Probably, the most concerning question that investors ask is the quesiton when an eternal HYIP will appear in the market. I want to specify that this question is not rhetorical, it’s practical. And we can give an exact answer to it.
Because each investor investing in programs hopes that he has invested in the very eternal and reliable program which won’t cease to be in a few weeks. So we want to tell you a few basic details to help you create a “perpetuum mobile” and to prevent you from puzzling if you have invested into appropriate program or not.
The matter is that not all HYIP abandon trading and give false information on their sites. Some of them really invest money and receive their profit. But it happened that the number of such programs is so small in comparison to total amount, that we will assume that the program we deal with is a ponzi pyramid, which doesn’t bring a cent to reality and which doesn’t do anything with it. It just pays members using the funds given by those who joined earlier.
So let’s think about the type of pyramid that could exist forever. Of course, infinity is doubtful, because probability is small, but as for the longevity of such scheme, we are sure that it will be working longer than a year or two.
Well, let’s start with a few marketing details, that comprise a basis of development. If guys want to create an eternal pyramid, they cannot escape taking into account that providing a constant growth is important for it. Growth is a plege, which appears due to popularity only. And marketing is really a perfect tool for achieveing this purpose.
Thus, no matter how you treat the program or the rules of a ‘local” game, the primary criterion for program evaluation will be program`s popularity, measured by top places, popularity on forums and a rating. No matter how ridiculous it may sound, this is the main pledge of longevity, even if the program is a pyramid.
The second question, which is close to the previous one, is program`s duty of keeping up to its image, of caring about their design. Front should be kept ordered and clear.
So, those programs that forget to reply your mails, or those that cannot provide a non-stop contact with the customer, won’t function for long. Most probably, they will just close. Just a few of those that are silent are working long enough to let people earn.
Naturally, one shoudn’t forget that high interest rates are important. It is difficult to make up a pyramid, paying 800% and make it work longer than a week. So pay attention to plans, if administrators care about correct minimum increase and periodicity, corresponding to reality.
Universal advice doesn’t exist, but these seemingly insignificant details should be paid attention. And one should evaluate them not only as investor, to calculate a pofitm but also to estimate program`s longevity.
And the last, but not the least detail. It’s the most significant element. What prevents programs from the possibility to grow and develop, acheiving results against all the odds? Lack of flexibility. When it happens that the program is unable to pay all money it should pay, it... crashes. It closes, because nobody can afford working at a loss. It’s senseless and nobody will agree to it.
In fact, what makes possible earning in Forex market? A possibility to sell when rates of pay decrease. But as far as pyramid investments are concerned, there is no possibility to pay more or less – they are automatically treated as “NON-PAYING”, and they are blacklisted. Work stops and the program crashes.
How can the program resolve the situation and move on? Of course! It’s the very element, which exists in real programs – THE ABSENCE OF FIXED PAYOUTS. Whatever skeptics may say, such programs live longer than others and have a chance of eternal existence. So, regardless of your wish, such programs reach success and live longer. Thus, be attentive.
David Lowery
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Golden rules of HYIPer
There are some golden rules, every participant of high yield investment need follow. Disregard of them may give you the possibility to lose all you money instead of big profits. Golden rules are the result of investing to HYIP during a long period of time. They are confirmed by method of attempts and mistakes. Follow golden rules you will receive the possibility to minimize risks increase profit and avoid SCAM.
Rule1: Prepare to Lose
Be prepared to lose and only invest money you can afford to lose. Always invest in HYIP to earn extra income for other purposes such as setting up a business.
Rule2: Zero Emotion
Don’t let your emotion do your investing. Don’t be Greedy!! Don’t be afraid!! PLAN PLAN PLAN!! Stick to your PLAN!!
Rule3: Diversify
Diversify your money into 10 to 20 programs. What to diversify into? It will depends on what type of investor you are. Usually only 70% or more of your investments will fail before you even get back your 100% of your money. However, your remaining investments will pull through long enough to coverup for the loss.
Rule4: Get Capital ASAP
Always take out your capital as soon as possible before you do any compounding or reinvesting. If you are Mr Hell, then you might ignore this rule.
Rule5: Grow Wisely
After you have got back your capital, begin to compound. 100%,75%,50% or 25%….its your choice. Higher compounding rate if your program is doing well. 0% compounding if your program is dying.
Rule6: Research
You must always do you own research before you enter into any program. Read the forums, read the monitoring sites.
Ask yourself these questions:
- who are the administrators?
- are they responsive?
- where are they from?
- which monitoring site are monitoring them?
- what are the comments given by the public?
- how did they get their income?
- how long have they being operating?
- what documents do they have?
Rule7: Sceptical
Always be sceptical loser before you enter any program. When you are a sceptical person, you will do 10 times more research than an idiot who joins a program blindly.
Rule8: Watch for Warning Signs
When you are involved in a program, watch out for the warning signs!
If your program is failing, don’t bother crying over it. Look elsewhere for a better investment.
Rule1: Prepare to Lose
Be prepared to lose and only invest money you can afford to lose. Always invest in HYIP to earn extra income for other purposes such as setting up a business.
Rule2: Zero Emotion
Don’t let your emotion do your investing. Don’t be Greedy!! Don’t be afraid!! PLAN PLAN PLAN!! Stick to your PLAN!!
Rule3: Diversify
Diversify your money into 10 to 20 programs. What to diversify into? It will depends on what type of investor you are. Usually only 70% or more of your investments will fail before you even get back your 100% of your money. However, your remaining investments will pull through long enough to coverup for the loss.
Rule4: Get Capital ASAP
Always take out your capital as soon as possible before you do any compounding or reinvesting. If you are Mr Hell, then you might ignore this rule.
Rule5: Grow Wisely
After you have got back your capital, begin to compound. 100%,75%,50% or 25%….its your choice. Higher compounding rate if your program is doing well. 0% compounding if your program is dying.
Rule6: Research
You must always do you own research before you enter into any program. Read the forums, read the monitoring sites.
Ask yourself these questions:
- who are the administrators?
- are they responsive?
- where are they from?
- which monitoring site are monitoring them?
- what are the comments given by the public?
- how did they get their income?
- how long have they being operating?
- what documents do they have?
Rule7: Sceptical
Always be sceptical loser before you enter any program. When you are a sceptical person, you will do 10 times more research than an idiot who joins a program blindly.
Rule8: Watch for Warning Signs
When you are involved in a program, watch out for the warning signs!
If your program is failing, don’t bother crying over it. Look elsewhere for a better investment.
HYIP scam/problem (dont invest here)
When will an endless HYIP appear?
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