? It is usually advised that you make test spends only on HYIPs in which you intend to make large investments(say more than 100$)
How much to test spend? The test spend should be always minimum.Thus invest only that much amount which can be accepted according to the particular HYIP's policies on minimum investment.
How much time to monitor? You should monitor atleast one week or more as per the situation and the particular HYIP's payment schedule


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