Currently, the HYIP sphere provides investors with a diversity of opportunities to earn money (as well as to collapse). And the difference is not just about the nature of using the investor`s funds (or, let`s say, ordinary scam), but also in the specific character of a program (terms, %, minimal deposit).
Today we`ll speak of the programs, having daily payouts of the funds as one of the main terms. So called daily-paying programs.
So You decided to participate in a daily-paying HYIP. What can catch You on the way? As a matter of fact, daily-paying programs don`t differ a lot from those paying the profit every month or week. Both the principle and the risk are the same.
The main difference, felt, when using two programs, lays in the rate difference, hence these rates` payout (or reinvesting) terms.
We`ll dwell on this in a more detailed way. Daily-paying programs, You can get to know about, in our list, are the programs, based on percents` paying within 24 hours. I.e. every day You receive a definite percent from the amount invested.
You can have it both transferred to Your account or keep growing. The minimal investment amount in that sort of programs doesn`t differ from the amount in monthly- or weekly-paying programs.
Though, in daily-paying programs more often it`s less, than, say, in a monthly-paying ones, where the minimal can be of about 500$. For example, Stocking Trading System, deposit program accepts investments from 10 to 10 000 USD (by the way, those program has rather profitable referral system).
The first thing, catching one`s eye - is the rate. The rate difference between monthly-, weekly- and daily-paying programs is marked by the following tendency: the more often payouts take place, the less the rate is.
On the one hand, the rate difference varies greatly in different occasions. So, if we take the weekly-paying programs with the payout percent - 10%, and compare them with the daily-paying ones with the payout percent - 2%, the numbers speak well of the last ones.
On the other hand, however, comparing two tariff plans of one program, we`ll see that in the upshot daily payouts turn out to be less profitable than monthly ones, for example.
So, Income Generator pays 0.5 and 25% daily and monthly and is profitable, correspondingly, in the first case (depositing 100$) 15$, in the latter case - 25$. But at the same time, Brokers Union program announces the rate, starting from one whole up to two in view of the 10 000$ initial deposit.
Here, depositors should take into account that they can figure on opportunity to leave the payouts on their accounts. In such a way the income can be increased. In some programs, the special plan is provided, where, from the very beginning You decline to withdraw the profit percents during a definite month.
Concerning the risk. On the one hand, risk is present, as in any business, in any HYIP program, e.g. STS Club (Stock Trading System) gamble on gold market. It can`t be said that daily-paying programs are more dangerous.
It`s just that Your daily payouts can prove to be under the threat of some market changes, possibly ``win back`` during a long-term period. But, at the same time, the losses from such programs turn out to be much less tangible.
The most attractive side of these programs is, of course, constant control for one`s funds and payouts, transferred to Your account. Here You can figure on constant notification of the money flow and, as a result, more efficient work and contact with the customers.
So, Income Line program has active enough forum, moreover the distinguishing feature of this program is its full automatism. The admins of this kind ?§? programs will hardly go underground. It`s vitally necessary for them to communicate with customers constantly.
However, as it was mentioned earlier, the percents in these programs will be less, than those of more long-term opportunities. It`s also worth mentioning that in the sphere of daily-paying programs the SCAM can be met less than in the other ones (though also possible).
Everything is about the funds` volume, simultaneously being deposited by investors to a program`s account. Frequently, it doesn`t reach the amount, having appeal to be withdrawn, however, this amount allows to operate on the market, hence, to payout the percents stably.
By the way, speaking about automatics. Now, more and more fully automated programs are appearing (HyipMonster, Horpax Corp, Income Line, STSClub, Intelligent Invest and so on.), it testifies to a certain tendency in this direction.
Maybe we are on the verge of fully automated HYIPS? Than an actual question of using the funds remains open??¦it can`t be managed without a human.
It`s also should be taken note of the necessary deposit term. In some programs (8?•20, Asia Trading Company, InsideFX) the deposit term is well defined and can reach one year (in the last one). Though, small term (a month or 20 days) - is not an exception as well.
You cannot take Your money from these programs whenever You want, even in spite of daily payouts.
Summarizing, we can advise investors to orient themselves, in accordance with the terms of each separate program. I.e. to choose definite complex, most closely corresponding to investor`s wishes. Fortunately, any variants can be found today.
Though??¦ it`s important to understand that programs are well balanced in many respects and, gaining in one aspect, we loose in something another. I.e., winning on percents, loose on the terms; going public, add some risk.
Today we mentioned some basic characteristics of daily-paying programs, however, we should say that there are exceptions to the rules, discussing which would take up a separate article. It often happens that such kind of exception is just a SCAM, so we advise You to be as much careful as it is possible.
Brett Sherpan
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Golden rules of HYIPer
There are some golden rules, every participant of high yield investment need follow. Disregard of them may give you the possibility to lose all you money instead of big profits. Golden rules are the result of investing to HYIP during a long period of time. They are confirmed by method of attempts and mistakes. Follow golden rules you will receive the possibility to minimize risks increase profit and avoid SCAM.
Rule1: Prepare to Lose
Be prepared to lose and only invest money you can afford to lose. Always invest in HYIP to earn extra income for other purposes such as setting up a business.
Rule2: Zero Emotion
Don’t let your emotion do your investing. Don’t be Greedy!! Don’t be afraid!! PLAN PLAN PLAN!! Stick to your PLAN!!
Rule3: Diversify
Diversify your money into 10 to 20 programs. What to diversify into? It will depends on what type of investor you are. Usually only 70% or more of your investments will fail before you even get back your 100% of your money. However, your remaining investments will pull through long enough to coverup for the loss.
Rule4: Get Capital ASAP
Always take out your capital as soon as possible before you do any compounding or reinvesting. If you are Mr Hell, then you might ignore this rule.
Rule5: Grow Wisely
After you have got back your capital, begin to compound. 100%,75%,50% or 25%….its your choice. Higher compounding rate if your program is doing well. 0% compounding if your program is dying.
Rule6: Research
You must always do you own research before you enter into any program. Read the forums, read the monitoring sites.
Ask yourself these questions:
- who are the administrators?
- are they responsive?
- where are they from?
- which monitoring site are monitoring them?
- what are the comments given by the public?
- how did they get their income?
- how long have they being operating?
- what documents do they have?
Rule7: Sceptical
Always be sceptical loser before you enter any program. When you are a sceptical person, you will do 10 times more research than an idiot who joins a program blindly.
Rule8: Watch for Warning Signs
When you are involved in a program, watch out for the warning signs!
If your program is failing, don’t bother crying over it. Look elsewhere for a better investment.
Rule1: Prepare to Lose
Be prepared to lose and only invest money you can afford to lose. Always invest in HYIP to earn extra income for other purposes such as setting up a business.
Rule2: Zero Emotion
Don’t let your emotion do your investing. Don’t be Greedy!! Don’t be afraid!! PLAN PLAN PLAN!! Stick to your PLAN!!
Rule3: Diversify
Diversify your money into 10 to 20 programs. What to diversify into? It will depends on what type of investor you are. Usually only 70% or more of your investments will fail before you even get back your 100% of your money. However, your remaining investments will pull through long enough to coverup for the loss.
Rule4: Get Capital ASAP
Always take out your capital as soon as possible before you do any compounding or reinvesting. If you are Mr Hell, then you might ignore this rule.
Rule5: Grow Wisely
After you have got back your capital, begin to compound. 100%,75%,50% or 25%….its your choice. Higher compounding rate if your program is doing well. 0% compounding if your program is dying.
Rule6: Research
You must always do you own research before you enter into any program. Read the forums, read the monitoring sites.
Ask yourself these questions:
- who are the administrators?
- are they responsive?
- where are they from?
- which monitoring site are monitoring them?
- what are the comments given by the public?
- how did they get their income?
- how long have they being operating?
- what documents do they have?
Rule7: Sceptical
Always be sceptical loser before you enter any program. When you are a sceptical person, you will do 10 times more research than an idiot who joins a program blindly.
Rule8: Watch for Warning Signs
When you are involved in a program, watch out for the warning signs!
If your program is failing, don’t bother crying over it. Look elsewhere for a better investment.
HYIP scam/problem (dont invest here)
Advantages and disadvantages of daily-paying programs
Labels: HYIP Info
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