Beware: HYIP monitoring services.

It is not a secret and it is often repeated here and there that there is no unique and universal strategy to provide any investor with a patient and assured work without any loss and with a constant increasing profit. Strategies very as investors vary, and every person with the least experience of investing in HYIP will agree that there should be a single individual strategy for every single investor, and all successful examples should be adopted individually.

A universal advice doesn`t exist. But there is a common ground for all strategies and methods to be based on, there are some common points that are regarded by all investors as cornerstones for building up a successful strategy. One of those cornerstones will be discussed in the current article. As you have probably guessed, we will discuss monitoring services.

Everybody understands that successful investing in HYIP consists of a few elements, and choosing the right project in appropriate moment is one of those elements, and undoubtedly a pledge of a future success. The next important element is watching the work of the program you have chosen to be ready to change your strategy, increase your deposit or even take your money off. Monitoring services are of a much use for both stages described above.

But it is evident that there are no absolutely reliable source of information. It may sound strange and absurd, but monitoring services may often mislead you, and they often may be no less dangerous as forums, that meet you with false posts of cheerleaders, paid for attracting new victims.

There are monitoring sites that lie on purpose and there are monitoring sites that lie because the quality of their work is poor. Which of them are more harmful and more guilty? It seems to me, there is no difference, because the result is the same – people obtain misleading advice, bringing them to losses and disappointment.

Sometimes you don’t need an special knowledge or experience to tell those who lie from those who give you a proper perspective. You just need to visit the site of the program that has already closed or the one that is reported as scam. Many of those programs have a dozen or even more monitoring banners on their site.

Why do I give you such advice? Because just a glance at this page will tell you much about monitoring services that these banners belong to. It has occurred and it still occurs that rating banners of this or that monitoring give a Paying status to a program closed a week ago! And you may see and compare results on your own!

What does it mean? It means something that it is important for you to take into consideration each time you want to check out program’s status. The information given to you may be irrelevant. That is why it is necessary to check out as many monitoring services as possible, and, of course, check out forums to prove or to disprove information that you have already found.

Why does it happen that monitoring services gives users incorrect information? Why during all summer this year forums were full of accusations addressed to monitoring services, and these negative comments were no less numerous than accusations addressed to scam and non-paying programs?

Because many investors suspected or made sure of dishonesty of definite monitoring services, blaming them for supporting evident scams. Of course, unless monitoring sites are run by people, and unless people may be bribed, the chances of it exist. And these were not mere words, such accusations were supported by evidences!

And these were not only investors accusing monitoring of telling lie to people. A lot of administrators were discontent with their work, stating that monitoring services often give irrelevant information thus spoiling the reputation of a good program, and thus spreading panics among investors.

All of us know what it may mean. Just a small untested information or rumor may be enough to make investors panic, think out all possible red flags and scam signs and accuse the program of all possible and impossible sins. Such situation may be extremely harmful even for the most successful and a stable program.

There were a few examples when administrators rejected from adding their program to any catalogue on monitoring sites and explained it as a measure necessary to protect the program from harmful monitoring practice, which can affect successful program`s activity. We may understand such point of view, but this is not a proper way out of the situation. Everybody should avoid extremes in this sphere.

It is evident that monitoring services are necessary for normal functioning of any program, otherwise users won’t trust it. As well as monitoring services will stop existing without programs. So, these two integral parts of HYIP sphere should coexist in harmony to reach the key purpose of this activity – to make money and let people earn, and of course, investors should be the main point of orientation of this alliance.

Brett Sherpan

Compounding vs. Non-compounding.

In this article I discuss two possible opportunities of high yield investment programs in the Internet and their advantages as well as disadvantages. I hope that the article helps readers to decide what program is more suitable for them. What high yield program is the best and prosperous is the most important issue of this article.

As mentioned already, there are two forms of high interest projects in the Internet: compounding and non-compounding. Investors use compounding for generating new interests from previous investments. In other words, it is the ability of current investment value to generate new earnings which can be reinvested.

Moreover, investors have an opportunity to make a new investment using the paid out interests without their own money must be used for this project. For example, the process of only 10$ initial capital lasts a very long time until these $10 are again back (1% per day within 100 days) to open a further high yield investment program. However, if the investor invested his money in five such programs, he can get return on investment only within 20 days. Non-compounding programs are ideal for the people who are ready to invest serious money.

Investors have an opportunity to invest their money and the interests become the first investment (principal capital) automatically which is added daily, weekly or monthly. Thus a compound interest effect develops. A compound investment costs little work because investors check their accounts only in fixed time intervals and note the increased account balance. It is advisable to save money also with little initial investments. It is a great high yield investment opportunity for investors who do not have large initial capital for investment.

Certainly, it is not easy to understand without a good example. For example, you invested $1,000 into a particular HYIP that pays 30% monthly interest (in other words, 1% per day). The shares rise 30% during the first month. Your investment is now worth $1,300. In the second month, the shares appreciate another 30%. Therefore, your $1,300 grows to $1,690. In the third month, the shares rises 30%, your capital will be $2,197.

If you check the rate of growth monthly, the growth rate increases regularly, namely in the first month growth is $300, in the second month is $390, and in the third month is $507 etc. You understand now that the numbers can start to get very big as your previous earnings start to provide returns. In fact, $1,000 invested at 30% monthly for one year would grow to nearly $23,300.00 (and that is without adding any money to the investment).

Non-compounding is another prosperous investment opportunity in HYIP. It is programs which pay out daily, weekly or monthly. They are suitable for the persons who would like to have money for life regularly because it is possible to get return on investment on the indicated E-gold account (or another E-currency) daily and weekly as well as monthly.

We see that both programs can be very “fruitful” for a business involved in a real investment opportunity. Moreover, compounding and non-compounding are able to produce extremely good result. However, investors should be careful on how to use compounding and non-compounding in HYIPs because both investment opportunities have high risk and can fail any time.

There is no doubt that one of the greatest problems in HYIP is that it is impossible to predict the life span of a particular HYIP. Thus, it is important to take a mechanism to make your investment safe. One way of doing this and reduce enormous risk in high yield investment projects is to properly use different compounding options.

For this there are also investment programs which have the factors of compounding and non-compounding. It is possible to get return on investment in the Member Area and save some money on the account. These programs are very practical for those who would like to decide daily what to do.

Also the own investment strategy is simpler and more sure if investors can obtain the initial deposited capital faster so that they can invest in further HYIPs without high risk (in other words, without their own capital funds).

I can prove the advantages on the example. So you invested $1,000 into a particular HYIP that pays 30% monthly interest. As said above, with 100% compounding there is a great possibility that $1,000 invested at 30% monthly for one year would grow to nearly $23,300.00. But what would happen if the HYIP fails in 6 months? You lose all your hard earned money very quickly. For that reason, it is important to use compounding and non-compounding together in HYIPs.

It is always recommended to get your original spend back as fast as possible, in other words set the compounding option to 0% until you return back your initial investment, then after, you can compound your shares while withdrawing 50% of your profit by setting the compounding option to 50% . Why 50%, can you ask me? Certainly, this is not a strict rule; it is the recommendations based on some experienced HYIP investors. But you have to be careful with this.

The best advantage of such programs is that investors save their money on the account during the first month (compounding) and next month they get interests (non-compounding method). In this way investors get their invested capital back, besides investment yields grow more slowly further. If such a program fails once, investors will lose nothing and yields will paid out too.

Nicole Berger

HYIP psychology.

Various sciences have more or less relation to various spheres of human activity, providing help. At any rate, this is what they exist for. :) In each separate case it appears to be true. Once we deal with a human (human-to-human relations), then the knowledge of the force that directs our opponent (or partner) is useful for investment, because information allows ruling the world, not to mention investments.

Of course, when we speak about psychology and human interrelations, and mean HYIP, we mind HYIP administrator, investor, and, probably, `mass investor` (i.e. psychology of all investors in general). That’s because the audience of the program includes crowds of investors, rather than one person, and these crowds act according to some patterns. This is what we are going to analyze in our article.

Let’s start from afar. Almost every administrator of the program used to be an investor. Maybe this was the start of his `revenge path`, maybe he understood how to earn. Generally, those who organize the programs (I mean pyramids and other shady constructions) most often know what it means to be investor.

Another important issue is as follows: this is the investor who decided whether to invest or not. Unfortunately, it happens very seldom when investor has the possibility to withdraw his money. If you reinvested, you may only wait until you receive your interests. However, the fact of investing is important, because the program itself is made for you. This is the focus. You should mind it.

All these important issues influence the construction of relations between investor and administrator, where administrator does his best to make investor create a deposit. Be it honest or dishonest administrator, it doesn’t matter. He should known investor’s psychology to motivate him and achieve a positive result. Investor should know the psychology of other investors to foresee if they invest in this or that program or not. Ad, at last, you need to know the psychology of a scammer.

Why do we say that it is important to know all these psychological issue instead of just making investments? Just because the success of the most successful program depends upon the level of its popularity. I.e. upon the number of the users in the net. If you guess the right variant you probably win. I don’t mention the programs where psychology knowledge will prevent you from being cheated.

Well, what else can we say about it to our dear investors? Of course, there’s no such science as `HYIP psychology`, but HYIP investors are investors, so the algorithm of their actions is clear enough to foresee it.;)

Investors are scared by bright colors. Despite the idea the bright and beautiful sites attract investors’ attention, the real situation is quite different. Such sites little by little disappear, and if you see such offer, stay far from it – most probably, nobody invests in it. Beware the opposite side as well.

Some administrators try to create a `stylish` site with the help of usual methods – they place beautiful, stylish buttons, post the images of businessmen etc. however, if you push one or two buttons, you see that the program is cheap, and the design was most probably taken from the site of free templates, or maybe purchased, but doesn’t have anything in it as well. On the other site, free or purchased template with worthy content is much more appreciated.

By the way, let’s speak about values. Administrators adroitly use various methods to calm down their investors. They do it via their network, sending lots of mails, reporting about their problems every hour and about how they resolve them. Don’t pay attention to it.

The programs divide into those that have a standard support service, that have active, and those that live without feedback. The first type sends newsletters (informational), and don’t reply mails, the second type does both things, and the third type neither send mails nor replies yours. What can we think of they if they start doing it? That they want to reach some purpose, and these purpose are most probably dirty.

One of the popular methods is `coming back after having problems`. This is a method, actually. And it was used for a long time. It seems that if the program is back, it is sure to be online for a long time and you may securely invest in it. This often appears to be a wrong opinion, and then the program disappears, appears and again disappears in some days or hours after coming back. Be afraid of such turns.

Of course, we have just drawn a sphere for you, where investor may find definite ways to define algorithms. And these few examples cannot be a full guideline and they are not complete. But they will probably allow you thinking a bit and find some use for you.

David Lowery

Diversification is best way?

This precious word is listed as number one almost in all investment strategies and recommendations. Distributing one’s funds among various programs is really a good tool for security provision. But is it really so? Is diversification really reliable and universal as to deserve so much attention and NECESSARY implementation?

Of course, diversification advice recommending it as the primary method of providing security is based upon a wealth of experience and various mistakes. So we are sure that diversification is really a pledge of your success. But we also may say for sure that it may bring a lot of trouble if you use it wrong.

Diversification as it is understood at HYIP market means that you invest your funds in many projects at once, thus “spreading” the threat of losing your money. If you have $100 you invest it to different 10 projects giving $10 each instead of investing the whole sum into 1 project.

Unfortunately, this oracle has one drawback. It is as follows: you increase your risks while diversifying your funds. If you invest into 10 projects you make your risk 10 times higher. Of course, this shouldn’t be treated as a pure math, you cannot just multiple. But here is an important succession here, which cannot be neglected.

If you hope that just spreading your funds will decrease risks, you are mistaken. Risk won’t be decreased, it will grow, because a few programs from these ten you invested in will SURELY become scam, as 10 program are not a program. But this risk will be DIFFERENT.

And this is the sense of diversification method. When you invest into a few programs, you do not lose THE WHOLE sum. And this is the pledge of diversification and “perfect” investment strategy. Having secured your rear, you may move forward, even if one of those you gave your funds to falls down.

But you should remember about interests. And this point is important for proving our opinion that diversification is just another problem solution and it should be understood while implementing it.

While diversifying your funds, you not only keep them safe from unnecessary problems, providing yourself a chance even in case some of those programs are SCAM at the same time, you spread your profit as well, and having lost $10 of $100, you would receive only $0.9 (is you receive 1% daily). Accordingly, to compensate $10 you lost you should not only refund your initial deposit but also add $10, which is more difficult under such circumstances.

Accordingly, you receive the rest of your funds even after loss, but thus you don’t receive universality, and we are sure that investors should mind it. Thus, investing $100 in a good program once you may hit the mark and receive a good profit. But do not let diversification rule drive you limitlessly. As you see, this is not the best alternative. We hope, you understand it as well.

In each separate case one may use an unusual diversification method, and the first line offering diversification in any advice doesn’t necessary mean that this is your clue. Even if this solution has been dictated by experience.

You’d better drive your efforts to the search of the only one, and restrict you in your diversification. Otherwise you may push yourself to the limits (investing into one program, or, on the contrary, when you cannot control funds coverage), and risk will be determined by an individual risk of your each separate deposit. Be clever.

David Lowery

Opportunities of success in HYIP

Yes, HYIP promises very high return on investment but also very high risk. What must we do? Invest or not invest? You may not believe me but it is possible to get the yields. But how? In the today’s article I discuss all opportunities to get success from High Yield Investment Programs.

HYIP have gained a notoriety that some other elements can only envy. This reputation has dissuaded serious investors from even regarding them and encouraged the shadier elements of the financial district to set up shop using such. Actually, it is quite a pity since HYIP, when legit, can actually be a very valuable tool in generating personal wealth. If you are smart and discerning you will find wonderful opportunities to increase your investment by a sizeable margin.

Certainly, you may not think that all HYIP is just great scam. Though the risk is high, there are actually programs that have been used for years and have been able to give success to investors. In other words, you can look around and find legitimate high yield projects that are not only legitimate but wonderfully productive as well. Any HYIP investor knows the following rules by heart:

When looking for a HYIP that will lead you to success in your quest for personal wealth, look always towards the programs that emphasize transparency. You will want to know how the program develops and what you can expect in return. You will also want a tangible contact. A tangible contact means you can actually talk to the person on the phone or through email.

If a HYIP is promising too much, let’s say an 80% return on investment, you have to be wary. Although HYIPs generally give a higher than normal return rate, ROIs that make your eyes pop out are signs to look out for in a bogus enterprise. If they can promise really good rates, then make sure they explain how they can get to that amount. If that is not the case, run for it; the enterprise is probably bogus.

If you are trying an HYIP, then make sure you start small. This way you get to test the waters for stability, legitimacy and other factors as well. If you can check with Better Business Bureaus then that would be an added security on your part and is always good practice when investing in anything.

These rules above tell about the first steps to get high returns on investment successfully. Another very important and wonderful concept to get success from any high yield program is a Test Spend. But what is a Test Spend? Test spend can be explained as a small principal deposit made in a new HYIP to ascertain its viability.

What is its importance? Test spend is a very useful method to determine whether any HYIP is good or not. Whenever you come across any new HYIP then the first deposit should be a test deposit to see how the HYIP is working and deduce a conclusion about it. Since a HYIP is new, you probably do not know whether it is a paying or a scam programme.

So making a test spend can tell you the reality of the HYIP. If the HYIP is genuine then you will most probably get all the promised interests and customer service with the test spends. If all goes right then you can move further to making your real investment and reap the products. This step of making test spend assures that the program is paying at the current time.

And if the HYIP is a scam then you will not get your returns. So do not make any further investments. Thus you are also prevented from being scammed of a larger amount (the larger amount you had initially planned to invest in this particular HYIP).

What to expect from a test spend? Basically if the HYIP is genuine then you must expect 100% customer support, total interest returns, and any other facilities that the particular HYIP may promise to its investors.

If the HYIP payment system is automatic you must get your returns without requesting for it. If the payment is manual, then once or also more times request for your interest and see if the payment is actually being made. Many times the payment is not made at all (in both automatic and manual methods).

It is best to avoid further investing in it. In some cases the HYIP may declare that it is not able to make payments due to some genuine problems and would soon resume payments. Most of the cases such HYIPs make false claims about not being able to make payments due to some reason but still continue receiving investments and then scam away! So you must not invest more till you are fully sure that the HYIP has started paying regularly.

Where can we use a test spend? It is usually advised that you make test spends only on HYIPs in which you intend to make large investments (say more than 100$).
The test spend should be always minimum. Thus invest only that much amount which can be accepted according to the particular HYIP policies on minimum investment.

In the conclusion, it cannot be said that all HYIPs are not legit. It is only saying that there are many that define the name of HYIP. However, if you do look with discernment and perseverance, you are bound to find a jewel in the rough that will lead you all the way to wealth and success.

Nicole Berger

The signs of christmas scam.

The holiday time of Christmas and New Year is about to come. Festive mood, that reigns in our spirits turns into horror in the minds of investors when they are afraid to open their eyes to see what’s going on around. Weak-willed people just leave off the PC to join the family and not worry again. Persistent and brave people remain with us and struggle to reach the purpose if getting experienced in PROFIT field. This “Christmas” article, devoted to Christmas scammers, is addressed to these people.

Let us assume – not all the programs that appear in the period form the 1st of December up to the 15 of January are scam. Some of them appear with the purpose of bringing profit for investors and administrators, just as any other time of the year. But the methods are the matter of fortune :)

It is evident, however, that all the programs containing any ending or part of the words “Christmas”, “new year”, and just famous letters “mas”. Have you ever seen at summer the program entitled as “Christmas”, “Christmas income” etc.? Such programs frequently appear now. It looks unfounded.

The matter also concerns the programs that contain hints on getting Christmas outputs in their descriptions. Do not deal with them, if you wish to keep your money and if you are not a risky person. Sure, if you are a fresher, this may look extremely attractive for you, but if you try such variant once, this would only result in presenting your money to the administrator. The matter is not that you lose a dollar or two; the matter is that you are cheated. It doesn’t look good.

Pay attention to the percentage of payouts. If we can assume that under usual conditions 45%-55% per 2-3 days is acceptable, although extraordinary and risky proposal, the probability of scam is double during Christmas period. If you would like to try, you can do it but the opportunities of receiving the profit should be divided in two.

Why are we sure that the Christmas programs are dangerous? Because the schemes of their functioning are primitive. At one side, the administration of the program wants to earn money. They always want to earn money, and honest administrators do not choose whether they would earn them in the middle of the year or in the end.

But there is a difference for the investors. At the end of the year investor celebrates the festivals and doesn’t fix his mind on investment strategies. Besides, he want to see everything he earned during the year, he wants to chill out and more. The change of the year is a crucial point that demands taking money in one’s pocket, but not in virtual purse.

The situation at the market in this period shows that many administrators put the money into their pockets, but this is not their own money, this is the stolen money. And the problem at issue is not whether you have invested in the right program, but the problem is who will have the upper hand. Who will take the money first – administrator, stealing them or the investor, taking them back?

Of course, dishonest administrator won’t allow the money go. He will do his best to retain investor and will most probably do it with the help of various baits. These baits are attractive, and the payouts seemed to be paid. But don’t you think that it sounds absurd? Do you think that the person you give your money to is less clever than you? Surely, the bottom of the pyramid provides with good chances, but you have to think over… forget the rules. According to the statistics 7 of 10 programs during the period of the New Year runs away without paying out at all.

Gold went up in price, as it should be by the end of the year. Surely, the possibility to speculate this notion appeared as well. The possibility to suggest New Year projects, to suggest the projects that end up just after the New Year etc. Do not believe it. Leave the program at once, in case you are not a risky person. We affirm that HYIP is not a casino, here the regulations exist. These regulations could be studied and violated. These regulations are not fully functional during Christmas holidays.

It doesn’t mean that no one could be trusted and the activity stops. You may find a few programs that will work after the New Year and long after. You just need to be very attentive. Activity calms down, and this provides for difficulties for various pyramids. At any other time they can be worked with, but during this period they do not know what they do :) they appear to earn money and wait like mouse trap until someone is trapped.

So – don’t get trapped :)

Eric Marriam

Selective Payouts – Effective weapon of fraud.

We all know not a single method of how scammers promote their programs and scam their investors. Both professionals and newbies. The skill to scam in HYIP is worth writing many pages of the fat volumes. Of course, in the outward appearance everything looks very simple. Though if you act very simple, in a clumsy way, the benefit from such a scam will be corresponding.

As well as investment is a hard work, the scam, high-skilled scam is also a hard work. And if we, investors, go into particulars of the scam methods the same way as scammers go into particulars of investment processes and if we don`t neglect all the profundity of the possible scam variants, we will definitely succeed. :) Today we will tell you about one of the most dangerous and guileful methods – the selective payouts.

The efficiency of any program is actually evaluated in one parameter only – payouts. In case there are payouts, the program is working, if not – it isn`t. everything is quite simple. There are two sources of the information. One is actually investors, another is monitorings – investors as well, though ``specialized`` ones.

Of course we don`t mention the admins of programs, or the e-currency systems that also have such information. It isn`t significant. In practice investors and monitorings inform whether a program is paying or not. When everything is good – admins as well, though it happens seldom.

However investors are extremely irresponsible and inconsistent people, as the history of HYIP development shows. Only a few are investors surfing forums, informing about the payment statuses etc. Maximum is voting. And the ``disturbance wave`` concerning the missed payouts consists maximum of two-three warnings, although every program has at least 100 (!) investors.

Thanks God, there are such resources as ours that collects these two-three votes in one place and spreads them. :) Hence, it`s not worth hoping for investors. We have monitorings left. Monitoring button and program card with the actual status. Namely these are the main objects of the selective payouts.

If there was a situation when all catalogues would show the positive status, it can give new investors to a program and despite the fact admin hasn`t paid money long time ago to its investors! In such terms when every investor is in oneself it makes no difficulties. Very few people find time to report SOMEWHERE about the delays, not even speaking about something more. And providing monitors showing the positive status is not so hard at all.

To start with you can give up with non-popular listing sites. They won`t refer many investors. Besides, quite often the monitoring system itself is working so clumsy that one can even find programs listed, whose site is off for about 2 weeks, and their status is still paid. Then, one should choose automatic listings, who mostly care about payouts transfer.

Later they will tell: ``We are a private automatic catalogue, what claims you may have? We reflect money intake to OURS!`` We don`t care about objectivity. It`s enough just to pay money to the catalogue and the status of the program will be ``PAYING``. So, quite often on the rating page of the programs, you can see that some catalogues assign it with one status and others – with another. In such a way you may figure out what monitors are worth dealing with and what – are not.

We were talking about direct palm-oil, which certainly take place in the life of ours. Unfortunately many monitors work in order to earn money first of all, and then for the sake of the work.
How to fight it? Very easy. First of all, don`t trust automatic catalogues, test them. Very few catalogues of that kind are serviced MANUALLY in workmanlike manner. GoldPoll, HotHYIPs – these are possibly one of the most popular ones, being REALLY serviced and watched.

But taking into account such a flow of programs, one can find anything, though it`s the topic for another discussion. Best of all is testing via the manual catalogues, you are sure about. for instance, despite all the payouts received we always take control of the situation on the market. Our informational department gathers it and analyzes. If there`s an alert concerning the program listed in our catalogue we immediately send it to the monitoring department of ours in order top avoid delays.

Unfortunately we don`t know what other catalogues do, and how the take control of the situation, though it`s clear that without specialized activity, aimed at collecting and controlling information one may watch only the most popular programs that are in full view. Physically is not real to watch all 200 programs if there is no special department. Please, pay attention to that. That is the main point about monitoring quality.

Secondly, never use the unknown catalogue not famous worldwide among the investors. Such catalogues often start being manual ones, though no one watches them, and the payout status falls behind the real one at SOME weeks.

Thirdly, try to talk on forums and have LIVE witnesses, saying that this or that program working or not, whether the payouts are completed. As a last resort enter our forum and ask a question, if visitors don`t reply to you, the high skilled staff of ours certainly will.

Fourth, of course verify the information in the catalogues. Even if it is the question of the automatic ones. If program resorts to selective payouts, it cannot pay some monitorings and it`s easy to catch it here.

Though there`s one more thing meant by this notion. Sometimes programs resort to the selective payouts at the beginning of their life (but more often at the end) due to the fact they just don`t have any money to pay interests on large deposits. I.e. if it`s a pyramid, deposit 100 000 to it and the next day they will close.

They won`t be able to give you the interest promised. It`s like the deliberate selective payouts. In some cases it`s done deliberately, because the number of investors with a high deposit is much less and missing payouts – is not so noticeably as for small investors and at the same time, as we mentioned before, saving from this misses is very significant.

If you come across such selective payouts, you just have to post your message somewhere there. On our resource desirably. :) And if you wish to avoid program that makes excessive use of the selective payouts, you need to rely upon your own analytical skills and knowledge of the informational market. If you are not sure about any program, you should check the information about it via google, and then – on the most popular HYIP sites.

Today we told you practically everything about selective payouts and everything connected with them. Hope, it will save you from the irrevocable losses and make your investing more successful. The main is – be very careful and watch the situation.

Lella Prior

Avoiding HYIP Scams.

HYIP can be, firstly, a great way to experience success in investing and, secondly, a great possibility to get wealth and financial independence that is very important to anyone. However, HYIP can also be quite risky but if it’s done properly it can be quite lucrative. In this article we will discuss the risk in high yield investment programs and how to avoid it without losing our money?

Of course, the investor thinks that it is sometimes impossible to find out the scam in HYIP and the usual thing in any investment is losing money from time to time. We all know that there is the chance to earn a substantial amount of money in HYIP and there are also a lot of scams associated with it. But there are also rules and steps for the investor to protect himself, and it is very possible for the investor to avoid scam and losing his investments getting involved in the wrong HYIP programs.

The rules are following (they are simple to remember). Always get referrals and have information about the web owner before investing one cent. Ask for their name, where they are from, find out whom the Internet address belongs to, and also ask for a business address.

Feel free to prove all of this information correct, and do not proceed until all information is verified. If a web owner is hesitant to give you any or all of this information, it’s safe to assume you’ll be getting scammed and you should move on.

Moreover, take note of details. Most legit HYIP programs have a minimum investment of $50, but many of the scammers will let you invest for as little as one dollar, even though it’ll cost more than that to maintain the account. Also, pay attention to the website, if it sounds scripted, you might want to move on to someone who has a site that is more than vague, is unique, and really seems informative and legitimate.

Other methods to avoid the horrible scam in investments are paying attention to details and asking questions. Undoubtedly, it is the best way to separate the good from the bad. Those who are well intentioned will be straightforward, knowledgeable, and will have nothing to hide or copy from others. So, go ahead and invest in HYIP, just be smart to make sure you are investing in a real opportunity.

It is hard to keep in mind all the tips, steps and rules to avoid the scam you have no choice when looking for the right internet business opportunity. The old saying, “If it sounds to good to be true, then it probably is”, is still relevant when it comes to making a business decision.

In order to make money you have to work for it, there is not a real wealth building system on the internet that will allow you to go from internet novice to making a five-figure-per-month income in 30 days or less.

Another important rule for the HYIP investors is to stay away from all chain letters or anything that requests the investors to put their names on a list, send someone on the list money, and to redistribute the mailer in return for the chance to make money. That is not only a scam it is illegal!

The best way for the investors is to educate themselves and stop being scammed by the get rich quick tricksters! It is not difficult to just remember to not make spontaneous purchases, research your potential internet business opportunity, and keep in mind that “if it sound too good to be true, then it probably isn't”.

However, it is not enough to know and follow the common rules of avoiding the scam in investment. Every investor must find out his mistakes in investing his money and in this way it will be also possible not to lose much money.

The most common mistake is full trust. Anyone can read such advertising: “Make $30,000 in 30 days - guaranteed - with this system!” or “Work just one hour a week and make $20,000 a month - Guaranteed!” OK but where is the scam there, you can ask?

I give you an interesting example: one investor (and he was not a novice in HYIP business) invested some sum of money in such project. Guess what happened? But few days later the company did not pay any yields to him and also cancelled his membership. Not only dirty but cowardly. The sad thing is they play on people’s hopes and fears.

In the conclusion, we can say that the Internet is full of legitimate business opportunities that can provide a full-time income, even great wealth. Moreover, the Internet has become full of these get rich quick predators! So much so, that internet marketing has been given a blanket reputation of being a scam. The facts are that the internet is full of legitimate opportunities, despite the work of the online jackals.

You can avoid scam and get your high yields from different investment programs and projects. But you need to keep in mind the rules and tips how to avoid it in the Internet. And the last thing is the formula of the successful investment online: A viable internet business opportunity is built around identifying a profitable niche, then building a useful and informative web site around that niche.

Finally, it only becomes profitable when you can successfully send targeted traffic to that site and convert them into paying customers. Any system that tries to teach you any different is more than likely a scam!

Nicole Berger

Investments as a lifestyle.

We make investments all our life long. The investments are various. We deposit, receive profit, not even thinking about that. You don’t believe it? Read this article till the very end and you’ll understand why we think so.

First of all, answer the question: what is “investments”? I think that investments – is material or non-material means of some certain value, using which you can gain profit. Of course this definition is far from economic or mathematical one, but do we have professional economists here? Except for me? Joke. So this question is clear.

So, now you want to say that your job is investing your resources with the purpose of getting profit? So, you want to say that birthday present to your boss is not an investment to your future professional growth, and so getting extra profit? So, you may try to say so!

Now you just think it over. All our life we do nothing but investing. And common principles work here: deposit amount, profit interest. We choose where to invest our money and invest in a better way of course, without even thinking that we make investments, nothing more! What else can be more amusing than discovering, we come across every day.

And when you cam to the investment world, when you took your money and decided to make it work, you definitely paid no attention to what you were doing, what you did before, now you are just farther from the process of money making. You sit at home, drink tea, eat chocolate and your investment is working.

Investment philosophy makes it possible not just to derive maximum benefit from your deposits; it also permits to earn more, in a simple way, acting toward your investments (monetary and those you make In your everyday life) more weighted, wisely and subtly. You should analyze the income rate, risks’ degree, and chances to lose these investments. If you knowingly agree with the high percent, exceeding 10%, why then you are surprised that you have been scammed!

Now imagine, you have several programs, the risk degree is different, they offer different income and other features you know perfectly well. You just need to choose a strategy. We can make a prompt, what strategy is going to be the best here. It’s the strategy of ideal balancing between the real and investment worlds. Meanwhile, what do you use around here? It looks simple in money – your real money and virtual money on your account in any program.

When you take a decision to deposit somewhere, first of all you should realize that risk degree only warrants the income rate, and if you receive your profit, you should value it according to the risk degree. It should be like that: losing some amount, you should be able to compensate it somewhere else. You already have one constituent part – time. And if you calculate it properly, even the whole month of losses will be compensated with the month of successes!

You should realize – any money you don’t need fro your everyday needs are simply gone, in case they don’t work. You can purchase some rarity, and hence you’ll receive profit, selling it in a few years! Everything is simple. You have free money – invest it! Purchase houses, invest to banks, invest to HYIP, make it work, cause if you don’t – YOU will have to work on it!

Keep in mind, life is not eternal, and if you may save money in a bank from inflation, from devaluation, you may earn pretty well in some other spheres. What else does a mere mortal need? Of course this! And this is real - you just need to realize that money is in your hands – this is investment. Even 10$, of course if it’s not the last money of your family!

Do you know what is the safe strategy? This is depositing some amount at a bank “in store”, in case anything happens with you or some relatives of your own; buying a house, you really want to buy; educating your kids; leaving some money for a normal life. The rest of money should grow with the GEOMETRIC series!

Wait to buy the car, wait to buy your private air jet. You deposit money and in a year you will be able to buy two cars and two air jets! You just need to use this money wisely and properly – this will be enough. The future belongs this life, these people.

To finish with we are going to quote the words of one famous investor: “And the last thing. If you invested and received income, don’t forget – this is not money that makes you rich; the number of your investments makes that. Don’t waste money – they should work, buying new investments for you, better ones, with new prospects.” Well then, have happy investments!

Brett Sherpan

Top 7 of scammers' tricks!

Following a good tradition (or, rather genre of journalism or analytics) of creating various TOPs, we decided to make a list of the most popular tricks of on-line scammers. If you will pay much attention to these tricks, you are sure to prolong the living of your deposits. Just to note that the TOP of the tricks popular among scammers represent the tricks not top-down, but arbitrarily, regardless of the numeration.

1. Registration in one of offshore zones.

This registration doesn’t have a crucial meaning, having been purchased for foxed amount of money. In addition, administration often doesn’t bother itself with showing the document or just places the fake on the site

2. Address legal address.

We often ask if we can attend the company’s office after seeing address indicated on the site. The answer is always no, and the reason is as follows: “this is just a legal address”. I don’t remember anyone has attended the program’s office or met with the program’s administrator. They say: the office is open at the nearest future. But just a simple checkout via search engine gives a clear answer: this address DOESN’T EXIST. But this “address” trick looks convincing, doesn’t it?

3. «Reports» about trading (or any other) work.

To say the truth, I don’t know what prevent me from creating a diagram of stability in Word or Excel, reflecting a stable increase and certain success in it. Nothing. And nothing disturbs to do it for any person from any program. An average secretary can make a thousand of such reports. Of course, it looks reliable and I don’t argue that existence of such statistics is an advantage. But it’s just an advantage, and it cannot be regarded as the evidence of something positive

4. Telephone.

I know only one case when the phone number was real, and this was mobile phone number. This was the number of FastMarket. In other cases, even when a real phone support service exists, it doesn’t have a significant meaning, actually. But many people consider the telephone number to be real, not checking out its authenticity. This trick is placed in this list not in vain. The most frequent case is the number doesn’t mean anything or just means fax buzzer. :)

5. Reinvesting in HYIP.

This is the trick, which, as long as the others, for instance, ‘purchasing the fur of African sheep and reselling it in the South America”, serves as the mean for convincing investors that the program he sees is if not the most honest, but one of the most honest programs, and this program is aware of the secret of getting success… And one of the pledges of this success in reinvesting in HYIP.

Nonsense! This is a distortion of reality. You invest in HYIP to receive a profit from HYIP by means of STABLE PROFIT? In general, I won’t go in details. WE all know what HYIP is. Reinvesting can be only in those cases when the subject is the pools, needed to overcome a sizeable minimum of those programs in which these pools are investing in.

6. "200% within three days" Promotion.

Complexity of justifying this trick is that such promotion is possible only in case of creating a pyramid, and if administrator openly states that this is gambling, and that you risk losing your money, then you may try your chance. In all other cases you just lose your money, but unexpectedly. :)

7. Increasing Interests.

Of course, such marketing strategy is a defensible step. Hardly any person will argue that the fight for the client is an important element of market researches. But the issue is the investments, that bring success today, but may bring fail tomorrow as well. It’s silly to think that the matter is over and you’re rolling in money. In any case, all the program offering it, disappeared…

This seems to be the end. The space and our attention are not endless, unfortunately. So we won’t misuse them. We hope to continue the list of the most popular methods of scammers to make you safe. Be careful.

Eric Marriam


The three directors of E-Gold, in addition to its Gold & Silver Reserve parent company, indicted in April 2007 of being a haven for criminal activity like processing investment scams and payments for child pornography on Thursday received their sentences. A federal judge decided on Thursday not to impose a prison sentence on the senior directors of E-Gold. Instead each of them was sentenced to three years of probation and 300 hours of community service with some fees to be paid.

Gold & Silver Reserve CEO Douglas Jackson faced a maximum sentence of 20 years in prison and a $500,000 fine. But he spared a heavier fine because, according to his attorney, he's deeply in debt. Thus he was sentenced to pay only $200 fine with the above mentioned time of supervision. Reid Jackson, Douglas Jackson's brother, and E-Gold director Barry Downey were each sentenced to three years of probation, 300 hours of community and ordered to pay a $2,500 fine and a $100 assessment fee each. A maximum fine E-Gold and Gold & Silver Reserve faced could have been $3.7 million, but because neither company could pay that much, they were fined $300,000 with the condition that $10,000 be paid on Monday, with further monthly payments to start in May 2009.

While supporters of E-Gold suggested that enabling nearly anonymous transfers of money in and out of the banking system was what led the feds to target the company, Jackson in turn initially stated that the Secret Service "deceived" a judge with "bogus testimony." In this regard federal prosecutors expressed their firm belief that the directors knew E-Gold facilitates criminal activity.

Interestingly, when Douglas Jackson acknowledged the company was under investigation in 2004 illegal activity still went on with E-Gold which was ascribed by the defendants to bad legal counsel, which convinced them the site did not have to be licensed as a money transmitting business. The court accepted the argument of Downey that he was unaware of the company's need for a license, even though he is a practicing lawyer.

The defendants argued they made every effort to cooperate with investigators while the prosecutors questioned the use of E-Gold's cooperation providing the evidence of the directors’ trying to circumspect government interference.

At present E-Gold remains open for business while Jackson announced on November 14 that it was still working at how to comply with the registration process for new accounts now that it's subject to regulation as a "financial institution." Meantime, new account creation is temporally unavailable.

by EcommerceJournal


LibertyReserve decided to stop the gossips about their company and has updated its corporate page. The company has put a brief history and the names of the people standing behind the system. Being inspired with the desire to become an open company LR has put the following announcement on their blog:

    “Liberty Reserve administration has extended an open invitation to any major exchange provider or merchant who wishes to visit our offices. For appointments and travel arrangements please submit a ticket to our business department. You will be provided with more details on what to expect from the visit and your trip will be custom tailored to your preferences so that you can fully explore the beautiful world of Costa Rica.”
Also one can see the pictures of the company’s headquarter proving the existence of the office. The information is provided in two languages: English and Spanish.

According to the company they are not going to stop updating their site and the next step will be the update of company’s privacy policy and Terms of Service. “Next, as a result of very successful and productive collaboration between Liberty Reserve and the law firm recently hired, our privacy policy will be updated and our Terms of Service will be reviewed to reflect our continued support of your privacy and confidence in services that Liberty Reserve offers,” says LibertyReserve.

by EcommerceJournal


[emoney] Dear friends, As promised, our corporate page has been updated. Next, as a result of very successful and productive collaboration between Liberty Reserve and the law firm recently hired, our privacy policy will be updated and our Terms of Service will be reviewed to reflect our continued support of your privacy and confidence in services that Liberty Reserve offers.

Here is the direct link that includes all information you ever wanted to know about the company, including pictures and people behind Liberty Reserve:

Stay tuned for more exciting news from Liberty Reserve.

VolcanoInvest is officially closed

Hello Kentaro,

VolcanoInvest is officially closed. The "New Account", "New Deposit", "Withdrawal" sections are suspended.

Re: What's the reasons?

On a past week one our trader has has done fatal mistake during trading session on a FOREX market. As result he has lost big amount. He good man and good trader, but unfortunately life is life. We decided to put more own money to compensate this fault and continue work. Unfortunately this action - temporal effect. Within several days the situation backed to unstable again. We decided temporary close/refund members accounts who already been in profit (fully returned initial investments and got profit). Unfortunately this action generated a wave of negative emotions, negative comments on the public forums and monitors, negative reaction from some monitors. Due to this, we can't continue to keep VI site. Of course, the main reason is a trading failure. Please, understand it.

Re: So what now?

Now we working to prepare refund process.

1. Every account will be reviewed manually.
2. All Bonuses will be deleted.
3. All deposits will be updated with initial amount. All re-invests will be removed.
4. All members accounts with status "In profit" will be closed. We take payments history to/from e-currency account to calculate who is in profit.
5. Only initial amount will be refunded.

Approximately this process can take up to 2 weeks.

Re: How to get refund?

The refund process will start as soon as all members accounts will be reviewed by our staff. Please, be patient. Do not send e-mails to us with question when, when. Read our updates on site.

Best regards, Support


Remember to not join any investment game program which offer extremely high rate of return within very short time frame as you will definitely lose your money. This type of investment game program offer plan will not pay you even if you deposit into a test spend plan and also will not pay you even if you deposit for the first cycle.

The same thing happens to this type of extremely high rate of return within very short time frame investment game program which called worldearner. This program offers 400% after 1 hour, 700% after 1 day, and 1500% after 2 days and as members reported none of them ever received any pay out from any plan.

The members also reported that the admin never replied to their support tickets. And they also feel dissatisfied when the admin had deleted some accounts which belong to the members who have had deposited big amount of initial capital without any reason.

by EcommerceJournal


Please stay away from Top Earn HYIP. The admin tries to steal your private data through fake SCI page ( during investing. We`ve already marked this program with the "DANGER" status. Be careful!

by Goldpoll

When will an endless HYIP appear?

Probably, the most concerning question that investors ask is the quesiton when an eternal HYIP will appear in the market. I want to specify that this question is not rhetorical, it’s practical. And we can give an exact answer to it.

Because each investor investing in programs hopes that he has invested in the very eternal and reliable program which won’t cease to be in a few weeks. So we want to tell you a few basic details to help you create a “perpetuum mobile” and to prevent you from puzzling if you have invested into appropriate program or not.

The matter is that not all HYIP abandon trading and give false information on their sites. Some of them really invest money and receive their profit. But it happened that the number of such programs is so small in comparison to total amount, that we will assume that the program we deal with is a ponzi pyramid, which doesn’t bring a cent to reality and which doesn’t do anything with it. It just pays members using the funds given by those who joined earlier.

So let’s think about the type of pyramid that could exist forever. Of course, infinity is doubtful, because probability is small, but as for the longevity of such scheme, we are sure that it will be working longer than a year or two.

Well, let’s start with a few marketing details, that comprise a basis of development. If guys want to create an eternal pyramid, they cannot escape taking into account that providing a constant growth is important for it. Growth is a plege, which appears due to popularity only. And marketing is really a perfect tool for achieveing this purpose.

Thus, no matter how you treat the program or the rules of a ‘local” game, the primary criterion for program evaluation will be program`s popularity, measured by top places, popularity on forums and a rating. No matter how ridiculous it may sound, this is the main pledge of longevity, even if the program is a pyramid.

The second question, which is close to the previous one, is program`s duty of keeping up to its image, of caring about their design. Front should be kept ordered and clear.

So, those programs that forget to reply your mails, or those that cannot provide a non-stop contact with the customer, won’t function for long. Most probably, they will just close. Just a few of those that are silent are working long enough to let people earn.

Naturally, one shoudn’t forget that high interest rates are important. It is difficult to make up a pyramid, paying 800% and make it work longer than a week. So pay attention to plans, if administrators care about correct minimum increase and periodicity, corresponding to reality.

Universal advice doesn’t exist, but these seemingly insignificant details should be paid attention. And one should evaluate them not only as investor, to calculate a pofitm but also to estimate program`s longevity.

And the last, but not the least detail. It’s the most significant element. What prevents programs from the possibility to grow and develop, acheiving results against all the odds? Lack of flexibility. When it happens that the program is unable to pay all money it should pay, it... crashes. It closes, because nobody can afford working at a loss. It’s senseless and nobody will agree to it.

In fact, what makes possible earning in Forex market? A possibility to sell when rates of pay decrease. But as far as pyramid investments are concerned, there is no possibility to pay more or less – they are automatically treated as “NON-PAYING”, and they are blacklisted. Work stops and the program crashes.

How can the program resolve the situation and move on? Of course! It’s the very element, which exists in real programs – THE ABSENCE OF FIXED PAYOUTS. Whatever skeptics may say, such programs live longer than others and have a chance of eternal existence. So, regardless of your wish, such programs reach success and live longer. Thus, be attentive.

David Lowery

Traderscapital : Bank Guarantee Certificate's PDF File is ready

Hello.... ( the email sent to all members)
Many investors ask from us about the bank guarantee agreement and we can ready this to you see
Bank Guarantee Certificate's PDF File is ready to you see this. this is only an example from kind of our bank guarantees .
We send Bank guarantee certificate for professional 1,2 plan investors. We are registered company and we will do best work for our investors. We need your trust and you need to our making profit ! the bank guarantee is international guarantee and that mean you have bank guarantee from your own country bank .

everyone like see the certificate reply the email to us . We attach the file to you .

Important ! please don't upload this at public area . this is very secret for our active members and our company!

English Supporter
If you have any question please feel free to ask from us
Traders Capital Inc

Managed Futures as the future of the investment of funds

The investment motto says, „Saving is good but investment is more efficient!“ This statement moves the well-tried but low interest paid account book into the background and increases the interest of young investors constantly. But the interest in the capital market and its attractive investment possibilities does not only grow at the colleges or universities.
Traditional investments such as shares, bonds issues or immovable property do not constitute the total portfolio anymore for a long time. In particular, yield-strong investment funds are placed in the focus of the public.

However, the strong attack on the alternatives investments has a disadvantage too. The kinds of the investment possibilities are numerous and the private investors and financial managers are missing information and experience with the individual products.

Ignorance and uncertainty of the investors affect the decision for the investment strategies. The Superfund sets exactly here and informs as an offeror of Managed Futures products about the function and strategy of the investment class, which belongs to the alternative investments.

Lasting and effective success needs security instead of risk. Professional investment managers use Managed Futures since over 30 years to optimize pension funds as well as bond issues and share portfolios. According to the Barclay Group, the accruals of funds in Managed Futures rose to 17,6 per cent between June 2005 and June 2006 in Germany. As investment class they make up the total of the market of 149.5 billion US dollar.

But what hides behind Managed Futures? Managed Futures are the listed future transaction of certain trade goods and also financial products. Here offerers and customers meet each other, who have two-way expectations of the future price development of a special ware or a product. The offerer wants to hedge against sinking prices and makes agreements with his customers in advance to send his product for in advance agreed price in time.

However, the customers fear price rising; therefore they hedge the price in advance, which they are able to pay. There are also investors, who speculate in rising or falling prices and accordingly buy and/or sell Futures. Only these investors make possible to accomplish the forward pricing faster. They increase thus the liquidity of futures and options markets.

Private investors stand before the decision how they invest in the individual markets. Managed Futures funds are a type of „Universe-Weather-Investment“ because people can benefit from the rising and falling price trends in all acted markets. Until now most private investors invested in pension funds, immovable property fund or share funds.

That’s why Managed Futures of products are suitable precisely for these investors because they can increase the interest yield and also reduce the risk for the classical portfolio of pension and share funds.

The advantages of Managed Futures are convinced because they offer an extremely attractive investment-risk-profile. They are suitable optimally for the admixture for almost any depot because Managed Futures reduce the volatility. Moreover, we can say briefly that Managed Futures offer the chance of above-average profits in each market situation for a long time.

The Superfund (in former times Quadriga) was established by Christian Baha in 1995. Since the establishment the Superfund group proved to be one of the world-wide most successful offerer of Managed Futures products. Today the Superfund manages the fund total of more than 1.35 billion Euros. 370 workers care for more than 50,000 institutional and private investors in 16 countries.

The success of the company is based on the self-developed fully automatic computer commercial systems, which follow the world-wide price trends of more than 100 Futures markets. The Superfund group also co-operates world-wide with the financial control authorities to offer the customers products with highest security.

The Managed Futures strategy is one of the most well-known style directions. The Commodity Trading Advisors (CTA) invest into loans, shares, currencies or raw materials at the world-wide forward markets. The fundamental idea is the acceptance that course movements run off in so-called trends which process can be predicted by means of technical analyse tools (but with a certain probability).

In principle, investors differentiate between systematic and discrete strategies. While systematic strategies represent exclusive computer-based trend subsequent models, the investment decisions are finally made by discrete strategies on fundamental information’s basis. The respective purchase and sales decisions are exclusively made by a computer model.

CTA investments prove typically no or even a negative correlation of stock markets and are therefore an indispensable admixture of each Hedge fund portfolio.

Nicole Berger


Arias & Munoz is the Central American law firm of the year. Arias & Munoz awarded by International Financial Law Review (IFLR) in their annual awards ceremony in New York.

This firm has been selected by Liberty Reserve S.A. as the law firm that will represent Liberty Reserve in all affairs. And here is the information regarding this matter from official LR blog:
"AriasΜñoz will fearlessly protect the unique balance of privacy and compliance you have grown to expect from Liberty Reserve S.A. This is the part of our commitment to keep bringing you the best of the best that worldwide financial industry has to offer."

by Goldpoll


LibertyReserve has announced the selection of Arias & Muñoz as the law firm that will represent the company in all affairs. AriasΜñoz were awarded by International Financial Law Review (IFLR) in their annual awards ceremony, in Waldorf Astoria in New York, as the Central American Law Firm of the Year in April of 2008.

“AriasΜñoz will fearlessly protect the unique balance of privacy and compliance you have grown to expect from Liberty Reserve S.A. This is the part of our commitment to keep bringing you the best of the best that worldwide financial industry has to offer,” said LibertyReserve.

by EcommerceJournal

Advantages and disadvantages of daily-paying programs

Currently, the HYIP sphere provides investors with a diversity of opportunities to earn money (as well as to collapse). And the difference is not just about the nature of using the investor`s funds (or, let`s say, ordinary scam), but also in the specific character of a program (terms, %, minimal deposit).

Today we`ll speak of the programs, having daily payouts of the funds as one of the main terms. So called daily-paying programs.

So You decided to participate in a daily-paying HYIP. What can catch You on the way? As a matter of fact, daily-paying programs don`t differ a lot from those paying the profit every month or week. Both the principle and the risk are the same.

The main difference, felt, when using two programs, lays in the rate difference, hence these rates` payout (or reinvesting) terms.
We`ll dwell on this in a more detailed way. Daily-paying programs, You can get to know about, in our list, are the programs, based on percents` paying within 24 hours. I.e. every day You receive a definite percent from the amount invested.

You can have it both transferred to Your account or keep growing. The minimal investment amount in that sort of programs doesn`t differ from the amount in monthly- or weekly-paying programs.

Though, in daily-paying programs more often it`s less, than, say, in a monthly-paying ones, where the minimal can be of about 500$. For example, Stocking Trading System, deposit program accepts investments from 10 to 10 000 USD (by the way, those program has rather profitable referral system).

The first thing, catching one`s eye - is the rate. The rate difference between monthly-, weekly- and daily-paying programs is marked by the following tendency: the more often payouts take place, the less the rate is.

On the one hand, the rate difference varies greatly in different occasions. So, if we take the weekly-paying programs with the payout percent - 10%, and compare them with the daily-paying ones with the payout percent - 2%, the numbers speak well of the last ones.

On the other hand, however, comparing two tariff plans of one program, we`ll see that in the upshot daily payouts turn out to be less profitable than monthly ones, for example.

So, Income Generator pays 0.5 and 25% daily and monthly and is profitable, correspondingly, in the first case (depositing 100$) 15$, in the latter case - 25$. But at the same time, Brokers Union program announces the rate, starting from one whole up to two in view of the 10 000$ initial deposit.

Here, depositors should take into account that they can figure on opportunity to leave the payouts on their accounts. In such a way the income can be increased. In some programs, the special plan is provided, where, from the very beginning You decline to withdraw the profit percents during a definite month.

Concerning the risk. On the one hand, risk is present, as in any business, in any HYIP program, e.g. STS Club (Stock Trading System) gamble on gold market. It can`t be said that daily-paying programs are more dangerous.

It`s just that Your daily payouts can prove to be under the threat of some market changes, possibly ``win back`` during a long-term period. But, at the same time, the losses from such programs turn out to be much less tangible.

The most attractive side of these programs is, of course, constant control for one`s funds and payouts, transferred to Your account. Here You can figure on constant notification of the money flow and, as a result, more efficient work and contact with the customers.

So, Income Line program has active enough forum, moreover the distinguishing feature of this program is its full automatism. The admins of this kind ?§? programs will hardly go underground. It`s vitally necessary for them to communicate with customers constantly.

However, as it was mentioned earlier, the percents in these programs will be less, than those of more long-term opportunities. It`s also worth mentioning that in the sphere of daily-paying programs the SCAM can be met less than in the other ones (though also possible).

Everything is about the funds` volume, simultaneously being deposited by investors to a program`s account. Frequently, it doesn`t reach the amount, having appeal to be withdrawn, however, this amount allows to operate on the market, hence, to payout the percents stably.

By the way, speaking about automatics. Now, more and more fully automated programs are appearing (HyipMonster, Horpax Corp, Income Line, STSClub, Intelligent Invest and so on.), it testifies to a certain tendency in this direction.

Maybe we are on the verge of fully automated HYIPS? Than an actual question of using the funds remains open??¦it can`t be managed without a human.

It`s also should be taken note of the necessary deposit term. In some programs (8?•20, Asia Trading Company, InsideFX) the deposit term is well defined and can reach one year (in the last one). Though, small term (a month or 20 days) - is not an exception as well.

You cannot take Your money from these programs whenever You want, even in spite of daily payouts.

Summarizing, we can advise investors to orient themselves, in accordance with the terms of each separate program. I.e. to choose definite complex, most closely corresponding to investor`s wishes. Fortunately, any variants can be found today.

Though??¦ it`s important to understand that programs are well balanced in many respects and, gaining in one aspect, we loose in something another. I.e., winning on percents, loose on the terms; going public, add some risk.

Today we mentioned some basic characteristics of daily-paying programs, however, we should say that there are exceptions to the rules, discussing which would take up a separate article. It often happens that such kind of exception is just a SCAM, so we advise You to be as much careful as it is possible.

Brett Sherpan


LibertyReserve online payment gateway has announced the introduction of, a professional hosting company to their family of quality merchants. The representatives of company have declared earlier their intention to expand their merchant directory, and the introduction of the new company is just a first step on their way.

Also the company said about the coming changes regarding the exchangers: “Please also note that a minor lift for exchangers and merchant directory will come soon, as we are about to expand our merchant directory.”

Among other plans is to provide more information about the system itself and the people running the payment processor. All the information will be provided on the corporate web page of the company and translated into English to meet requirements of international copyright regulations.

by EcommerceJournal

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