The signs of christmas scam.

The holiday time of Christmas and New Year is about to come. Festive mood, that reigns in our spirits turns into horror in the minds of investors when they are afraid to open their eyes to see what’s going on around. Weak-willed people just leave off the PC to join the family and not worry again. Persistent and brave people remain with us and struggle to reach the purpose if getting experienced in PROFIT field. This “Christmas” article, devoted to Christmas scammers, is addressed to these people.

Let us assume – not all the programs that appear in the period form the 1st of December up to the 15 of January are scam. Some of them appear with the purpose of bringing profit for investors and administrators, just as any other time of the year. But the methods are the matter of fortune :)

It is evident, however, that all the programs containing any ending or part of the words “Christmas”, “new year”, and just famous letters “mas”. Have you ever seen at summer the program entitled as “Christmas”, “Christmas income” etc.? Such programs frequently appear now. It looks unfounded.

The matter also concerns the programs that contain hints on getting Christmas outputs in their descriptions. Do not deal with them, if you wish to keep your money and if you are not a risky person. Sure, if you are a fresher, this may look extremely attractive for you, but if you try such variant once, this would only result in presenting your money to the administrator. The matter is not that you lose a dollar or two; the matter is that you are cheated. It doesn’t look good.

Pay attention to the percentage of payouts. If we can assume that under usual conditions 45%-55% per 2-3 days is acceptable, although extraordinary and risky proposal, the probability of scam is double during Christmas period. If you would like to try, you can do it but the opportunities of receiving the profit should be divided in two.

Why are we sure that the Christmas programs are dangerous? Because the schemes of their functioning are primitive. At one side, the administration of the program wants to earn money. They always want to earn money, and honest administrators do not choose whether they would earn them in the middle of the year or in the end.

But there is a difference for the investors. At the end of the year investor celebrates the festivals and doesn’t fix his mind on investment strategies. Besides, he want to see everything he earned during the year, he wants to chill out and more. The change of the year is a crucial point that demands taking money in one’s pocket, but not in virtual purse.

The situation at the market in this period shows that many administrators put the money into their pockets, but this is not their own money, this is the stolen money. And the problem at issue is not whether you have invested in the right program, but the problem is who will have the upper hand. Who will take the money first – administrator, stealing them or the investor, taking them back?

Of course, dishonest administrator won’t allow the money go. He will do his best to retain investor and will most probably do it with the help of various baits. These baits are attractive, and the payouts seemed to be paid. But don’t you think that it sounds absurd? Do you think that the person you give your money to is less clever than you? Surely, the bottom of the pyramid provides with good chances, but you have to think over… forget the rules. According to the statistics 7 of 10 programs during the period of the New Year runs away without paying out at all.

Gold went up in price, as it should be by the end of the year. Surely, the possibility to speculate this notion appeared as well. The possibility to suggest New Year projects, to suggest the projects that end up just after the New Year etc. Do not believe it. Leave the program at once, in case you are not a risky person. We affirm that HYIP is not a casino, here the regulations exist. These regulations could be studied and violated. These regulations are not fully functional during Christmas holidays.

It doesn’t mean that no one could be trusted and the activity stops. You may find a few programs that will work after the New Year and long after. You just need to be very attentive. Activity calms down, and this provides for difficulties for various pyramids. At any other time they can be worked with, but during this period they do not know what they do :) they appear to earn money and wait like mouse trap until someone is trapped.

So – don’t get trapped :)

Eric Marriam


Anonymous said...

You do need to watch out for christmas scams. However, this christmas season should turn out to be one of the best yet. The consumer is feeling less stress from gas, and will open up. Also, the bailouts have been helping. Most people don't realize how much money there is out there. During economic times like this, there is more money to be had than ever. Because of the bailouts and economy, lenders are bending over backwards to bail you out too. Believe it or not, there is people getting tons of cheap money nowdays to start businesses, buy homes, pay off debt, and more. I'm using it for investment! Bailouts for Everyone

kentaro17 said...

yeah but HYIP is tsill HYIP..theyre also will be SCAM in the end..
just be carefull with your investment

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